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Интервью в вечерних новостях на телеканале Russia Today

Интервью в новостях на телеканале Russia Today по поставкам оружия в Иран

кандидат политических наук, научный сотрудник Института мировой экономики и международных отношений Российской академии наук Игорь Игоревич Хохлов

Интервью в новостях на телеканале Russia Today

Доброе утро, мои уважаемые подписчики. Вчера в новостях телеканала Russia Today я дал интервью, в котором изложил свою точку зрения по широкому кругу вопросов от российско-американских отношений и нового курса администрации Обамы на сближение с Москвой до поставок вооружения в Иран и внутренней ситуации в Грузии.

Obama administration is selling Georgia out to Russia - Igor Khokhlov

Igor Khokhlov from the Moscow-based Institute of World Economy and International Relations considers the possibility of Georgia doing arms deals with Tehran as “quite likely to be well grounded,” if regarded in the context of the election campaign in Georgia and Russian-American relations.

“The Obama administration sees no point in hiding anymore that they are swapping Georgia for Russia,” acknowledged Khokhlov, saying that the prominent Georgian opposition members are planning to use this to topple Mikhail Saakashvili’s regime, which anyway is “an internal issue of Georgia.”

Thus the Georgian president lacks the support of both the US and Europe.

“Apparently the Obama administration is selling Georgia out to Russia for the sake of hitting the reset button,” believes Khokhlov.

“If the allegations [of arms deals with Iran] turn out to be true – they will destroy the rest of Georgia’s reputation,” he asserts.

Igor Khokhlov compared the emerging scandal with Iran-Contras and expressed the opinion that the details of the story will reach the airwaves quite soon.

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