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Изучение английского языка

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Изучение английского языка

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Центр дистанционного образования «Эйдос» Кафедра иностранных языков Изучение английского языка ================================================================== Eidos-English-07 30 октября 2005 года Уважаемые получатели нашей рассылки! Продолжаем высылать вам материалы для учителей английского языка и всех тех, who is not linguistically challenged!!! ЗНАЕТЕ ЛИ ВЫ, ЧТО: 17 октября - начало регионального тура Всероссийского конкурса "Дистанционный учитель года". Это не просто конкурс, а школа сетевого мастерства. Условия регистрации - http://www.eidos.ru/dist_teacher/2005/region.htm содержание выпуска: В помощь учителю: как использовать идиомы. Что американцы думают о политически корректном английском. Полезные Интернет ресурсы для изучающих английский язык. Как использовать идиомы Today we are going to speak about the idiomatic expression “ to bell the cat”. The expression means to undertake a difficult mission at great personal risk. There is an ancient mission which tells of a colony of mice who met together to discuss how to get rid of a cat who was terrorizing them. One young mouse suggested hanging a bell around the cat’s neck so that its movements would be known. This plan delighted the rest until an old mouse asked the obvious question,”Who will bell the cat?” 2. What American People Think about Political Correctness. By Jerry Pierce, an American Teacher. As far as I know, "Politically Correct English" is in the eyes of the beholder. Thus, it deals with people's views and their supposed sensitivities. For example, years ago in this country, any black skinned person was referred to as a Negro. That usage went out of style, and was replaced by the word "Blacks." Then people became upset with that word, so now the term "Afro-American" is in use. To give you another example that is currently going on in this country: a lot of universities sports teams have nicknames; and some of these nicknames come from names for American Indian Tribes and some of the tribes are now complaining about having the name of their tribes being used for the nicknames for universities sport teams like for football, basketball, softball, volleyball, etc. 3.Полезные Интернет ресурсы для изучающих английский. There are countless e-publications devoted to the field of teaching. Among them are newsletters of a general nature, while others are more scholarly journals which hone in on quite narrow aspects of the field of education. The beauty of the information contained in such publications is that it is often more timely than what is found on other websites. Moreover, if you find a writer/teacher/editor who inspires you, you often have the opportunity to read that person’s writing on a regular basis. Check out the examples below, but if you don’t find what you want, think about starting your own online newsletter. http://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet.html “The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology is a refereed journal publishing research and review articles in educational technology, instructional design, educational applications of computer technologies, educational telecommunications and related areas.” http://www.educationupdate.com/index.html “Founded in 1995 by Dr. Pola Rosen, Education Update, an award-winning monthly free newspaper, deals with issues, people and events in education from pre-school to graduate school. Currently, Education Update has about 200,000 readers and receives 3 million monthly hits on its website.” Easy-to-use navigation links on the left side of the home page. http://www.7oaks.org/ttt/ This journal based in Manitoba (Canada) has archived an impressive collection of thought-provoking articles; you’ll also find many links to sites on the theme of action research. The week of November 15th to 19th has been proclaimed International Education Week. Whether you’re familiar with this event, or it’s the first time you’ve heard about it, there are many ideas available online for incorporating the themes of International Education Week into your teaching. As usual, check out the links below, but don’t hesitate to seek out other resources. http://www.oxfam.org.uk/coolplanet/teachers/latest.htm One of the key features of the Oxfam site is a curriculum for global citizenship. There is also a list of tips for establishing meaningful links with schools in the developing world. http://www.iew-sei.ca/iew-sei/index.htm This is Canada’s official International Education Week home online. The bilingual site, attractively designed, has a useful Resources page, with links to many organizations and suggested activities. http://exchanges.state.gov/iew/ This site, the result of a joint effort between the US Department of State and Department of Education, includes a variety of downloadable materials. Take the Global IQ Quiz! http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/educationoverview/events/iew/ This UK-based site celebrating International Education Week highlights the theme of building international education links through sport. Посетите страницу кафедры иностранных языков! http://www.eidos.ru/project/school/foreign/index.htm Использование материалов данной рассылки в выпусках новостей, на веб-сайтах, в электронных, "бумажных" и иных массовых изданиях ДОПУСКАЕТСЯ с обязательной ссылкой на Центр дистанционного образования "Эйдос", http://www.eidos.ru; e-mail: list@eidos.ru === (С) Центр дистанционного образования "Эйдос", 1998-2005 E-mail: info@eidos.ru http://www.eidos.ru

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