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Новости Youth Action for Peace

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Новости Youth Action for Peace - выпуск 18

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Welcome to the first edition of the YAP info in 2004! This, as you can see,
is the electronic newsletter sent from the International Secretariat every
two months, with the idea to keep branches, partners and interested
individuals up-to-date about what is happening in the YAP world.
At first you will get details about the next CD which will take place in Le
Creneau, France in the beginning of March. It will be a very interesting one
as we will have elections for the new Steering Commitee.
The new year just has started and by now, it seems to become a busy one:
Volunteers for EVS in Palestine are about to leave in a couple of days and
the preparations for EVS in the Balkan area are already in full swing. As we
are leaving the year 2003 behind, some took the time to look back and
reflect on their work. You can find lots of information about successful
projects organised and accomplished by several branches in the "Life of the
Movement" section.
Finally, please take the time to look at the activities of other platforms
and organisations, which you may find of interest for yourself and your
And if you have any comments, contributions or ideas for the Info, then they
would be more than welcome.
Happy reading!


News from the International Movement
Commitee of Directors
More than 9 months have passed...
Not even 2 months
Use your Space at www.yap.org!
YAP's International Activities
EVS in the Middle East 2004
EVS in the Balkans 2004
Training on Awareness raising, Public Relations and Lobbying
EVS and Other Activities for 2004
Seminar on Peaceful Independance and Self-Determination
Life of the Movement
Human Rights Week in Coimbra, 10th - 18th December 2003
Ded Moroz & Snegurochka
Rome Wasn't Built in a Day, EHHEHHEY!
Development on the Euro-Latin-America Co-operation
The Magic of Books
MTP Oradea's Activities in 2003
A New Start with JAVVA in This Year 2004...
Youth goes Jaffa
The NVDA Network - A bit of History!
Activities of Other Platforms / Organisations
Europe, Youth and Globalisation
Citizenship matters: Participation of Young Women and Minorities in Euro-Med
Youth Projects
East-West Dialogue 2004 for Young Europeans
Edinburgh celebrates Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace
Announcement of International Volunteering School: Young people change the
African International Summer Camp, 2004
Intercultural Language Course Programme 2004
"Draw Me A Smile" is looking for a Partner
Youth E-Platform to Fight Against AIDS
Euro-Med Platform Targeted Meeting Jordan
Relations between Communities of Muslim Origin and Autochthon Communities in
BLACKBOARD: new websites and other small information!
Food for Thought
House Arrest Without Any Process
The WSF Lands on Mumbai

by Gisele Evrard

Imagine a castle, in the middle of Auvergne:
Imagine the smell of the grass early in the morning
(or late night, as you prefer), or the light of a
late winter sun: Well, if you can than you may
have an idea of the environment in which the
CD-I 2004 (just to make it easier:) will take
place, from March 4th to March 7th 2004. In
advance, we wish to thank a lot the team of < Le
Creneau > for hosting the YAP family :-)
This CD will be quite challenging: Some big issues
or important agenda points will have to be discussed,
such as the elections of new steering members
(President, Treasurer, 2 members), but also
the new constitution of YAP , the thematic for the
Congress 2005 or the review of a draft Strategic
Plan as decided in Romania, among the most
important ones. Hopefully this CD will also be the
opportunity to discuss new projects, approved or
to be planned...
We are confident that as the previous CD in
Romania, this one will be successfull and will take
place in the same positive atmophere and energetic
environment !
We are looking forward to see you there...

by Gisele Evrard

...and if not a(nother) baby, for sure the result is so
far a very happy one !
As most of you know, I have started to work in the
IS in May 2003, and since then time has just been
flying away, leaving only nice shimmering little
sparkles all around :-)
I just wanted to take the opprtunity of this YAP
info to -of course- wish you all the very best for
2004 and all the years to come, but more especially
to thank you all (and in particular my colleagues
in the Steering Committee and in the
International Secretariat), for the trust, the sup -
port and the energy I have received since the very
first day, and keep on receiving: Believe me,
there is nothing best than to feel that we all work
in the same direction, with common aims and
objectives, and with a real cooperation spirit. And
that <together> has a real meaning:
So, thank you :-)

by Karin Jovic

Of course, I cannot look back on a long period of
"YAP-life" - still, for me there was a lot going on
in the past 2 months!
After moving to Brussels I could experience a
warm welcome from the YAP-people all over the
world. Thank you for this! It was very important
for me, especially in the beginning where I sometimes
had the feeling to be lost in such a big organisation.
Through my work on the Info the contact
to the people increased and with the time passing
by I also met some of the people personally.
Gaining a lot of information by reading all the
mails every day, I slowly get the feeling to know
what is going on in the YAP-world. However, I still
count myself as a freshman - but as one that is
prepared and motivated to learn!
So far, there is not much left to tell: I'm just looking
forward to the CD (which seems to get an
exciting one), to the training on lobbying in
Strasbourg (which is for sure very interesting) and
for the spring (which will bring us the sun)!

by Virginie Touzeau

As you know, and thanks to Roberto from YAP Italy,
some tools have been created since November 2003
to facilitate the intra-yap-communication at several
levels ; they are all available on the yap website
1) The internal database
This LTV/EVS database as tool for intra YAP use/communication
is ready.
So far, very few organisations took the advantage of
using it for promoting their own projects. Have in mind
that this database is a space for sharing all kind of
information concerning projects you organise : look for
a volunteer?, look for a partner?...
Each organisation must assign a person who will follow
upon the database and who must send some detailed
information to this address: rbap@yap.org
The possibility to update your organisation's details
Your organisation has its details available on the YAP-
website. If you wish to add or change information, it is
now up to you to do it.
A login and password will give you the possibility to
change and update the information on your organisation
available on the international website. If you
need two separate login names and passwords for the
LTV/EVS database and for the organisation's info,
please send two separate mails specifying what you
require from each login name and password.
Within one week after he has received your mail,
Roberto will send back your login name and password.
He will also prepare a small introduction to the system
which is graphic and therefore very accessible.
3) A manual to understand everything
Roberto has prepared a manual to better understand
and use those tools. In case you did not receive it, just
contact us.

by Virginie Touzeau

The pre-departure training is currently going on.
Kamire from SJ, Monica from IPYL, Daniela from
CFD Germany, Elisa from YAP Italy and Virginie
from the IS are meeting the 13 volunteers in
Brussels until the 25th of January, date of their
departure to Palestine. The Israeli authorities just
set up new regulations about the access to Israeli-
Palestinian territories. The information states that
entry into the territories under the control of the
Palestinian Authority is forbidden without the
attainment of prior written authorization. The
order goes on to point out that entry into the
mentioned territories without prior authorization
may result in deportation and refusal of future
re-entry into the state of Israel. Um: EU delegations
in Israel and in Belgium, the Israeli Minister
of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Interior are
informed about the arrival of our 13 EVS volunteers,
and should facilitate their entry into Israel
next Monday morning. Let's all cross our fingers
for all of them.

by Virginie Touzeau

The preparatory team, Julien from YAP Italy,
Marie-Laure from SJ, Jugo and Danijela from
SEEYN, and Virginie from the IS, will be meeting
in Zagreb during the second weekend of
February. They will prepare the predeparture
training and talk about the whole process of this
exchange project.
Do you remember that it will involve 10 young
people - 5 from Spain, Portugal, Germany,
France and Italy and 5 from Macedonia, Serbia &
Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Croatia.
We of course plan to involve gatter those 10
volunteers in the predeparture training,
but we don't know yet when and where it will be
organised.You received the description of the hosting
projects as well as the application form in
your mailboxes some time ago.
The deadline to apply to one of those projects
(and only for the above countries) is the 15th of
February. The projects will start by mid March.
More information will come after the prepteam
meeting, and in the meantime,
look for interested volunteers !

by Gisele Evrard

The training course will take place in the
European Youth Centre, Strasbourg, France, from
28 March to 4th of April 2004.
This training aims at providing the participants
with tools, methodologies and professional inputs
related to:
- Awareness raising (with the general public on a
specific topic)
- Public Relations (with the general public and
the political decision-makers on the organisation
and its activities in general)
- Lobbying (with the political decision-makers on
a specific topic)
The programme will focus on elements such as:
1. Communication, publications, image and PR for
non-profits and NGOs
2. How to make good public presentations
3. Institutional communication and decisionmaking
processes in public institutions (local,
national, international)
4. Relations with the mass-media
5. Basic strategic planning for non-profits and
6. Social Marketing for non-profits and NGOs
7. Public Service campaigns for non-profits and
8. Cause Related Marketing for non-profits and
The team composed of Balazs (Educational
Adviser at CoE), Emese (Steering Committee),
Danijela (VCZ), Neven (Free-lance trainer) and
Grazyna (SCI Poland). The selection has been
done among 80 applicants:!
The deadline for applications is 26th January
2004, so in case you have interested people,
please hurry up :-) !!
All forms and information are available at the IS.


Please note that all these information still need to
be confirmed (around 27th / 28th of January).

EVS Russia

It sems to be approved. 5 volunteers will probably
have the chance to experience 5 LTV (EVS) placements
in Russia... To start around mid April 2004
(dates to be confirmed).

EVS Mexico

We were not expecting it anymore... but it seems
that 6 placements have been approved by the
European Commission... As we say in French "tout
vient а point а qui sait attendre"... :-). But the
final answer will come aorund 27-28 January. To
start around mid April 2004 (dates to be confirmed).

EVS Unity in Variety
After a first unsuccessful try, Unity is most likely
approved (to be confirmed). We don't know yet
if all 15 placements are accepted, or only some of
them. To start around April 2004.

Arte Diem 2004

The first international youth exchange 2004 is
most likely approved... If confirmed, it should take
place around August-September 2004 in Austria.

Alternative Economy as a Strategy for Sustainable Development

Unfortunately, it seems to be the left over from
this nice list... since it is most likely rejected.

Next applications for the 01/02 deadline will be
EVS in Israel (to start around summer 2004 if
approved), seminar on intercultural learning as a
tool for inter-religious dialogue, and a TC on
Volunteers Management... Wish us good luck :-)

by Gisele Evrard

The seminar will take place in Moscow, Russia,
from 10th to 16th of April, and is organised in
cooperation with World4U.
The right of self-determination for peoples has
been widely accepted as a basic human right ever
since Wilson introduced it. In recent years however,
it seems that more and more peoples are claiming
this right, often resulting in open violence
and war. The example of the war in ex-
Yugoslavia is still very fresh, but also ongoing
conflicts like in Basque country, Northern Ireland
and Palestine continue to dominate the media.
However, there are also examples of more peaceful
processes for independence.
As an International Peace organisation, YAP
recognises the right of self-determination, but at
the same time it is clear that the world risks falling
into chaos should everyone claim it. In this sense,
this seminar aims to develop criteria to support a
claim for independence or not, and to develop
common strategies to involve the young people
participating in our (international) activities in
the debate about this topic.
The programme of the seminar will focus on:
- Introduction to key terms and concepts (expert
on Human rights and international law)
- Analysis of case studies drawn from experiences
in Russia and the former USSR, and from the
participants' personal experiences (e.g. Palestine,
ex-Yugoslavia, :)
- Exploration of the influence of religion, ethnicity,
cultural identity and geopolitics
- Definition of common criteria
- Planning of future activities and strategies to
faciltate a multiplier effect to the grassroots level
The team of the seminar is so far composed of
Daud (World4U), Ioana (YAP Romania), Hanan
(SJ) and Alaa' (Baladna).
The call will be sent out within the coming days
so pay attention, and get prepared!

10TH - 18TH DECEMBER 2003
by Sandra Silvestre

During the last month of December, Youth Action
for Peace- Portugal organised in partnership with
several other NGOs from Coimbra a week (11 days
actually) totally dedicated to the celebration of
Human Rights, perceived in an enlarged way. The
common will of several associations that didn't
wanted to see the International Day of Human
Rights - 10th of December to be forgotten or
undervalued, made possible the organisation of
several events that together made the Human
Rights Week.
Different type of initiatives organised by different
associations gave us the possibility of having an
enlarged and very rich debate in Coimbra about
Human Rights. This celebration of Human Rights
consisted in a training, a debate, a public presentation
of a women magazine and an informal
debate organised in partnership by "AJP/YAPPortugal",
"nгo te prives- Group of Sexual Rights
Defence", "Humana Global" and the "Association
of Sociology Students".
The week started with the public presentation of
the 2nd edition of AJP's Human Rights Magazine
"Art.? ?". The second number of this publication
only written by women was dedicated to the
"Ways for Another World". More than 20 women
collaborated in this issue, making it very rich
because of so much diversity. The public presentation
couldn't gather all the women that collaborated,
but was also very interesting and diverse. We
could listen to the point of view of a sociologist
over an exclusively feminine magazine but also to
a testimony about the reality of women in Angola
in these days and then to the poetry of Portuguese
women authors.
AJP was also directly engaged in the organisation
of a one-day training about women rights and
sexual rights. The trainers were Celina dos Santos
from "AJP/YAP-P" and Ana Cristina Santos from
"nгo te prives". They worked with a very heterogeneous
group of twenty people coming from all
over the country and from very different backgrounds.
This made the debate hard to manage
but also challenging and committed to change.
The results and the evaluation were so positive
that another session is already being planned for
April 2004.
There was also an informal debate about "Sexism
and Homophobia" very participated and marked
by the sharing of very strong quotidian experiences.
Very small everyday gestures are full of homophobic
and sexist preconceptions and usually we
don't talk about these small things. Other big
issues like the adoption by homosexual couples
and the decriminalisation of abortion were extensively
discussed during the night.
This week ended with a debate entitled "Human
Rights and the City". With this initiative other
organisations from different fields of action joined
this celebration and the debate was broaden to
thematic like the environment and the planning
of the territory, to the handicapped people and
the daily attacks that everybody, but specially
women, gays and old people, face everyday in a
city like Coimbra. AJP/YAP-P had its contribution
through Teresa Cunha that spoke about women
in the city.
With this Human Rights Week we believe to have
woken up some consciences in Coimbra and
defeated some preconceptions. This kind of initiatives
are the developing of dynamics started with
the process of the Portuguese Social Forum: on
one hand, working in close partnership with associations
from very different fields and that believe
change of society is necessary and possible; on the
other working in a transversal way, because we
believe that Another World will only be possible
with a global approach (in every sense).
We wish you all a Happy New Year and a lot of
initiatives for Another World in 04!

by Daud Kochnev

We are making some interesting events here in
Moscow. One of them is dedicated to the New
Year. This is a joint event of our volunteer's association
"World4U", 3 Marriott hotels and the
Russian disability group "Perspectiva".
We are collecting toys and presents for disabled
kids in Moscow. In the last days of 2003 and the
first days of 2004 our volunteers plan to visit these
kids at the image of Russian folk characters - Ded
Moroz and Snegurochka (Santa and Snow
Maiden). We gonna congratulate kiddys, make a
little performance, play with them, give them
We have organised the same action last year and
it was successful - children were happy, our volunteers

joint action by YAP Italy

As you might know from the previous Info, the
14th of December 2003 we had our General
Assembly : well it seems that Yap Italy is finally
changing, considering that the whole board has
changed. We can so say that things are slowly and
smoothly moving in Eternal Rome.
Some details: our board is probably the youngest
and most international one within YAP. The
members: Roberto (30, Italy) is our new president,
Elisa (24, Italy) is our new secretary, Julien (28,
France), Julie (23, France) and Beata (23, Poland)
are our new counsellors.
We have already started to work for our next season
and in between papers, documents and
somehow difficult changes (by the way, not finished)
we are trying to keep the best from the past
and update and implement our activities following
international evolution.
We maybe will not have the same number of work
camps we had the last year but we hope to have
less problems in dealing with them and to put all
our political and idealistic souls on all our future
programs (and maybe why not ... some more
Julien, as international exchanges officer, will anyway
update you during next CD about our 2004
workcamp program. We are planning to develop
couple of new topics apart from the ones Yap Italy
has always developed. In between them communication
and technologies, cultural relativism and
human rights, civil service as a tool for the development
of societies etc. etc., yes our brains are running
If anybody is interested we will have a nice work
camp to renovate our office-home ... all creative
people are welcome!
Anyway even if you are not interested in volunteering
for our structure (buhhhhhhhhhh!) you will be
always welcome (as far as you bring us some nice,
eatable, drinkable or smokable presents from your
hometown, of course: !!!)
We thank all the people who have supported us
during these past months and we wish a better
2004 to whom had a bad year and a good 2004 to
whom had a nice one.

by Nico Aguilera

This update is meant to give the International
Secretariat of YAP as well as the branches and
associated groups a brief update about the different
activities, developments and perspectives
concerning the co-operation with Latin-America
in which Solidarites Jeunesses has been working
For the past 8 years SJ has been working hard to
develop its partnership with organisations in Latin
America. A study visit has taken place in Mexico
and Cuba. As a result of this visit the Mexican
branch Nuestra Tierra was born and volunteers
were sent to Cuba in 1998. Unfortunately the
partnership with Cuba did not continue.
Several attempts to develop the partnerships
have occurred and the recent co-operation with
the Brigadas de Voluntarios Bolivarianos del Peru
(BVBP) with the sending of 3 mid-term French
volunteers and the hosting of one Peruvian volunteer
is an example of it.
The co-operation with the other Mexican associations
like VIMEX and Vive Mexico has also developped
and SJ has continued increasing the hosting
and sending of short, medium and long term
Mexican volunteers.
As far as Central and South America the co-operation
continues but basically by the intermediary
of different partners such as YAP-CFD in
Nicaragua, Peru and Ecuador, IBG in Ecuador,
VFP, Vive Mexico and World Pulse in Guatemala.
SJ has also sent volunteers to Honduras and
Martinique and made contact with the Brazilian
association Adevipar. An attempt to start off a
co-operation with the Chilean association
CODEFF (Comite Nacional pro Defensa de la
Fauna y Flora) took place in 2002 with no results
so far. One more adventure in which SJ took part
was the setting up of the Mexican platform of
associations AVOS which development has been
halted for several reasons. More recently SJ has
participated in several activities and seminars
with the goal of meeting new partners or developing
those who have not developed. It has participated
also in several seminars and meetings such
as: the Seminar "The Voluntary Service as tool for
Local Development" which took part in Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico, the "Euro-Latin America Youth
Co-operation: a better knowledge on partnership"
seminar organised by the CCIVS that took
place in France in 2003, the 6th Euro-Latin-
American Youth Forum organised by the Youth
Forum in Spain also in 2003.
Contacts with other Latin-American associations
are currently taking place and we hope being
able to go and visit some of the potential partners
sometime this year or next one.
As far as the Solidarites Jeunesses' Solidarity Fund
is concerned it has helped to partially finance the
participation of volunteers and representatives
from Nuestra Tierra, Vive Mexico and BVBP.
Within the LTV several exchanges have taken
place (centralised and decentralised EVS and outside
EVS) and continue working well.
I'm sure I'm missing several other undertaken
actions but once again this is just a brief update.
It is the desire of SJ to continue developing the cooperation
with Latin America. We know that the
potential exists and that is it possible to promote
voluntary work (the Latin-American way) in
Europe by hosting Latin-American volunteers as
well in Latin-America (the European way) by
sending European volunteers.
Of course the Asian way and the African way and
the Oceanic way and the Martian and Venusian
ways are also important (all forms of voluntary
work) but since this article deals with the EU-LA
co-operation then I only focus in those concerning
Europe and LA.
More to come in the next YAP-Info!

by Alex Baldinici

I would like to tell you some words about one of
the grassrooted projects of MTP Oradea and
namely the "Magic of Books" project done in partnership
with the library of Oradea.
The city library of Oradea was hosted until
recently in one of the most beautiful Art Nouveau
palaces of Oradea that used to be the Palace of
the Greek Catholic bishop. Now the palace is
given back to its initial owner. Those of you visiting
Oradea one day will see that Oradea is an
open air museum of Art Nouveau architectural style!
The city hall gave the library another building also in the
city center but in a classical style (eclectic one).
The library has some branches in the districts of
Oradea. A district is a relatively new part of the city
developed during the communism
with blocks and all sorts of shops. Here
the children don't have too much option in what
concerns free time. They are attracted by Internet
clubs and computer games. They have forgotten
to read books.
Their parents work hard to survive in this new
capitalist society with salaries very low and rocketing
prices. Based on this reality I can add another
problem: the library doesn't take an active role in
the local community. It simply lends books to people
or leave them to read the daily newspapers.
That's all.
The district offices don't have any mediateca or
promotion of books or other activities that answer
the needs of the community. Here comes our
organisation's role. To attract the children from
these districts to the library with a free language
course. The library doesn't have any teaching
material at all. They might have some books in
French, English or other foreign books but they
are not suited for teaching. These books were
received as donations from abroad from people
who didn't need them anymore. So, you have
some books you don't like anymore please consider to
donate them to this library. You might ask yourself what
foreign language is spoken in Romania and in Oradea
nowadays. Until the 70's French was the second language
of the Romanian intellectuality. Russian was not
obligatory in Romania during
communism - a paradox, isn't it? Starting the 80's
English became more spread and now English is
the main foreign language people speak. Even
more, in Romania the films are with subtitle, so a
lot of people know English. Because of the same
reason and namely because of the Latin
American telenovelas Spanish is increasingly
popular. Italian is also very popular in western
part of Romania. Only in the region of Oradea
there are more than 300 Italian companies
making maybe the shoes and shirts that you are
wearing right now.
Regarding our project, we had two foreign volun-
teers that worked in this particular project during
2003: a Polish and an Austrian one. They had a
positive experience. They worked with children
from primary school: age 7-11. The office where
they worked in the district is not so far from the
city center. Trams are freqvent and reliable. You
get there in 15-20 min. So the work of the volunteers
is with groups of 4-10 kids (one or two groups
per day, every day, Saturday and Sundays are
Our experience is that all the children taking part
in the course made an abonament (subscription)
at the library and started to lend books (yuppie!).
Once again I want to say that the library has no

2003, by Alex Baldinici

The end of 2003 is a perfect ocassion to remember
and being thankfull for what happened.
That's why I thought of writing this 'inventory' of
good things and achievements of MTP Oradea,
Romania and say a big 'thank you' for all of you
that have helped us directly or indirectly.
At the beginning of 2003 our volunteer Gabi
Postole designed the leaflet for the international
movement of YAP.
In spring 2003 we said goodbye to two heartly
EVS volunteers from Iceland and Austria working
in the local communities of Oradea in language
teaching and social assistance. Part of the same
large scale project with ICYE returned home 3
Romanian EVS volunteers from Czech Republic,
Slovakia and Italy. Two of them continued working
in MTP Oradea. Mariana Bogdan works in
the office and Tunde Csizmadia started a new
project of assisting and helping 4 poor families
with at least one disabled child.
In March we went out in the main square of
Oradea to light up candles for peace - this was
our way to protest against the war in Irak every
Saturday and Sunday. Our protest called "Light
for Peace" was covered by the local press too. On
the 21st of March we had a packed room of participants
at our intercultural evening on the
International day Against Racism where we invited
representants of the Hungarian, German,
Slovak, Roma, Indian, Italian, Pakistani and
Mauritius community living in Oradea. This evening
has been done in partnership with the
European Integration Youth Forum, local organisation
led by Mioara Pitut, known to some of

In the summer time, due to your support and
help, many local Romanians enjoyed volunteering
in your workcamps (Greece, Korea, France,
Italy, Germany, Spain). Due to our limited funding
we were able to organise a workcamp run
by Emese Bokos and host about 30 volunteers.
Bogdan Imre has been active in running one of
Via Pacis' summer camps too.
Regarding the cross-border cooperation with
Hungary, MTP Oradea has been invited by the
local administration to be part of an official visit
in Debrecen, Hungary and learn about the local
youth policy.

In July, AVSO's large youth and volunteering
event organised at the EYC in Budapest involved
MTP too (Emese, Bogdan and myself).
During the year our youngest volunteer Monica
Butnaru participated in two training courses (on
facilitation and project writing).
As a follow-up of Tunde Csizmadia's EVS project
in Italy and initiative the president of ANFAS
association in Reggio Calabria, Italy came to visit
us and we signed a cooperation protocol aiming
the financial support of 4 poor families with at
least one diasabled child. In this project there is
one local volunteer (Radu Fogas) and we plan to
develop in the future an EVS placement.
Our LTV, Ramona Mihis left this year to Japan (1
year) and one to Italy, Monica Chereches (6
months). We hosted in our dog protection project
a short term EVS from Belgium (Wesley
Vanoopen) and currently a Finish volunteer (Tuija
Naiva). In October, Mariana Bogdan represented
us at the YAP CD in Cluj-Napoca.
On the 9th of November, the International Day
Against Fascism, we had about 80 young people
coming for a film evening (The Pianist) and a discussion
on antisemitism and the similarities between
the film and the realities in Oradea's interbelic
times. The event has been organised in partnership
with the European Integration Youth
Forum (Laura Popa) with the help of UNITED in

Extra thanks go to Ciprian Coica, our webmaster
that designed www.mtp.rdsar.ro, the realisation
of MTP's leaflet in 3 languages (Romanian,
English and Hungarian) and to Radu Bologan our

Special thanks to all the people that volunteered in the
MTP office during this year:
Bogdan Imre, Camelia Nistor, Gabi Postole, Mariana
Bogdan, Monica Butnaru, Tunde Csizmadia, Emese Bokos,
Ela Butnaru and to our local partners: Arca lui Noe,
Caritas Catolica (BACH), "Gheorghe Sincai" City
Library,Casa Minunata, Ecotop, the Scouts, Fundatia Life,
and the local media (Jurnalul bihorean, Bihari Naplo,
Jurnalul de dimineata, Bihoreanul, TVS, Radio
Transilvania, Radio Special).

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