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Новости Youth Action for Peace

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Новости Youth Action for Peace - выпуск 9

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3. Life of the Movement

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by Solene and Celine

We are happy to give you news of Javva in this edition of the YAP info.

Javva saw the arrival of Sebastien Ruche from Solidarites Jeunesses Toulouse
beginning of May. Sebastien is the new EVS Long-term volunteer in Javva and
so far has done a great job. For instance with the help of other Javva
volunteers, Sebastien has been installing the doors that now make a good
separation between Javva office and YAP living-room. I am sure that this
news will satisfy many of the steering members ;-) Sebastien is for now in
charge of the inscription of volunteers on the workcamps abroad. He will as
well be a Javva camp leader during the season. As it was his first time in a
workcamp organisation, he went for two weeks in June to Croatia on a
workcamp. He found the experience very fruitful and wrote an article in
French that you can consult on our website www.javva.org

Then comes the recognition of Javva as a youth organisation of the French
Community. As you know since Javva sat up and since we became a YAP partner,
one of our ideas was to be recognised as such. For those who know very
little about Belgium, let me briefly explain the system: Belgium is a
country with a federal government. It has as well three community
corresponding to the 3 official languages : Flemish, French and German.
Belgium is divided in 3 regions : Wallonia, Flanders and Brussels-Capital.
The support to Youth Organisation is under the Community authority. For that
reason, Javva had to make a choice between the French and Flemish community.
The choice wasn't hard to make as the coordinators of the association do not
speak Flemish and the majority of the administrators neither. So we applied
in order to obtain this recognition. What for ? MONEY. This recognition will
provide us with subventions on our fix charges, on 80% of the salary of a
new employee and on some activities. The council in charge to vote for the
acceptation of Javva as Youth Organisation voted in favour. The last step
now is to obtain the signature of the minister of Culture to officially
recognise us. This last signature should be done soon:. and the subsidies
should start from in 2003 !

My last comment on this topic is that although Javva is recognised by one of
the community (we have no other choice than going through this system), this
doesn't mean that Javva looses its national vocation. Flemish and
German-speaking volunteers are involved within the life of the association
as any other volunteer if they express the wish to.

Then, I would have liked to share with you the outcomes of our last
activity. Javva organised its traditional June Barbecue on Saturday 21st of
June. Traditionally, the concept of this Barbeque evolves every year
depending on the needs that have been expressed by the potential future
volunteers of Javva. This year it was decided to have the second training
for camp leaders in the morning and to have an afternoon session on
intercultural learning and a discussion on workcamps for volunteers taking
part in one of them or interested to know what a workcamp is about. In the
evening, a barbecue was then organised to end the day in a nice atmosphere.
Many new faces were present in the afternoon and good discussions were
raised. People from Javva were as well happy to see some faces that are not
so new but that are showing more and more interest in Javva.

And about the workcamp season, well, we still have place on Belgian
workcamps and we are still looking for your volunteers !!!! We still have
places on social workcamp and the festival of traditional music which is a
really great project:..!!!

Briefly, we are very very happy also to be part of the United project; we
will collaborate with a local organisation involves in the street work and
to Arte Diem (thanks to Alfredo and Jesus for their work)

That is it for now:

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'Citizenship' Seminar, Hosted by AJP Portugal
by Celina

On the 16th June, in Granja de Ulmeiro in Protugal, the seminar 'La
Citoyennete' (Citizenship) began.  Many countries participated, including
Brazil, Portugal, Uraguay, Germany, Italy and Hungary.

The objective of the seminar was to discuss such themes as democracy,
justice, the rights of man and of the earth, the global and the local, by
promoting the communication and participation of young people.

To begin with, the theme of the individual was chosen.  During this stage,
our objective was to give each participant a better knowledge and
understanding of himself, of his objectives and his projects.

The next subject, 'the collective', was developed along the same logic.
During this subject, our attention was focussed on each country present, in
order to consider each country as a community.

After having discussed and worked on the dichotomy between the individual
and the collective, we initiated a discussion on the subject of the public
dimension, so that finally there are three dimensions which are different
but at the same time complementary - the individual, the collective and the

We presented next the question of participation : In what ways can we
participate in society ?  Which actions can help us towards the construction
of another world ?  The majority of the themes presented and worked on
fitted a specific scheme - the scheme of 'rhizomes'.  It's a root which
spread all its ramifications horizontally and has small convergence points
instead of only a dominating centre.

With the help of the model of the rhizome, several schemes of four
dimensions were elaborated.  These dimensions represented four themes for
debate : politics, economy, culture and ecology.  These dimensions were all
discussed individually and, later, all together with the approach of the
'rhizome' model.

As the final activity of the seminar, each country constructed a project
using the concepts they had learnt and understood during the seminar.

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Life Inside Solidarites Jeunesses . . .

by Lee

1.  Megan dropped by at the National Office, both for a mid-term evaluation
with Marie-Laure...and to find out more about how SJ works : part of her
Europe-wide tour to prepare for the opening of a YAP UK group in London.

2.  We have just finished the first preparatory weekend for the volunteers
who will participate in workcamps in southern countries.  The weekend went
very well, and according to their evaluations, the volunteers found it
useful.  150 people were present in all - that might seem a lot, but it
nearly a hundred less than last year.  Participation in workcamps in
southern countries has been badly hit by the growing culture of fear, be it
of war or of sickness.  Many thanks to all the organisations and volunteers
from 2002 who shared their experience with those who are about to
leave...thanks also to JAVVA who sent a large group of Belgian volunteers.

3.  Sometime in spring 2004, SJ will be organising a weekend called "Singing
the Revolution".  The aim is to learn together songs of different
revolutionary movements...and through the words of these songs, to learn
about the revolutionary movements themselves and the reasons for their
struggle.  And of course, it would be ideal if we could have people from YAP
branches present to teach us the revolutionary songs of their countries -
those of the Intifada, of the Chiapas, of the revolution of April 25th in
Portugal...so, the question is, can each branch let us know if and when some
of their representants will be in France, eastern Spain, Italy, Switzerland
or Belgium in early 2004 (via vie.asociative@solidaritesjeunesses.org), if
those representants would be willing to participate...with this information
we can fix the date and where exactly in France it will take place.  Thanks

4.  Don't forget - from August 27th to August 31st, it is the "Rassemblement
National" of Solidarites Jeunesses, bringing together all those who
participate in our actions or wish to know more about them.  The theme this
year is "How do we say what we do and do what we say".  As ever, we'd be
pleased to have people from other YAP branches present, so that our members
can get to know the international movement more.  The event will take place
in Franche-Comte, which is in the north-east of France near the Swiss

5.  We are looking at SJ to put together a project that will allow us to
recover and write down our history.  Since the history of SJ is intimately
linked to that of YAP, any material you have would be appreciated, in
whatever language you have it in.  Please send it by post or by e-mail to

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World 4 U is Steaming
by Shashi

World4U is steaming. Not yet physically, as Moscow's summer is a blaze of
modesty this year, so nobody melts, but project-wise - we do! After a month
of extremely intense networking, we've got in touch with several most
developed and active youth social networks and now have the amount of
projects in agenda that it doesn't even scare. it stuns. few of them are
just extra-camps in autumn (will be spammed onto you a bit later, so send
your volunteers!), but the others are more for LTV projects and non-formal
social education development. In coming weekend we carry out the Russian
Youth NGO Networking workshop, with about 16 organizations participating, at
the wicked wooden house of one very extraordinary school here in Moscow -
facing the bank of Moskva-river... Ahhh, urban and NGO-romantics joined in

To let you know about the most interesting from international point of view
would be that yes thanks to stamina of YAP IS we made it on time with
another (third attempt) application for "Russian EVS", this time just
Russian and with 5 other Western countries, unfortunately without our
friends in Ukraine and Belarus. If the crossed fingers would do this time,
we'll have 5 (FIVE!) of YAPpies hosted at three W4U initiative groups (1
volunteer -Moscow, 2 volunteers - Voronezh, 2 volunteers - Nizhni Novgorod)
for one year non-formal social and peace education with youth! Isn't it
exciting?! So prepare your Eastern-oriented volunteers who feels that this
infinite space to the East of European Edem is exactly what they must
explore and contribute to - in January-2004 we'll be here to welcome them
for their adventure. Theatre happenings to be prepared, seminars, round
tables and workshops on anti-discrimination, tolerance, peaceful conflict
management to be run, joint events with Human Rights Youth Movement to be
carried out... and much more!! All five will be united with the same task,
but will be using different educational tools and work with different age
groups of youth. At the end of the project it is planned to unite the
results and fruit of the entire campaign.

 4. Activities of Other Platforms/Organisations

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Training for Trainers in Human Rights Education

We would like to draw your attention to the Training of Trainers in Human
Rights Education with young people organised by the Council of Europe's
Directorate of Youth and Sport at the European Youth Centre Budapest from 20
to 29 November 2003.

This course is designed for participants who are or act as active trainers
in non-formal education in youth work activities and in other NGOs concerned
with human rights education.

Please note that the deadline for applications is 20 September 2003. The
working languages of the training course will be English and French.

You can find the information about this course and download the application
form at:


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VIMUN - Vienna International Model United Nations

A Model United Nations for Students from 18 to 35 Years of all nations

10 - 14 AUGUST 2003, United Nations Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

- You are between 18 and 35 years!

- You are interested in International Relations and the work of the United

- You are an University or College Student!

- You like meeting people from all around the world!

- And you do not have plans for your summer!

So, you will be the best candidate for VIMUN 2003! The Vienna International
Model United Nations is a simulation conference of several UN-Bodies and
held this year between 10 and 14 August at the UN Headquarters Vienna! Best
Speakers will be awarded!

If you want to get more information click here
http://afa.at/vimun/afavimun.htm or contact Bettina T Kolbl directly at

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North-South Training Course

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe is organising the
North-South Training Course for Youth Organisations (9th Edition) in
Mollina, Spain from the 19-26 September 2003.  As in the last years the
course will happen in the larger frame of the University on Youth and

The North-South Training Course for youth organisations is a week long
training course for 30 representatives of youth organisations from both
Europe and the continents of the South. It aims to train multipliers in
youth organisations in developing and implementing programmes for their
organisation aimed at North-South Co-operation, as well as awareness raising
on Global Interdependence. An additional aim of this course is to create
strong working relations and networks between Youth organisations in Europe
and in the South. Over the course of seven days the participants will be
introduced to the complex reality of Global Interdependence, the different
views existing on these issues in different parts of the world and will
explore how global interdependence relates to young people and the work of
youth organisations. On the basis of this analysis the participants will be
trained in the different skills and knowledge areas relevant to successfully
conduct North-South co-operation, exchange and awareness raising programmes.

You can access the application form and the full information on the
University on Youth and Development at the Centre's Website in
www.nscentre.org  The deadline for applications is 20th July 2003.

For any further information do not hesitate to contact
marcos.andrade@coe.int or pablo.cameselle@coe.int

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Partnership Training Course: European Citizenship in Youth Work

Application is now open until 10 August 2003. Languages: English and French

The Partnership Programme is now glad to announce the 3rd training course on
European Citizenship in Youth Work, to be held on 19-30 October 2003 at the
European Youth Centre Budapest. The training course is designed for youth
workers and youth leaders to support their professional development and to
extend their competencies in order to integrate European citizenship within
their projects and practice. "European citizenship" is approached through a
variety of subjects, such as democracy and citizenship, European
institutions and integration, human rights, youth policy and youth work.
Special emphasis is put on project development.

The course documents and application form are available on the website of
the Partnership Programme at www.training-youth.net

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International Youth Conference: Democratic Values and Tolerance in the

2nd of August - the day of Ilinden rebellion - was always one of the most
significant holidays in Macedonia. On this day all citizens behave with
special respect and honor especially this year celebrating 100-year
anniversary which presents an especially big jubilee and a significant
symbol for Macedonian statesmanship and nation.. The central manifestation
takes place in Krusevo, known as "10 days of Krusevo's Republic". In this
period, from 1-10 of August, Krusevo is center of culture in Republic of
Macedonia and attracts massive number (80,000-100,000) of visitors and
quests, both from the country and from abroad.

A great honor and pleasure is that The Youth Alliance of Krusevo, obtained
the privilege, to participate in the planning and organizing of certain
contents as part of the national commemoration of this important historical
day. The official state board of celebration chaired by the President
Trajkovski already accepts our plan of activities.

We believe that the jubilee's symbolicity is a brilliant opportunity to
reverse to the traditional values, tolerance and mutual living, and
promotion of new vision that will unite all political parties and ethnical
groups in Macedonia and its neighboring countries. 150 young people
representing all ethnic groups and communities living in Macedonia and youth
leaders representatives of the other SEE countries and European youth NGO
networks will convene and discuss the issues that are of importance for the
youth. Main outcome would be bringing youth declaration stating the firm
orientation of the youth and their support to the necessary reforms process
to achieve the needed democratic standards and creation of regional NGO
network that will support these processes.

We have pleasure to invite youth leaders from SEE countries and
representatives of INGO as participants to the conference "Democratic Values
and Tolerance in the Balkans".

For the full description, please contact the YAP IS.  Final deadline for
registration is 15th July.

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Training for Trainers in Human Rights Education

Training of Trainers in Human Rights Education with young people organised
by the Council of Europe's Directorate of Youth and Sport at the European
Youth Centre Budapest from 20 to 29 November 2003. This training course is
organised in the framework of the Human Rights Education Youth Programme
under a 2003-2005 priority of the Directorate of Youth and Sport "Youth
promoting human rights and social cohesion". The working languages of the
training course will be English and French. Please note that the deadline
for applications is 20 September 2003. You can find the information about
this course and download the application form at:

This course is designed for participants who are or act as trainers active
in non-formal education in youth work activities and in other NGOs concerned
with human rights education and are motivated and able to act as multipliers
or trainers for human rights education.

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ASEM Youth Dialogue on the New Security Challenges

The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and the Ayala Foundation Inc (AFI), in
co-operation with the Philippine National Youth Commission, will be
organising the ASEM Youth Dialogue on the New Security Challenges: Root
Causes of Conflicts and Role of the Youth from 02-05 September 2003 in Cebu,

The ASEM Youth Dialogue is a valuable opportunity for youth leaders from
Asia and Europe to exchange views with their counterparts from other
countries, define the role of youth in addressing these challenges, and
formulate recommendations that could be channelled to the leaders of the
Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). The ASEM Youth Statement is considered a key
outcome of the meeting.

We are pleased to announce that the ASEM Youth Statement on New Security
Challenges shall be handed over to HE Mrs Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, President
of the Republic of the Philippines, who shall accept it on behalf of ASEM at
the conclusion of the Youth Dialogue.

Full description and application at the YAP IS. Deadline for applications at
ASEM 14th July.

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Asia - Europe Training for Trainers

The Asia - Europe Training for Trainers Seminar 2003 will take place at the
Hanmaum Education & Retreat Center in Seoul from 13th- 20th October 2003.
The official deadline for applications has passed, but the organisers would
like to invite some further applications from European countries.  Therefore
if you are interested, it is NOT TOO LATE!  Contact the YAP IS as soon as
possible for details.

This Asia-Europe Training for Trainers Seminar (TfT) project has proposed by
the active volunteers and the coordinators of NVDA would like to pass their
experience and expertise. As a part of Asia-Europe Training Course of youth
training events that ASEF is focusing on, TfT could be a very meaningful and
productive traning program for the Asian and European activist on this

The project aims at spreading international volunteer project in the Asian
regions, giving better training for coordinators and project leaders and
strengthening the cooperation between Asian voluntary service organizations
through TfT Seminar by the cooperation of Alliance.

The participants shall gain better understanding of the functioning of
international volunteer project in the active regions, strengthen contacts,
draft ideas for further cooperation and develop a better understanding of
cultural differences.

NVDA is organizing this event in cooperation with Alliance. So, the number
of participants will be up to 2 people from each of SCI and YAP.  For
further details and an application form contact the secretariat.

 5. Food for thought

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The Role of Civil Society Towards the Realisation of a Peaceful
International Community

Written by Alex Badinici during his year as a Stagiere in the European

The Civic Society is a free and democratic expression of the citizens'
involvement in local and regional communities as well as at international
level. It is shaped up by different organisational strata in its specific
role of developing an international peaceful community. The first group is
set up by official bodies of governments that act as non-governmental
organisations in the promotion of democracy or the fight against racism and
other forms of social exclusion. National Democratic Institute for
International Affairs in Washington D.C. is a governmental organisation that
involves a considerable number of trainers, lobbyists and specialists in
advocacy in order to support peaceful democratic changes in countries in
Eastern Europe, Latin America or Africa. Peace Corps is another government
organisation that sends throughout the world young graduate volunteers for
two years in ecological, social or local development projects.

Other local independent organisations do have as a slogan: "Act locally and
think globally". Usually, they are working on a specific issue of a certain
community but its impact is more general and is contributing to the broader
aim of international peace. For example, there are the organisations in
different American metropolis' districts that work on the relation between
the white people and the African Americans or the Hispanic groups. For
example, the Quaker's Movement is doing a wonderful work for reconciliation
and conflict prevention. It was the first and only organisation in Belfast
to run mixed schools for Catholic and Protestant children.

Thirdly there are the international organisations that are supporting the
democratic values that create the base for a peace environment, such as
justice, solidarity, intercultural learning, the total respect of human
rights, the freedom of conscience. Another salutary aim is the introduction
of peace and human rights education into the curriculum of all educational
institutions (International Peace Bureau in Geneva). Organisations such as
Amnesty International and War Resisters support as special cases individuals
that try to object the threat to the international peace. World wide there
are organised protests, demonstrations, petitions, letters are sent to
governments. Here I can mention the case of the Russian officer Nikitine,
put into jail in 1996 (and set free recently) for revealing the catastrophic
situation of the Russian nuclear submarine fleet abandoned in the Baltic
Sea, or the other Russian officer Pasko, "guilty" of making documentaries on
different chemical and radioactive waste of the Russian Navy in the Sea of
Japan. Or there is the case of Mordechai Vanunu, imprisoned in Israel for
already 11 years and condemned for espionage. Being a technician at the
nuclear centre of Dimona, he denounced the production of the nuclear weapon
by a country that today still refuses to admit that it has the atomic bomb
and also to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. All these people apart from
being convicted by their governments have benefit from a certain
consideration. With other words the development of collective movements is
aiming at replacing these single actions within a larger frame of a
political fight, more holistic, more structured, aiming at a deeper change
of the unequal structures of our society that generate conflicts.

As an unanimous recognition of the importance and the efficiency of the
peace building process of the non-governmental organisations, the Nobel
Prize for Peace was awarded several times to Amnesty International, Human
Rights Watch, International Campaign to Ban Landmines, Handicap
International or the International Association of Physicians for the
Prevention of Nuclear War.

Thanks to everybody who have collaborated in this edition:  Virginie, Aniko,
Jesus-Miguel, Lee, Shashi, Solene, Celine, - You all make this project a
thousand times more possible!

Editor: Megan Dowsett


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YAP в России http://www.world4u.ru

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