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About Russian Children Festival on 09/30/2012 and the Invitation to Subscribe

About Russian Children Festival on 09/30/2012 and the Invitation to Subscribe
2012-09-26 17:16 russiandenver
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Russian Connections / Horizon Media Group

For the second time in Colorado, the most talented youth of the Russian Community will showcase their talents in a variety of different genres, including but not limited to Russian singing, dancing, ballet, gymnastics, theater, playing various musical instruments, painting, martial arts, soccer and other sports. This will be a unique event, which will allow to enjoy a variety of Russian Sports and Traditions delivered to the stage by most talented children. This is a rare opportunity to learn about various Russian cultural and education centers and schools across Colorado, and have the opportunity to meet extremely talented instructors who will be showcasing their students at the CRCF 2012, at Colorado Heights University. This event provides support to the best education centers, schools, private teachers and student and tribute their accomplishments at a greater audience. This event will also include a celebration of traditional Russian food and unique vendors with Russian crafts, toys, dolls and souvenirs. This is a free event to the public…. No performing fees, no admission fees, no parking fees. All expenses are covered by sponsors from Russian community.


Colorado Heights University Theater

3001 South Federal Boulevard,
Denver, Colorado 80236,

SEPTEMBER 30, 2012
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Eventbrite - Second Colorado Russian Children's Festival

FREE CONCERT ADMISSION and FREE PARKING PASS There is no charge for Admission to the Main Festival Gala-Concert. However we recommend to print and bring with you this ticket to enter FREE parking and get a FREE issue of Colorado Russian Times Magazine with the Event and Concert Program published. It also covers number of kid’s activities including FREE builder square, FREE coloring castles, dragons and horses. [Not included: Rides and Jumps at Amusement Garden, Face Painting, Kid's Tattoo, Russian BBQ, Sofa's Hot Dogs, Italian Ice Cream, International Toys, Children's Costumes, Russian Jewelries, Souvenirs, Books and Movies, Photo with Pirates, and other amazing goods and services that will be available for sale during this event at discounted prices].
Детский фестиваль, который состоится в воскресенье, 30 сентября в помещении театра Colorado Heights University, что на углу Federal иDartmouth, обещает стать еще более грандиозным, чем в прошлом году. Праздник будет состоять из гала-концерта, в программе которого примут участие дети, представляющие без исключения все основные русские учебные центры, студии и школы. Вы познакомитесь с творчеством учеников ведущих преподавателей, хорошо известных в нашей общине. На концерт также приезжают коллективы из других городов, расположенных на Севере и Юге от Денвера. В программе две мини-театральные постановки, хореографические миниатюры, балетные номера, соло и дуэт гитаристов, вокально-инструментальные, хоровые, фортепьянные, скрипичные и многие другие захватывающие композиции. Зрители также оценят мастерство наших спортивных и художественных гимнасток, бойцов трех школ спортивных боевых искусств, увидят на сцене юных футболистов и фехтовальщиков. Представление откроет модельное шоу детских нарядов, а финалом станет… ах, нет, финал – это сюрприз.
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