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Новости МВА

25 декабря 2001 г. Выпуск № 4


Новости Классической Бизнес-школы (www.cbs-mba.ru)

Мы поздравляем всех своих подписчиков с наступающим Новым Годом и Рождеством!

Пусть этот праздник станет для Вас началом нового удачного года: года, полного надежд и свершений, года, открывающего новые горизонты, года, приносящего успех!

В этом выпуске -

  1. Как всегда для Вас новые вакансии наших партнеров. Вакансии представляет компания EMDS Consulting (www.emds.ru)
  2. Новости Классической Бизнес-школы:

Очно-заочная форма сочетает в себе элементы традиционного заочного обучения (экзаменационно-установочные сессии проходят 2 раза в год по 2 недели) и дистанционного обучения через Интернет (в межсессионный период проводится дистанционное обучение по предметам очередного семестра, слушатели участвует в on-line конференциях и форумах, преподаватели консультируют студентов по электронной почте и т.д.). Таким образом, два раза в год в начале каждого семестра студентам необходимо присутствовать на занятиях в период сессий. В остальное время можно выполнять все задания и итоговые работы при помощи Интернета и электронной почты.

Стоимость обучения - 2600$ (650$ в семестр).

Новости проекта "Интерактивная Бизнес-школа" (www.inter-mba.ru)


Проект Классической Бизнес- школы "Интерактивная Бизнес Школа" является одним из первых проектов в области интерактивного (дистанционного) бизнес образования в России через Интернет. В настоящее время обучение по дистанционным курсам проходят свыше 700 слушателей.

Этот проект предназначен для людей, желающих для ведения своего бизнеса или развития карьеры совершенствовать свою профессиональную подготовку и получить дополнительную квалификацию по отдельным курсам.

К четырем дистанционным курсам ("Управление персоналом",, "GAAP", "Бренд-менеджмент" , "Принятие управленческих решений"), с октября 2001 г. добавлены еще четыре.

Теперь для дистанционного изучения доступны следующие курсы:

  • Основы финансов
  • Корпоративные финансы
  • Предпринимательское право
  • Менеджмент


Элитные вакансии для выпускников МВА


"Mazars", an international audit and consulting group, is known as an International Expert in the field of audit, organization of accounting procedures, consulting and management support. In the field of Audit "Mazars" provide services to over 150 listed corporations in Europe as well as many other international and local companies. In the field of Organization of accounting procedures "Mazars" offers the diversity of expert services tailored to the needs of each company including: organization of outsourced accounting, creation of financial reporting systems, accounting revision and bookkeeping, etc. In its multi-specialist Consulting assignments "Mazars" offer a wide range of high-added-value services in the areas: legal, tax, investment, mergers and acquisitions, business plans, etc. "Mazars" Management support cover strategy, organization and human resources. Today, "Mazars" is present in more than 40 countries constantly developing its international network.

Today the Moscow office of "Mazars" involved in Auditing and Consulting is recruiting one

Early-Career Professional

fluent in English and German, who is interested in starting and developing career with this leading multinational company

Starting your career as Auditor Assistant, you will obtain the long-term, on-the-job training. These will include active participation in the company Audit and other projects.

You are:

  • A recent graduate with an educational background in Finance (preferably in Accountancy and Audit)
  • Fluent in Russian, English and German
  • Energetic, punctual and responsible, with excellent communication and organization skills and potential for further professional development
  • Professional experience is desirable but not required


Senior Bookkeeper

who will be responsible for running bookkeeping for the company clients

We are seeking:

A professional with strong educational background in accounting, extensive knowledge of bookkeeping issues and proven working experience as a bookkeeper in a consulting company.


The successful candidate must possess vast experience in handling bookkeeping for companies of different economic activities and advising clients on various related issues.

Candidate profile:

Education: University degree in Finance (preferably in Accounting and Auditing)

Experience: 4+ years of working experience as bookkeeper

Professional experience with a consulting company in the outsourcing department, running bookkeeping for the company clients.

Experience in communicating and advising clients.

Foreign Languages: Native Russian

Fluent English

For this highly responsible position, we offer a competitive compensation package and excellent opportunities for further professional development.



 Responsibilities: Reporting directly to a managing director, you will be responsible for accomplishing Auditing projects for the existing company clients.

Candidate profile:

Education: University degree in Finance (preferably in Auditing and Accounting); General Audit Certificate

Professional experience: 4+ years of proven professional experience in auditing companies of various business sectors (production, trading, commercial, etc.). Experience in tax consulting is an advantage. Knowledge of IAS audits is an advantage

Foreign languages: Native Russian

Fluent English

A successful candidate should possess managerial experience, have strong organizational and communication skills, be resilient and optimistic, able to work under hard pressure, ready to tackle demanding tasks and take responsibility for own actions and decisions, eager to learning and developing new skills.

For this challenging and highly responsible position, we offer a competitive compensation package and excellent opportunities for further professional development.


Applications are encouraged from interested Russian professionals. Please send your resume to our partner in the recruitment process:


EMDS Consulting ZAO Tel: ++7 095 937 6554

Natalia Krivosheina www.emdsnet.com

e-mail: sauditor@emds.ru www.emds.ru

E-mail: ask@subscribe.ru
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