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Центр дистанционного образования "Эйдос"

Центр дистанционного образования "Эйдос"

Eidos English 10
04 декабря 2005 года


= Знаете ли вы, что:

  • 6-15 декабря – Дистанционные курсы: "Ключевые компетенции в школьном обучении", "Как разработать творческие задания для уроков", "Компьютерный дизайн (Photoshop)". Регистрация участников до 5 декабря включительно. - http://www.eidos.ru/courses/news/2005-12.6-15.htm
  • 6 декабря – II-я Всероссийская дистанционная эвристическая олимпиада по мировой художественной культуре. - http://www.eidos.ru/olymp/mhk/2005/index.htm
  • 6-20 декабря – Эйдос-классы: выполнение и защита работ. Участвуют школьники (по всем предметам) и студенты (педагогика, психология, философия, менеджмент, дидактика, частные методики). - http://www.eidos.ru/project/eidos-class/2005-12.htm
  • 15 декабря – VII-я Всероссийская дистанционная эвристическая олимпиада по математике. Льготная регистрация - до 8 декабря включительно! - http://www.eidos.ru/olymp/mathem/2005/index.htm
  • 14-29 декабря – "Моя Новогодняя открытка" - дистанционный праздничный проект. Как изготовить и подарить оригинальную Новогоднюю открытку? Участвуют школьники и взрослые. Льготная регистрация до 8 декабря включительно. - http://www.eidos.ru/project/all/new-year/2005/index.htm
  • 22 декабря – I-я Всероссийская дистанционная эвристическая олимпиада по журналистике. Участвуют школьники 1-11 классов, а также взрослые! Льготная регистрация - до 15 ноября включительно - http://www.eidos.ru/olymp/journalism/2005/index.htm


    1.В помощь учителю: Шекспир «Сон в летнюю ночь»

    2.Как проявить себя в олимпиаде по английскому языку?

    3.Полезные Интернет ресурсы для изучающих английский язык  

    1.В помощь учителю: Шекспир «Сон в летнюю ночь»

         Предлагаем вам адаптированную версию пьесы Шекспира «Сон в летнюю ночь». Произведение можно использовать для домашнего чтения, можно читать и комментировать в классе, инсценировать и т.д. Также неплохо использовать его для аудирования. Если некоторые слова в тексте опустить и предложить ученикам самим найти пропущенные слова, слушая кассету и следя за текстом, то его слушают с большим вниманием.
    A Royal Couple.
    Theseus, ruler of Athens.
    Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons.
    Four Young Friends:
    Hermia, unhappy daughter of Egeus.
    Lysander, the man Hermia loves.
    Demetrius, the man Egeus wishes Hermia to marry.
    Helena, Hermia’s friend, who loves Demetrius.
    The magical Beings:
    Oberon, king of the elves.
    Titania, queen of the fairies.
    Puck, Oberon’s elf jester.
    Other Characters:
    Egeus, a nobleman of Athens.
    Nick Bottom, a weaver and amateur actor.

    Here is a tale of magic, of mixed up identities, of winning, losing and winning again. And it all happens in the fairy and elf filled forest near the great ancient city of Athens during the moon bathed nights of summer. For this is a midsummer night’s dream. Long ago there lived a brave hero named Theseus. He had many amazing adventures and then settled down to rule the great city of Athens. But no sooner had he done so, than the city was attacked by a tribe of warlike women – the Amazons, led by their queen Hippolyta. Theseus and Hippolyta met in battle and then again over the bargain and table. In both cases Theseus won. First – the war and then Hippolyta’s heart. Of course, she won his, too. Now Theseus and Hippolyta were only days away from being married in a grand royal wedding. Impatient for that day to come the royal lovers passed the time riding in the royal forest near the city. It was there that a party of riders came looking for them on a warm summer day. (To be continued).

    2.Как проявить себя в олимпиаде по английскому языку?

         26 января 2006 года состоится седьмая всероссийская эвристическая олимпиада по английскому языку. Как лучше к ней подготовиться? В олимпиаде по английскому языку 2005 года для 6-7 классов было такое задание: imagine you are a monument to Admiral Nelson at Trafalgar Square in London. Describe your feelings, emotions, tell what you are thinking about, looking at London from your column, describe the things you see. Вот пример интересного выполнения этого задания, за которое поставлена оценка 8, то есть это лауреат. Автор – ученик 7-го класса Дима К. Подозреваю, что пользовался компьютерным переводчиком (или какой-то другой помощью), так как ошибки на это указывают, но идеи очень интересные. Ошибки все сохраняю.

          Many years have passed since my last battle. Now, looking around London from my height I feel pride on my people, who managed to create such great city. The city which everybody calls as the treasure of Europe. Everything is mixed here: narrow streets of the middle ages with the magnificence of palaces of the Queen’s Victoria times, modern city offices with the variety of Soho’s galleries.
          I can’t say that I like everything I see. I’ve never seen before so many people near the Buckingham palace. What are the strange carriages, which riding without any horses and making so much noise and unpleasant smells! What are the people wearing! There are no any pondered wigs and fluffy skirts, though I didn’t like them before. But the ladies walking with their children so beautiful. O, there is a girl running, what a nice hat she’s wearing. I would rather buy it for my Emma sure, she would like it. I don’t recognize Soho. Who gave it such name. In the old days we used to call to the dogs ”So-Ho!” when we were fox-hunting, and all come rushing after the fox. And now everybody get to Soho by the strange chariot which is going under my city. It makes so terrible noise I hear up here.
          So many languages! So many nationalities are here! What smells! Sometimes I would like to visit one those pubs, everybody calls them restaurants, to have a cup of Italian cappuchino or a cup of French coffee.
          I’ve hardly believed, nowadays French can visit Great Britain easily. In my time, we were the great enemies. Napoleon threatened to invade Britain. I was searching for the French Navy and at last met it in Trafalgar Bay. I was mortally wounded in the battle and died on board his ship, the “Victory”, but the victory was won.
          And what’s now? Every Brit can reach France in several hours. Why don’t you ask, “how”? Under the water, under the English Channel! Can’t imagine? But it’s true! I wouldn’t like to visit my old friend Napoleon for a cup of coffee. If we had such chariots and ships that time, we wouldn’t have afraid of somebody!
          After my death the square was named to commemorate my victory over Napoleon at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and later my monument was put up in the center of it.
          Every October 21 there is a service under the column to commemorate me. I’m very grateful. Even Charles I on horseback doesn’t look like so solemnly as me.
          But there is one thing which I’m worried about … pigeons. The square is full of them, people come to feed them in the square and nobody is allowed to offend the birds.

    3.Полезные Интернет ресурсы для изучающих английский.

    World AIDS Day – observed every year on the 1st of December - began 17 years ago. Despite all that is known about how to prevent the spread of HIV, until now it is still not enough. How can we help our students understand the AIDS epidemic, both in terms of how it may affect them personally as well as how AIDS has undermined societies ill equipped to deal with it? See the resources below.
    “This first World AIDS Day was initiated following a unique summit of health ministers who met in London in January 1988. They realised that a united global effort was required to halt the spread of HIV and AIDS. With infection rates continuing to rise globally there is a great deal still to do.”
    "The International Clearinghouse on Curriculum for HIV/AIDS Preventive Education aims to be a valuable and interactive resource tool for the prevention and mitigation of HIV/AIDS through education. It is directed primarily at professionals working in the area of curriculum design, implementation and evaluation for the prevention and mitigation of HIV/AIDS at national, regional and international levels. Other education specialists, especially teachers and researchers, will however also find information relevant to their practice."
    This article explores the concerns of teachers who are not sure whether to discuss AIDS and HIV with their students, and if so, when. The author emphasizes discusses the value of equipping young people with the information they need to make sensible choices.
    Information on how to talk about AIDS and HIV in appropriate ways with children at various stages of development, along with the information adults need to speak confidently on the topic.


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    (С) Центр дистанционного образования "Эйдос", 2001-2005
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