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Изучение английского языка Eidos English-11
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Eidos English 10 |
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СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ВЫПУСКА 1.В помощь учителю: Шекспир «Сон в летнюю ночь» | |
Предлагаем вам адаптированную версию пьесы Шекспира «Сон в летнюю ночь». Произведение можно использовать для домашнего чтения, можно читать и комментировать в классе, инсценировать и т.д. Также неплохо использовать его для аудирования. Если некоторые слова в тексте опустить и предложить ученикам самим найти пропущенные слова, слушая кассету и следя за текстом, то его слушают с большим вниманием. Characters: A Royal Couple. Theseus, ruler of Athens. Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons. Four Young Friends: Hermia, unhappy daughter of Egeus. Lysander, the man Hermia loves. Demetrius, the man Egeus wishes Hermia to marry. Helena, Hermia’s friend, who loves Demetrius. The magical Beings: Oberon, king of the elves. Titania, queen of the fairies. Puck, Oberon’s elf jester. Other Characters: Egeus, a nobleman of Athens. Nick Bottom, a weaver and amateur actor. Theseus seeing them coming explained to Hippolyta: “The older man is Egeus, one of our Athenian noblemen. And the unhappy looking woman with him is his daughter Hermia. It’s not like her to look so sad. “And who are the two young men with them who glance at each other with such anger?” asked Hippolyta. But before he could answer the noble man Egeus saw them and called out, “Happy be Theseus, our great ruler of Athens!” Theseus replied, “Egeus, what brings you here to the royal forest?” “Troubled I feel, my lord. I’ve come with a complaint against my daughter Hermia”. And he waved forward to one of the two young men. “I’m here, my lord”. “You know young Demetrius here. He has my consent to marry Hermia. But this other fellow Lysander…” and Egeus turned his scarlet face in Lysander’s direction. “He has given her rhymes and songs beneath the window in moonlight and all sorts of nonsense. Why sir, he has stolen the heart of my innocent child turning her, an obedient daughter I knew, into a stubborn rebel. If she will not marry Demetrius, the man that I, her father, have chosen I beg you to punish her according to the ancient law of Athens. Either it’s Demetrius or shut her up in a nunnery for the rest of her days”. Theseus waved the unhappy daughter forward, “Hermia, the law and all our customs are on the side of your father. It’s not like you to disobey him. “Sir, I would never be so bald if I were not desperate.” Then Lysander whom Hermia loved despite her father’s wishes rode forward and spoke to Theseus, “My lord, I love Hermia more than Demetrius does and more truly. While Demetrius pledged his love to Hermia’s dearest friend Helena and Helena adores him. Is this proof of his devotion to Hermia? He doesn’t deserve her.” So near to their own wedding day Theseus and Hippolyta pitied them but Theseus had to follow the law. (To be continued). 2.Как проявить себя в олимпиаде по английскому языку? Полным ходом идёт подготовка к седьмой всероссийской эвристической олимпиаде по английскому языку, которая состоится 26 января 2006 года Как лучше к ней подготовиться? В олимпиаде по английскому языку 2005 года для 10-11 классов было такое задание: Выполните сравнительный лингвострановедческий анализ двух пословиц – английской «Life is not all beers and skittles” и русской «Жизнь прожить – не поле перейти». Каковы сходства и отличия этих пословиц по смыслу, менталитету и культуре народов, лингвострановедческим реалиям? Подберите другие аналогичные английские и русские пословицы, объясните их сходства и отличия. Задание выполняется на английском и русском языках. Вот пример интересного выполнения этого задания (лауреат). The host of the show: Good afternoon, ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you for watching our program. Today we organized a multicultural discussion. Please greet our guests-professors from Oxford and Moscow state universities! Today they will speak on the subject of our countries’ differences not only in mentality, culture and traditions but in some aspects of the language as well. As you know there are some similar proverbs in both Russian and English languages. Here are some examples for you to think about: When in Rome do as the Romans do. – В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят. Great boast – small roast – Много слов да мало дел. Rome wasn’t built in a day. – Москва не сразу строилась. Greek meets Greek. Нашла коса на камень. As you may have noticed many English proverbs are connected with other countries like Rome and Greece. It may be explained by the history of GB – it was conquered by the Romans and later became a great trading empire so the communicated with a lot of other countries as well. Sometimes proverbs coincide. Here are some examples: There is no rose without a thorn. – Нет розы без шипов. The devil is not as black as he is painted. – Не так страшен чёрт как его малюют. He laughs best who laughs last. – Хорошо смеётся тот, кто смеётся последним. To make a close-up on one particular example we asked our guests to think of one proverb connected with life experience that would be similar in meaning with the proverb from another language. Mr. Brown, you are welcome! Mr. Brown: Good morning, everyone! Well, it was rather an easy task because most languages have their own proverbs that are similar to some proverbs in another language. Anyhow, proverbs reflect special sides of the nation’s mentality, culture and sometimes even their way of life. English isn’t an exception, as you can guess. As an example I took the proverb “Life is not all beers and skittles”. As you know the level of life in GB is pretty high. We still have some problems but the majority of the population is living rather well. Moreover, it has been like this for a very long time or at least long enough for this proverb to appear. People can afford “beers and skittles” but it doesn’t mean that their lives are that easy. They still have to work hard to earn to earn money for living and it isn’t easy sometimes. This proverb may have a slightly different meaning too. It may reflect some life troubles that every normal man has during his life. But still, you can say this life isn’t hard.” The host of the show: Thank you, Professor Brown! And now let’s welcome Professor Petrov! (to be continued)
It used to be that the only comprehensive guides to writing were costly and heavy to tote around. Now, any information you seek on the process of writing, from how to organize ideas to proper paragraphing and beyond to questions of grammar and syntax, is available for free and in great detail online. Here are a few resources to get you started. http://web.uvic.ca/wguide/ Far and away the best available set, on the web, of hyperlinked references on all aspects of writing. This site contains over 300 virtual handouts on all aspects of writing, including essay writing and different types of essays, paragraph and sentence structure, word usage, documentation conventions, literary terms, writing summaries, logic, punctuation, and grammar. The site has a useful table of contents and index, both hyperlinked, and the index topics can be searched alphabetically. http://www.rpi.edu/dept/llc/writecenter/web/handouts.html This is a style and punctuation guide. It is well written, extensive, with plenty of examples. The guide has two parts; the first is a "Prose Style Section" that explains twelve principles of good prose style. The second part of the guide covers "Basic Punctuation and Mechanics" and discusses fifty of the most common problems with punctuation and mechanics. Most of these rules are illustrated with examples. http://www.bgsu.edu/offices/acen/writerslab/ A collection of about 30 self-help documents focusing primarily on grammatical problems common in ESL writing, e.g.: "Sequence of Verb Tenses," "Forming Plural Nouns," "Comparative Adjectives" and "Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement." http://www.eduref.org/cgi-bin/lessons.cgi/Language_Arts/Writing This site is not, strictly speaking, a comprehensive guide to writing or the teaching of writing. However, it has links to lesson plans for primary and secondary school teachers of writing, each one marked for suitable grade level. | |
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