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Стоматология и косметология от профессора Ахмерова - Trombocytic auto plasma. Autohemotherapy option

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Выпуск No 27 от 2012-12-28


Terminology in Plasmolifting technology and associated variations of PRP therapy.

I am often asked about the medical term characterizing injection form of prp - therapy. Most often we use the phrase “auto stimulation of tissues“. The given term was recommended by the department of Roszdravnadzor (Federal Service for the Supervision of Public Health and Social Development) in charge of new technologies introduction. It just so happened, when we received our first permit for the application of our technology. Nevertheless, in works devoted to the subject one can find other terms in one way or other related to application of trombocytic autoplasma (http://www.doctor-akhmerov.ru/articles/razgovor-o-termine-gel/). Regrettably, no one of them reflects the gist of the medicinal technique of trombocytes-rich auto plasma. Their disadvantages are as follows:

The term “plasmo therapy” is mainly used to describe donor plasma intravenous injection and characterizes general trend of medicine in application of blood components.

The term PRP- therapy (PRiT, plasma rich in trombocytes) deals with gel form of auto plasma being concentrated by the second phase of centrifuging (double – spin). The technology used to be applied at surgical interventions in dentistry. Later on the method lost popularity due to its very low effectiveness. Though it was a pioneer technology introduced on the ground of evidence based medicine. At applying injection methods there is no sense to concentrate trombocytes at a laboratory stage http://www.doctor-akhmerov.ru/articles/postulati-plasmolifting/, that is why the term PRP is rather confusing the doctor than clarifying the situation.

Autohemotherapy is the nearest equivalent term, its alternative being autoserotherapy. However, the term does not outline the availability of trombocytes (and consequently, growth-stimulating factors) in plasma and is most often associated with the intrusion of whole blood. Here it should be noted that terminological essential equality of notions is very important from a legal standpoint served to explain safety and legitimacy of the technology http://www.doctor-akhmerov.ru/articles/plasmolifting-legitimnost/.

In spite of the fact that traditionally in human’s morphology and physiology the notion “plasma” implies liquid part of blood without its formed elements it is possible to introduce the term “trombocytic autoplasma”. Akhmerov R.R., Zarudiy R.F.  2012г.

Commercial Terms in periodical publications and medical documentation are recommended to be used less often. http://www.doctor-akhmerov.ru/articles/kommercheskie-tovarnie-znaki/

The given term outlines authenticity of plasma and its semantic ties with the term “autohemotherapy”, describes availability of trombocytes playing the leading part in the technology today. Bearing in mind that Plasmolifting technology has already gained popularity in several spheres of medicine http://doctor-akhmerov.ru/articles/perspektivi-plasmoliftinga-v-medecine/ the time is ripe for giving clear definition of the method and selecting correct term!

So, my dear colleagues! I invite opinions concerning the proposed term “TROMBOCYTIC AUTOPLASMA”.!

Yours respectfully Akhmerov R.R.                           

Moscow 23.12.2012



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