The Presidium on Monday backed a bill that would protect food producers in their business with retailers after two years of infighting between lobby groups on both sides.
The bill, which would create a single set of rules for wholesale and retail companies, did not contain a controversial proposal to limit retail markups, said First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov, who led the drafting of the bill.
The Presidium, a scaled down Cabinet, will submit the bill to the State Duma in two days, after the legislation is amended to include proposals made by the ministers on Monday, Zubkov said, without specifying the changes.
Delayed by squabbling within the industry, the bill gained momentum three weeks ago when Prime Minister Vladimir Putin ordered the Cabinet to complete the legislation by Monday.
The bill would ban retailers from charging onerous fees on produce makers, such as bonuses for the chance to supply a certain retailer, according to a copy on the Industry and Trade Ministry web site. It would also set deadlines for retailers to pay for deliveries.
back - поддерживать
bill - законопроект, билль
regulate – регламентировать
infighting - говорить прямо и откровенно
set - ряд, серия
wholesail - оптовый
retail - розничный
controvercial - спорный
markup - накидка (цен)
First Deputy Prime Minister - первый заместитель премьер министра
drafting - составление
scale down - сократить
Cabinet - кабинет министров, правительство
submit - представлять на рассмотрение
legislation - закон, законопроект
amend – вносить изменения, вносить поправки
proposal - предложение
squabbling - пререкания, спор
momentum - импульс, движущая сила
ban - запрещать
onerous - обременительный
fees - платёж
produce - продукция
deadline - срок окончания какой-л. работы
delivery - доставка
A women's department
Nancy: Excuse me, how can I get to the women's department? Простите, как мне пройти в женский отдел?
Ann: Over there, on the right, madam, just near the linen department. Вон туда, справа, мадам, возле отдела c постельным бельём.
N: Thank you. Спасибо
A: Could I help you find anything specific? Я могу вам помочь найти что-нибудь конкретное?
N: I need gloves. Мне нужны перчатки.
A: What gloves would you like: leather or suede? Какие вам нужны: кожаные или замшевые?
N: I haven't made my choice yet. What would you advise? Я еще не решила. А что бы вы посоветовали?
A: I think these suede gloves are good. And their colour is very nice. Мне кажется вот эти замшевые - неплохие. И цвет очень приятный.
N: Thank you and the size is just mine. Спасибо, и размер как раз мой.
A: Plus, suede suits the current weather better. К тому же, замша подходит лучше по погоде.
N: You are right. I'll buy them. Вы правы. Я их возьму.
administration - the part of a company or organization involved with managing and organizing the work. (администрация)
manager – someone whose job is to be incharge of all or part of a comany or particular activity. (менеджер)
supervisor – someone who is in charge of a group of workers or a particular area of work, especially workers in low-ranking jobs. (контролёр, смотритель)
foreman / forewoman - a worker who is in charge of a group of workers in a factory or on a building site. (бригадир)
Cief Executive Officer (CEO) - the most senior manager in a company, and has the most authority. (главный исполнительный директор корпорации)
president – leads the company and makes the final decisions on its business policy. (президент)
senior management - the most important group of managers in a company. (руководство высшего звена)
middle management – managers between senior management and junior management. (средний управленческий персонал)
junior management - managers at the lowest level. (низший уровень управления на предприятии)
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