More and more Russians have the means and desire to purchase their own homes, but in order for that to happen the government needs to boost demand and increase access to affordable housing, the Regional Development Ministry said.
Housing prices shouldn't exceed 30,000 rubles ($934) per square meter for homes built with federal funds, Regional Development Minister Viktor Basargin said over the weekend, adding that the structures should also use energy-efficient technology.
"If the region isn't prepared to create high-quality yet affordable housing projects, we will bring the technology ourselves," he said, RIA-Novosti reported.
With the assistance of the federal and local governments, keeping the price of affordable housing to 25,000 rubles to 30,000 rubles per square meter is feasible, said Denis Sokolov, head of research at Cushman &Wakefield Stiles & Riabokobylko.
"With the federal program, the administration is helping with the land lot and utilities, which for some projects takes a big chunk off the price," Sokolov said. "If the local administration helps with the land and the utility connection, that dramatically reduces costs."
state - государство
boost - поддерживать
affordable - возможный, доступный (по средствам)
means – средства
desire – желание, запрос
Regional Development Ministry - Министерство регионального развития
exceed - превысить
efficient - действенный
yet - но, однако
report - сообщать
feasible - выполнимо
head - глава
lot - участок земли
utilities - коммунальные услуги
chunk - кусок, ломоть
dramatically - значительно
reduce - уменьшить, сократить
Late for an appointment
Mr. Peterson: Good morning. I have an appointment with Mr. Wilson. Доброе утро. У меня назначена встреча с мистером Уилсоном.
Reception: Good morning, you must be Mr. Peterson. Доброе утро, вы должно быть мистер Питерсон.
P: Yes, that is correct. Да, правильно.
R: Ah, sir, I am afraid, you are quite late. Mr. Wilson was waiting for you, but he had to leave just a couple of minutes ago, I am sorry. Ам, сэр, боюсь что вы опоздали. Мистер Уилсон ждал вас, но ему пришлось уйти всего несколько минут назад, извините.
P: Yes, it's completely my fault. I should have expected that traffic would be slow this time of day. Да, это полностью моя вина. Я должен был ожидать что движение будет медленным в это время суток.
R: Shall I make a new appointment for you? Мне назначить вам новую встречу?
P: Is there any other way this can be resolved? I can wait. Можно как-нибудь по-другому это разрешить? Я могу подождать.
R: It's possible. Let me make a call and find out. (calls) Yes, if you can wait a bit over an hour, Mr. Wilson will see you. He will be back at 1 o'clock. Это возможно. Подождите, я позвоню и выясню. (звонит) Да, если вы можете подождать чуть больше часа, мистер Уилсон с вами встретится. Он вернётся к часу.
P: Thank you, that would be great. Is there anywhere I can sit down? Спасибо, это было бы замечательно. Есть ли где-нибудь, где я могу присесть.
R: Yes, you can wait here, or, if you want, there is a caffe on the second floor. Да, вы можете подождать здесь, или, если хотите, на втором этаже есть кафе.
P: Thank you so much. Спасибо огромное.
Taxes (4)
tax - an amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income, property, goods etc, that is used to pay for public services. (налог, пошлина, сбор)
property tax – a tax on the value of property such as land and buildings and in some countries also on property such as jewelery, furniture, and investments. (налог на недвижимость)
proportional tax - a tax that is charged at a rate that does not change as the amount of income, for example, increases. (пропорциональный налог)
purchase tax – a tax that is added to the price of goods sold in shops, but not on basic goods that people need to buy, that the owner of the shop must pay to the government. (налог на покупки)
redistributive tax - a tax that is intended to spread incomes more fairly among people, by taxing rich people more and poor people less. (перераспределяющий налог)
regressive tax - a tax where people with low incomes pay a larger percentage of what they earn than those with high incomes. (регрессивный налог)
sin tax (= repressive tax) – a tax on goods such as alcohol or cigarettes which the government wants to discourage people from consuming. (налог "на пороки")
specific tax – a tax whose rate is based on a particular quantity of a product, rather than on its value. (специфический налог)
DAF : delivered at frontier доставка до границы
def. : deficit дефицит, нехватка
DIY : do it yourself сделай сам
DMU : decision-making unit группа (людей) для принятия решений