Russia has suggested that independent oil producers harmonize their oil taxes and take concerted action, Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin told an OPEC session yesterday. He believes that the structure of oil and oil product prices should be tackled carefully and on an ongoing basis, with an eye on tax treatment in oil producing and consuming nations. Taxes should be "harmonized" in order to ensure equal profitability at all technological stages - production, transportation and sale. Such an approach
will also promote stability on the oil market, Sechin believes.
Sechin cited Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Norway, Brazil, Mexico and Egypt among countries that have to be engaged in oil market stabilization, as they are also interested in steady oil prices and command a considerable market share. Sechin called on all oil producers to team up for balancing demand on the oil market. To this end, Russia suggests holding an international conference with both OPEC countries and independent producers taking part, Sechin noted.
call on - взывать, апеллировать к кому-л
harmonize – согласовывать
Deputy Prime Minister - вице-премьер министр
OPEC = Oil Producing and Exporting Countries – Организация стран-экспортеров нефти
tackle – взяться за что-то
on an ongoing basis - оперативно
promote - способствовать
engaged - заинтересованы, вовлечены
take part - участвовать
Julia: Martha, have you ever been to Michaels Co.? Марта, ты когда-нибудь была в Michaels Co.?
Martha: Yeah, I have. Do you need anything? Да, была. Тебе что-то нужно?
J: Could you explain to me how to get there please? Не могла бы ты объяснить мне как туда добраться?
M: Ok, but maybe you better take a pen. How would you prefer to get there? Давай, но может тебе лучше взять ручку. Как ты хочешь добираться?
J: I think I’d rather take a subway, I don’t like busses much. Я думаю что лучше воспользуюсь метро, не очень люблю автобусы.
M: Alright. It is best if you get off at the 32nd street, the blue line. Make sure to take the Lakewood St. exit. Upon exiting, turn left and … Хорошо. Будет лучше если ты сойдёшь на 32й, синяя линия. И убедись что вышла в сторону Лэйквуд. Как выйдешь, поворачивай налево и ...
J: Hold on a second, I am trying to write it all down. Ok, left from the subway exit.. then what? Погоди секунду, я пытаюсь всё записать. ОК, налево из подземки... дальше?
M: On the second crossroads turn left again. Then look for a large grey building on the right side with a Coca Cola advertising on it. This would be the place you are looking for. На втором перекрёстке поверни опять налево. Там ищи большое серое здание по правой стороне с рекламой кока-колы. Это и есть то место, которое ты ищешь.
J: Well, that does not sound too difficult. How long do you think it will take me to get there from here? Ну, это звучит не так и сложно. Как ты думаешь, как долго мне займёт добраться до туда отсюда?
M: Oh, less than an hour. If you get confused on the way, you can always call me. Да меньше часа. Если запутаешься по пути, можешь всегда мне позвонить.
Business Cycle (4)
business cycle - the periodic but irregular up-and-down movements in economic activity, measured by fluctuations in real GDP and other macroeconomic variables. Its timing is random and, to a large degress, unpredictable. A business cycle is identified as a sequence of four phases: contraction, trough, expansion, peak. (экономические циклы)
real GDP – the value of all the goods and services produced in a country measured in the prices of some base year. (реальный валовой внутренний продукт)
macroeconomics - a branch of economics that deals with the performance, structure, and behavior of a national or regional economy as a whole. (макроэкономика)
contraction – a slowdown in the pace of economic activity. (спад)
trough - the lower turning point of a business cycle, where a contraction turns into an expansion. (дно)
expansion - a speedup in the pace of economic activity. (подъём)
peak – the speedup in the pace of economic activity where an expansion turns into a contraction. (пик)
recession – the reduction of a country's gross domestic product (GDP) for at least two quarters. (рецессия)
depression (= slum) – a sustained, long downturn in one or more economies. A rare and extreme form of recession, a depression is characterized by abnormal increases in unemployment, restriction of credit, shrinking output and investment, numerous bankruptcies, reduced amounts of trade and commerce, as well as highly volatile relative currency value fluctuations, mostly devaluations. (депрессия или кризис перепроизводства)
B2B : Business to Business бизнес для бизнеса (услуги и товары для бизнеса)
B2C: Business to Consumer бизнес для потребителя
B2E : Business to Employee бизнес для сотрудников
C2B : Consumer to Business потребитель для бизнеса
C2C : Consumer to Consumer потребитель для потребителя