He was antisocial and difficult to work with at first. He'd clearly been abused by his father as evidenced by the deep, round scab near his shoulder. He hadn't been eating well.
And he was so skittish that the slightest noise or motion set him off. But Army veteran Jeff Wilson needed a new dog, and this pound puppy -- a border collie-German shepherd mix -- was it.
He named him Lobo, and it wasn't long before Wilson, 44, realized they had the same issues.
"We were kind of kindred spirits," he said. "I think it really helped deepen our connection because he wasn't just helping me; I was helping him. I was helping him get past the same obstacles that I had. I had to recognize it in myself and get past that to help him."
Wilson is a former tank commander and flight engineer who isn't at liberty to speak about his time in Iraq other than to say he manned a machine gun while hanging out of the door of a helicopter. He can also say that he was often "exposed to very dangerous situations" during his 14 years in the service.
vet / vet/ - ветеринарный врач
solace / 'sɔləs / - утешение
abuse / ə’bju:s/ - мучить; жестоко обращаться
evidenced / 'evɪd(ə)n(t)s / - служить доказательством, подтверждать
be at liberty to do something / 'lɪbətɪ / - позволено что-то делать
man/ mæn / - становиться (к орудию)
expose/ ɪk'spəuz / - подвергать (опасности)
Welcoming someone at the office
Martin: Good morning, Ms Bennett. Do come in. Welcome. It’s nice to see you again. - Доброе утро, госпожа Беннет. Входите. Добро пожаловать. Рада вас видеть снова.
Ms Bennett: And you. I’ve been very much looking forward to this visit. - Я также рада вас видеть. Я с большим нетерпением ждала этого визита.
Martin: So have we. May I take your coat? - Мы тоже. Можно принять ваше пальто?
Ms Bennett: Certainly. Here you are. - Конечно. Пожалуйста.
Martin: Please, have a seat, and make yourself comfortable. I’ll tell Mr Jenson you are here. Would you like something to drink? - Садитесь, пожалуйста, и устраивайтесь поудобнее. Я скажу господину Дженсону, что вы здесь. Хотите что-нибудь выпить?
Ms Bennett: Yes, I wouldn’t mind a hot drink, if at all possible. - Да. Не возражала бы против горячего напитка, если можно.
Martin: Of course. We have tea, coffee and hot chocolate. What would you prefer? - Конечно. У нас есть чай, кофе и горячий шоколад. Что бы вы предпочли?
Ms Bennett: Coffee would be great, thank you. - Кофе было бы замечательно, спасибо.
Martin: How would you like your coffee? - Как бы вы хотели ваш кофе?
Ms Bennett: A drop of milk and one sugar, please. - Капельку молока и один кусочек сахара, пожалуйста.
Martin: Here you are. Please help yourself to the cookies. - Пожалуйста. Угощайтесь, пожалуйста, печеньем.
to be continued.. - продолжение следует..
raise an issue - say that an issue should be discussed(поднимать вопрос)
address an issue - discuss or deal with an issue( обратить внимание на проблему, попытаться решить вопрос)
at issue - the problem or subject at issue is the most important part of what you are discussing or considering( быть главным предметом обсуждения, «быть поставленным на карту»)
VAT: value-added tax НДС, налог на добавленную стоимость
St: saint святой
WTO: World Trade Organization ВТО, Всемирная торговая организация
WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction ОМУ, Оружие массового уничтожения; ОМП, Оружие массового поражения
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