Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced at a government presidium meeting today that he had signed a governmental decree extending a $500m loan to Belarus. He commissioned the Finance Ministry to carry out the decree with no delays.
As reported earlier, a memorandum on understanding between the Russian and Belarusian governments was inked on November 2008, stipulating for $2bn worth of loans to be granted to Belarus in 2008-2009. The first tranche of $1bn was transferred in 2008. Back then, it was announced that the second portion of the loan would be extended once the parties worked out concerted steps to sharpen the competitive edge of their respective economies. The action plan was to be worked out by February 2009, and the second
tranche was expected by February 28, 2009.
Prime Minister - премьер министр
governmental – правительственный
decree - указ, декрет, приказ
extend – оказать (здесь – помощь в виде займа)
commission – уполномочить
carry out - выполнить
memorandum - дипломатическая нота, меморандум
ink - ставить свою подпись (на контракте и т. п.)
stipulate - обусловливать
worth - стоимость, достоинство
grant - предоставлять
tranche - часть, квота
party - сторона
concerted – согласованный
respective – соответственный
How’s your job?
Ernie: Rick, how’s your new job going? Рик, как твоя новая работа?
Rick: Oh, it’s not so bad. It has its ups and downs, but I think I am doing fine. Да вроде неплохо. В ней есть и хорошие, и плохие стороны, но мне кажется что я справляюсь.
E: Can you be a bit more specific. You are a system administrator, right? А ты можешь немного поконкретнее. Ты системный администратор, правильно?
R: That’s what they call me. Although as our company is very small, I do pretty much everything IT-related. Так они меня называют. Хотя наша организация очень маленькая, я вообщем-то делаю всё что связано с компьютерами.
E: Can you tell me what you have to do on day-to-day basis? Можешь мне рассказать чем ты занимаешься изо дня в день?
R: Sure. I manage the computer net at our office, take care of any system glitches that may happen, make sure all the needed software is available and up to date, and of course I constantly have to help the office staff with their computer-related problems. Конечно. Я настраиваю сеть компьютеров нашего офиса, исправляю если какие появляются сбои в системе, удостоверяюсь что все нужные программы установлены и во время обновлены, и конечно мне постоянно приходится помогать сотрудникам в их вопросах о компьютерах.
E: Do you have to produce any reports? Тебе нужно писать отчёты?
R: Not really. I do make a verbal report at the end-of-the-month staff meetings, explain some major issues that I had to deal with and occasionally make a lecture about safety. Да вообщем-то нет. Я правда даю устный отчёт на собраниях в конце месяца, объясняю основные проблемы с которыми пришлось бороться, и иногда даю лекцию о безопасности.
E: Well, that certainly sounds interesting. Do you ever get bored? Ну, это всё и правда звучит интересно. А тебе никогда это не надоедает?
R: Of course, there are some slow days. But mostly I am busy every day and with different problems, so it’s exciting. Конечно бывают и медленые дни. Но в основном я занят каждый день разными проблемами, так что мне не скучно.
Business Ethics (3)
business ethics - a form of applied ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. (деловая этика)
corporate social responsibility – an umbrella term under which the ethical rights and duties existing between companies and society is debated. (ответственность членов корпорации)
bait and switch - a form of fraud in which the party putting forth the fraud lures in customers by advertising a product or service at an unprofitably low price, then reveals to potential customers that the advertised good is not available but that a substitute is. (привлечь и переключить)
corporate crime – in criminology, it refers to crimes committed either by a corporation (i.e., a business entity having a separate legal personality from the natural persons that manage its activities), or by individuals that may be identified with a corporation or other business entity. (преступления юридических лиц)
professional ethics - the many practical ethical problems and phenomena which arise out of specific functional areas of companies or in relation to recognized business professions. (профессиональная этика)
creative accounting - is a euphemism referring to accounting practices that may ”follow the letter of the rules of standard accounting practices, but certainly deviate from the spirit of those rules”. They are characterized by excessive complication and the use of novel ways of characterizing income, assets, or liabilities and the intent to influence readers towards the interpretations desired by the authors. (манипуляции с бухгалтерской отчетностью)
insider trading – the trading of a corporation's stock or other securities by individuals with potential access to non-public information about the company. The term is frequently used to refer to a practice in which an insider or a related party trades based on material non-public information obtained during the performance of the insider's duties at the corporation, or otherwise in breach of a relationship of trust and confidence or where the non-public information was misappropriated from the company.
(купля-продажа (акций) на базе конфиденциальной информации)
bribery – a form of pecuniary corruption, is an act implying money or gift given that alters the behaviour of the recipient. Bribery constitutes a crime and is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in discharge of a public or legal duty. (взятка)
a.a. : After Arrival после прибытия
A & A: Additions and Amendments дополнения и поправки
ABA : American Bankers Association ассоциация американских банкиров (США)
ABB : Asset Backed Bond облигация, против которой заёмщик вносит залог