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Новости Youth Action for Peace

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Новости Youth Action for Peace - выпуск 19

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Окончание. Начало в предыдущем выпуске.

by Seb Ruche

Actually, we select the new crazy person who will
join us in February: He or she will need a lot of
courage for the interview and we really hope he
or she will be a good cooker.
For 2004, the JAVVA-web site is changing. New
site, new look, new decoration, new colours: To
surf on the wave of voluntary: Coming soon.
And we start this year in music, with the JAVVA
JAM: on Saturday, 7th February 2004. A little
jam session will take place on a boat in Bruxelles.
What else??? Hum, I leave my project the 1st May
2004, ... so there will be one FREE PLACE for the
EVS in JAVVA (01-BEFR-98) in May 2004 for
another crazy volunteer. It's time to send applications
(before the 1st February), so if you have
some interested people : just send.

by Nadem Nashef

On Saturday the 3rd of January 2004 Baladna, in
cooperation with the Association for the Arab
Community of Jaffa, held it's annual winter trip to
the City of Jaffa. The trip was a part of the
"Democracy and Community Development project"
that runs 12 local youth leadership groups for
400 16-17 year old, Arab youth, from different
localities across Israel. Attendance was high, with
over 150 high school students participating from 9
different towns, along with 20 youth group leaders.
The days itinerary began with a three hour tour of
Jaffa where they were given an explanation of the
History of the town and shown many of the historical
and important sites. The tour also focused on the
significance of the town in the history and identity
of the Palestinian people. Owing to the unexpectedly
high number of youth wishing to participate,
the group was split into three separate tour groups
for the duration of the morning.
After lunch the three groups came together again
for a lecture given by Mr. Gabe Abed (chair person
for the "Association for the Arab community in
Jaffa"), informing participants of the current social
and political situation in Jaffa. Mr Abed then performed
a short play portraying the fate of Jaffa
during the events of 1948. The play touched on the
issues of the forcible deportation of Palestinians
during this time and of the Nakbah.
Following the play the youth engaged in a series of
activities and games designed to familiarise and
bond the members of the different youth groups.
Finally before returning to their respective areas, all
of the high school students joined together for an
open discussion of the days experience and of the
issues that they had learnt about through the tour,
lecture and play.

The Youth felt that they had learnt a great deal
and the Youth Leaders were able to collect resources
and knowledge to implement in future youth
group meetings. High attendance and the eagerness
of the high school students to learn and participate,
also meant that the day was a great success
and Baladna now plans to hold another similar day
trip in the spring of 2004. Baladna wishes to thank
the Association for the Arab Community of Jaffa
and all of those whose efforts and support made
this valuable experience possible.

by Nico Aguilera

Network for Voluntary Development in Asia
(NVDA) is an organisation which dates back to
1993 when the idea of an Asian regional networking
was agreed and planned. The network was
founded by 11 NGOs from 11 different countries:
ACYF - China, BWCA - Bangladesh, FCN - Nepal,
IVP - Australia, KNCU - South Korea, KYDO -
Cambodia, NICE - Japan, Solidarites Jeunesses -
France, UNA - Wales, and VYF - Vietnam.
Since 1996 NVDA has organised the Training and
Networking Workcamp TNW with the aims of :
ћ starting workcamps in those Asian countries
where workcamps are not organised,
ћ improving the existing workcamps in Asia, their
organisations and the exchange of volunteers
ћ developping regional co-operation by NVDA
Since 1999 NVDA hold its General Assembly
parallel with the TNW every other year. The TNW
and GA have been taken place as follows:
TNW1995 Russia (informal establishment of NVDA)
TNW and GA1997 China (formal start of NVDA)
TNW1999 Vietnam
TNW and GA2000 Vietnam
TNW2002 Japan
TNW2004 and GA Nepal
The network has been working in many aspects of
the voluntary field and organising different
actions particularly workcamps, long term voluntary
projects, common campaigns like Greening
Asia, World Peace Project, Bracelet Project.

Among the different results obtained throughout
these years are:
1) China: started by TNW ACYF hosted in 97
2) Cambodia: started by KYDO in 98.
3) Thailand: started by GW in 99.
4) Indonesia: started by IIWC in 99.
5) Vietnam: started by TNW VYF hosted in 00.
6) Mongolia: started by MCE in 00.
 NICE co-organised all of the above projects.
Other actions include:
1) International / weekend workcamps to protect
forests including planting trees
2) over 1,300 Green Foster Parents in Japan to
grow the seeds of native trees for 2 years
3) Greening Asia Fund by donations and fundraising
to be used to protect forests in Asia (If
parents of 2 grow 5cm, 5$ can be used!)
4) Drawing contests in Indonesia and Japan with
250 kids, CO2 reducing actions, etc.
5) World Peace Project: by collecting kilts with
peace messages from volunteers and locals in
Nepal, Korea, etc. to Hiroshima workcamp.
6) Trainers' Seminar to organise workcamps.
7) Publishing newsletters, web., and other booklets
to promote international voluntary service.
NVDA counts among its members the following
organisations :
 ACYF (All-China Youth Federation)
 BWCA (Bangladesh Work Camps association)
 GREENWAY, Thailand
 IIWC (Indonesia International WorkCamp team)
of IPPA -Vice President-
 IVP (International Volunteers for Peace),
Australia, admin@ivp.org.au
 IWO, Korea -General Secretary- iwo@1.or.kr
 KNCU (Korean National Commission for
UNESCO) -Treasurer- jakang@mail.unesco.or.kr
 KYDO (Khmer Youth Development
Organization), Cambodia, cidh@camnet.com.kh
 MCE (Mongolian workCamps Exchange)
 NICE, Japan -President- nice-do@po.jah.ne.jp
 NIFC (New International Friendship Club),
Nepal -Vice President- nifc@mos.com.np
 VYF (Vietnam Youth Federation)
 SCI (Service Civil International), sciint@sciint.org
 SJ (Solidarites Jeunesses), French branch of YAP
 UNA Exchange (United Nations Association), UK
NVDA is funded by membership fees, activities
such as workcamps, large-scale projects (AEVE -
Asian Europe Volunteers Exchange which was
funded by ASEF for instance), different foundations,
and others. It has a secretariat based in
Seoul, South Korea, and the Steering is composed
of NICE - Japan as President, NIFC - Nepal as
vice-president, IWO - South Korea as General
Secretary, and KNCU - South Korea as Treasurer.
SJ has been deeply engaged since the very beginning
in the development of the network and
attending the different TNW, statutory meetings
and activities (thanks to Regis Colin for his huge
involvement). The CCIVS has also contributed to
the network's activities.

It has been contemplated that YAP takes over
the membership of SJ being one of the reasons to
broaden the possibilities for NVDA members to
develop their activities and open them up to
other organisations. Of course the benefit would
also be for YAP and its members because they
would be able to have privileged contacts with
more Asian organisations and to develop their
activities and common projects. This possibility has
to be discussed within YAP and a formal position
should be taken hopefully this year.
I will be attending the 5th TNW and 4th GA that
will take place in Nepal from the 25/01 to 7/02
and I will have more information about future
activities, potential partners and membership
Should you have any questions related to NVDA
Network please do not hesitate to contact me.


The call for participation has already been sent to
you some weeks ago, this is just a reminder!
The Council of Europe, Youth and Sport's
Directorate organises a large-scale youth event
<Europe, Youth and Globalisation>, which will
take place in Strasbourg from 5-9 May 2004
(arrival and departure dates).
The website link for detailed description as well as
relevant application forms in the four working
languages of the event - English, French, Russian
and Spanish is:
Please keep in mind that YAP will be entitled to
propose 5 participants maximum, presented on a
priority order. Therefore please make sure that
applications do have support letter of their
branch / associated group / association.
The DEADLINE to send applications to the YAP IS
is 29th JANUARY 2004 at the latest.

Alexandria (Egypt), 19-29 April 2004

The Partnership on Euro-Med Youth Co-operation
in the field of training signed between the
Council of Europe and the European Commission
announces the new training course "Citizenship
matters: the participation of young women and
minorities in Euro-Med youth projects". The activity
is organized in the co-operation with the
Swedish Institute in Alexandria and it will take
place in Egypt from 19th to 29th April 2004.
This training course is designed for participants
who are active in local associations, community
organisations or youth services within the Council
of Europe member states and the signatory states
of the Barcelona Declaration, with a focus on the
citizenship opportunities and access for young
women and minority youth.
Please note that the applications are centralised
at the YAP IS and should reach us by Friday, 20th
February 2004, 11.00 AM at the latest!
For further information and application forms in
the 2 working languages of the TC (English and
Arabic) please go to:

18th of July to 7th of August in Denmark and the Czech Republic

Hojskolen Ostersoen in Denmark invites young
Europeans active in NGOs/voluntary associations
or students with a special interest in European
issues to take part in East-West Dialogue 2004.
The aim of the 3-week long event is to enhance
intercultural understanding among the participating
65 young Europeans representing Central,
East, and West Europe. About 30 national, cultural
and linguistic population-groups will be represented
at the event.
The topic is how to democratise the EU by including
more people in the debate about the current
European agenda (enlargement, the new EUConstitutional-
treaty, European Parliament elections
etc.). EWD2004 invites the participants to
debate and together work out new, alternative
and better ways to connect Europe with citizens
on local level based on a "bottom-up" approach:
How is the European agenda relevant for local
citizens, their lives and communities? How are the
problems of their lives and their particular communities
linked with Europe? And how to communicate
it in a language that people understands?
Practical information for applicants
Young Europeans over 18 active in an NGO or students
especially interested in European issues are
invited. An application-form should be
posted/emailed/faxed to Hojskolen Ostersoen
before May 1st 2004. To participate, English must
be well understood and spoken. There is a participation
fee of 100 _, which covers full cost of travel
to/from Denmark to be reimbursed on arrival,
board and lodging for the 3 weeks and programme.
For more information as well as for application
forms please contact project co-ordinator
Jesper Nielsen: jen@hojoster.dk


A wide range of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic representatives
will join in a conference, workshops,
and arts and cultural events during a week long
Festival centred on the theme of spiritual approaches
to peace. From 27 February - 7 March, the Ist
Annual Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality and
Peace will bring together artists and speakers
from the Sufi, Druze, Baha'i, Ismaili, Zoroastrian
and other lesser known traditions, in addition to
representatives of more mainstream Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam.
The Festival has been jointly organized by the
Edinburgh International Centre for World
Spiritualities (EICWS) and the Edinburgh Institute
for Advanced Learning (EIAL) and with the
support of many other organizations. 'Spiritual
approaches to peace - ones that use art, music,
and processes of listening and forgiveness - have
an important role to play in the peace process',
said Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz, one of the event
organizers. 'We're bringing together people who
are already active in these approaches on the
ground in the Middle East, or who have new and
creative ideas about how to proceed in an area
from which we are used to hearing mainly bad
Full information about the Festival can be obtained
from the following contacts:
Neill Walker (EICWS): njwalk1300@hotmail.com
Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz: ndk@eial.org
Festival website: http://www.eial.org

SUMMER SCHOOL: "Young People change the world!"

We are inviting young people and groups of
young people from youth organisations (with or
without a youth leader) who are up to 25 years
old to join us at the Third Annual International
Summer School for young activists from 10th to
17th July 2004 at Atlantic College, South Wales
(UK). summer school .
The Summer School will bring together 300
young people from around 40 countries - all of
whom are interested in helping create a better
world, and many have started or are working
with organisations that are led by young people
which address issues of particular concern to
young people. We encourage the participation of
young social entrepreneurs.
The programme consists of skills and theme
workshops as well as discussions, practical project
work and visits of selected local projects. There will
be lots of fun events and opportunities for outdoor
activities such as canoeing, rock climbing,
yoga and much more.
The summer school is targeted at young people
and youth organisations who are serious about
making a contribution towards social, environmental
and development problems and issues
that face their communities, their country or the
wider world. The closing date for receiving applications
is 1st March 2004. For more information
you can contact Michael Norton on will@worldvoices.
org .


The National Youth Organisation (Kenya)
announces the first African International Summer
Camp for young activists from 22nd to 28th
August 2004 at the
Kenya Technical Training College, Nairobi as part
of the "Young People change the world!"- programme.
Young people aged 18 to 25, and groups of young
people from youth organisations and also youth
leaders aged up to 35 and youth professionals are
invited to join the summer camp.

The programme consists of several skill and theme
workshops as well as visits to selected local projects.
There will also be the opportunity to stay on
for a further 3 weeks to work with a youth project.
Those interested in this part of the programe
will need to meet the costs of the extra stay, but
these will be kept as low as possible by using cheaper
hostels and hotels in town. Further details will
be posted on the summer school website.
To find out more please contact Solomon Ligaga
for further information and an application form
by e-mail to:


The Council of Europe launches again the
Intercultural Language Course Programme 2004.
These language courses are specifically earmarked
for young people involved in youth work,
and who are in a position to carry out activities or
projects at international level. The sending or
nominating organisation is considered as a partner,
receiving the benefit of the language course,
and will contribute to the success of the programme
by assisting in the selection of participants,
contributing to the payment of the enrolment fee
and helping participants to organise and prepare
their journey.
The Directorate of Youth and Sport should receive
the application forms of the prioritised candi
dates from each nominating organisation by the
15th of March (by post or fax only)! E-mail applications
are not accepted because they cannot
show the stamp nor the signature of the nominating
Should you have any questions concerning the
selection procedure, please do not hesitate to
contact Anne Dussap (anne.dussap@coe.int), who
is responsible for the implementation of the language
course programme, or Vincenza
Quattrone-Butler (vincenza.quattrone@coe.int),
Administrative Assistant.
Please note YAP IS will NOT centralise the applications...
but we do hope that many of your
volunteers will have the chance to participate!


The Croatian and French association "Draw me a
smile" is organizing for the 5th year an animation
project for children and teenagers in the area of
Banovina in Croatia. This year they would like
young people (20-25 years old) from other countries
to participate as volunteers in their project, in
order to have even more richful exchange.
Together with the "Association for Progress
Education and Lobbying" from Macedonia they
organize in July 2004 a two-week programme. As
they would like to apply to the Youth
Programme of European Commission for this
youth exchange, they are in need of a youth association
from European Union which is interested
in this project.
Therefore they look for an association in EU which
would agree to be partner for this project, by sending
6 young volunteers to Croatia during the
dates 31/07/2004 to 15/08/2004. The programme
will take place in 2 small towns, Hrvatska Dubica
and Sunja, which are separated of 27 km. We
would like to have one team in each town, each
one composed of 12 animators - 3 from France, 3
from Croatia, 3 from Macedonia and 3 from the
EU partner organisation - as well as 2 organisators
from France and Croatia. The 2 teams could meet
during the week-ends and exchange to evaluate
together the project. Travel, food, pedagogical
equipment and accomodation (very modest
one!) would be taken in charge by "Draw me a
The deadline to apply is end of this month, so they
are now in emergency.
If you and your organisation are interested please
do not hesitate to contact:
Elise Peron (Coordinator), Dessine-moi un Sourire
(Lyon, FRANCE) & Nacrtaj mi osmijeh (Zagreb,
CROATIA). Tel: 00385-(0) / 98 91 25 169
E mail: assosourire@hotmail.com


In preparation for the XV International AIDS
Conference (www.aids2004.org) to be held in
Bangkok from 11 to 16 July, a youth e-platform
has been established to facilitate the effective and
maximal participation of young people across the
world both in the preparatory processes and at
the main conference.
This forum aims to ensure that young people will
be adequately represented in Bangkok, but also
that their voices and positions are heard at both
the preparatory meetings as well as the conferece
itself.This is what has caused the formation of the
youth caucus. It is hoped that the end of deliberations
at the conference will be the beginning of
action for young people at all levels, through the
Global Network of Youth Against AIDS.
Interested persons can subscribe by going to:

by Giovanni Buttigieg,
Director (Euro-Med Youth Platform)

Following our Launching Meeting, the next
Platform encounter is aimed at facilitating a
broader participation in the Euro-Med Youth
Programme. We will be bringing together youth
groups from those Mediterranean countries that
are least represented in the Euro-Med Youth
Programme and from Europe. Meetings with different
groups of countries are being planned.
During the meeting we shall be analysing the
situation of young people and youth work in the
different countries, learning about each other and
obut relevant skills, and proposing concrete steps
The meeting will take place between the 11th and
14th of March 2004 in Amman, Jordan. The deadline
for application is 5th of February.
If interested please fill in the form on our web-site.

28/02 - 07/03/ 2004, Brussels, Belgium

Just in the beginning of spring Kairos Jeunesse
organises a youth exchange in order to bring
together 5 groups of youth from UK, Germany,
Belgium, Italy and Greece, each group being
composed of 3 persons of the Autochthons and 3
persons of one or several communities of Muslim
With the main aim to erase racism, islamophobia
as well as xenophobia this project will raise the
tolerance and integration of the young people
through making and facilitating contacts between
different communities.
- This youth exchange is addressed to motivated
youth, youth volunteers, youth leaders and youth
workers who would like to work in formal or
informal groups.
- People that can stay for ALL DURATION of the
- Persons not younger than 18 years and no older
than 25 years
- Persons strongly motivated to work on those
issues and to multiply gained skills and knowledge
and improve attitude among young people.
- People who can communicate and follow discussions
in English.
Practical information
The youth exchange will take place at the
Waterman youth hostel in Brussels (Belgium)
from 28th February to 7th of March 2004.
The working language is ENGLISH.
Food and Accommodation are provided FREE
OF CHARGE. There is NO participation fee.
DEADLINE for application forms is Wednesday,
4th February 2004.
All application forms should be sent to
Kairos Jeunesse
Av. Du parc royal 3
1020 Bruxelles
E-mail: kj@reply.hu

+ + + b l a c k b o a r d + + +
+N E W W E B P A G E+
offers information about cooperation with SEE!
Yet, some parts are still under construction, but
just have a look to know what's going on in
South-Eastern Europe.

+N E W W E B P A G E+
Help us to improve our new website!
Go on the old web site:
click on the icon for the new website and test it!
Write your comments to

Seeking contacts with organisations with similar
objectives the IVDN (Interactive Voluntary
Development Network) introduces itself on thefollowing

PROCESS (mail from YAP Italy)

On 13th of January 2004 Paolo, one of our most
active volunteers, was woken up in his place by
Italian police and was detained with a house
arrest procedure.
Paolo has a long history of social involvement,
work camps, voluntary service in his local neighbourhood,
involvement in social center, civil struggle
He has been deeply involved in our activities like
volunteer first and like camp leader after. We can
all tell how peaceful and nice he is.
Being his friends and citizens we believe this is an
abuse of power and a political measure to stop
civil and political struggle. We will have soon
administrative election in Rome and they believe
that keeping order is the good way to campaign.
Evidences for the prosecution are some pictures of
people manifestating against a European constitution
they do not want but that elected politicians
want. The arrest order was established before
any official trial, process or accuse.Together
with him, other 11 people, were placed under
house arrest.
Yesterday night few dozens of people were just
down their windows shouting that we want them
free and that we want to go on with our struggle
for a different society.
Seeing people under house arrest smiling at the
window makes me think that some people still
believe in equality and freedom for all human
beings and that is just another reason why I must
not stop as well.
I sincerely hope you all will read the email below
and that you will find few second to show him
your solidarity.
Thank you for your attention! Yap IT

Subject: house-arrest without any process
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004
From: paolo contursi <vicontu@tin.it>
Hi everybody!
Happy 2004 for everybody, although unfortunatly
it looks like this new year didn't begin in a
good way for me: since yestarday morning I'm
under house arrest, it means I can not go out from
my home by police order.
That happened to me and other 11 people who
belong to antiglobalist movement because we
took part into a demostration (in which there
were some fights with police) last 4th of October
in Rome, during the intergovernative summit of
E.U. (that took place in Rome as well), demonstration
in which we were demanding a Europe
based on human rights instead based on money
and business.
They don't have any real evidence against us, the
only motivation they used to take this decision is
that we have "violent personalities", and if you
know me you know that's completly folse....This is
a political thing, to stop the antiglobalist movement
that in Italy (and specially in Rome, is very
strong). That can open your eyes about condition
of democracy in Italy, with the government of
Berlusconi (big friend of "Iraq warriors" Bush,
Blair, Aznar and Sharon). I don't know when I'll
get free again, but for sure it will take a long time,
maybe one month (long time because we haven't
yet been processed !!!). So now I have a lot of time
to read and write e-mails, so I'm looking forward
for yours!!! Write and send your solidarity!!!
And, for those who belong to some org., I also
want official solidarity of your organizations :-) !!!
So, Y.R. of Banja Luka, Alternative-V,
Vasbundziki, Inex-Sk, YAP-Italia, Social-democratics
of Vojvodina, and all the others I forgot, I'm
looking forward to see you to take a position in
the eroical struggle for democracy!!!!! (Ok, now
maybe it's too much :-) )
ciao, Paolo
ps: for those who know him, Marco Tullio is under
house arrest as well.

By Jessica Pupovac 17/01/2004

Day One at the World Social Forum India, a country that has
for centuries inspired the imagination of the world,
provided the meeting ground for the fourth
World Social Forum, which kicked-off today in Mumbai.
Over onehundred and twenty thousand delegates of the
"world's second superpower" converged today at
this historic international gathering of those who
believe that the current rules of economic globalization
are creating a future of war, inequality
and environmental degradation and that "a better
world is possible."
The World Economic Forum, a meeting of business
leaders and politicians which took place last week,
ostensibly addressed issues of inequality and
poverty. However, it failed to address the glaring
fact that despite decades of top-down development
driven by neo-liberal theories and institutions
such as the International Monetary Fund,
the World Bank and the World Trade
Organization, 54 countries are now poorer than
they were in 1990. The World Social Forum, on the
other hand, is an open meeting space for "democratic
debate of ideas, formulation of proposals,
free exchange of experiences and inter-linking for
effective action, by groups and movements of civil
society that are opposed to neo-liberalism and to
domination of the world by capital and any form
of imperialism, and are committed to building a
planetary society centred on the human person".
(From the WSF Charter of Principles).
US militarization, particularly as it relates to the
war in Iraq and the Israel-Palestinian conflict, was
a predominant topic of discussion at the forum's
opening, along with the need to oust George W
Bush during the coming election year.
The historically large attendance at the WSF
today heralds a burgeoning global movement
against corporate globalization and US military
dominance, a movement that first caught the
attention of the world last February when over
ten million people marched to stop the attack on
Iraq. That movement gained momentum and
rejuvenation during the recent collapse of the
WTO Ministerial in Cancun, which, according to
British Parliament member Jeremy Cobin, "was a
result of world public opinion being mobilized."
The World Social Forum will last six days and will
include hundreds of panels, debates and meetings
as networks are built, information is exchanged
and the movement expands even further.
Activists have poured in from Korea, Tibet,
Burma, Brazil, Ghana, France, South Africa, Italy
and the world over. Talks will be translated into
English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean and
five different Indian languages. Palestinian leader
Mustafa Borghouti reminded us all today that
"The world cannot change on its own. It can only
change with the power of struggle, it can only
change with global resistance and it can only
change if we all unite together." And that is exactly
what is happening here today.
Stay tuned as Indymedia India continues to bring
you coverage of this historic event.

A very big "THANK YOU" to all people who have
kindly contributed to this edition:
Gisele, Virginie, Sandra, Daud, YAP Italy, Nico, Alex, Seb, Nadem and
Paolo Cortusi !

Editor: Karin Jovic

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