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Новости Youth Action for Peace

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Новости Youth Action for Peace - выпуск 8

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YAP Info - July 2003

Welcome to the July edition of the YAP info!  This, as you can see, is the
electronic newsletter sent from the International Secretariat every two
months, with the idea to keep branches, partners and interested individuals
up-to-date about what is happening in the YAP world.

This month's Info is perhaps a little smaller than that of other months, a
reflection of the fact that most of the YAP branches and organisations are
chaotically J flying around, placing hundreds of volunteers in hundreds of
workcamps.  Last minute changes, visa invitations, cancellations and
appearing and disappearing volunteers are all a natural part of the
excitement, of course!  Still, within these lines are the signs that YAP is
as strong and alive as ever. . . look out for numerous new project
applications from which we await news, feel the excitement in Alcobendas as
Casa de la Juventud prepares the final touches of Arte Diem, and join the
never ceasing energy of World 4 U in Russia!

Finally, please take the time to look at the activities of other platforms
and organisations, which you may find of interest for yourself and your
members.  And if you have any comments, contributions or ideas for the info,
then they would be more than welcome.  Happy reading!

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1.News from the International Movement

Farewell to Helmut
            The Next CD
2. YAP's International Activities
            Study Visit to UK - Final Report
            EVS Middle East 2003
            Training for Facilitators - Final Report
            New projects
                        EVS Short Term 2003
                        Arte Diem : Peace through Arts 2003
                        Historical Challenge Project
                        Culture of Peace; 10 Days in September
                        EVS in Mexico
                        EVS Russia
                        EVS in the Balkans
                        EVS in Middle East
                        Volunteering in YAP Office
                        Intercultural Youth Dialogue: Post 11 September (II)
                        EVS Unity in Variety, no Discrimination
                        Training for Lobbying, Public Relations and
                        Seminar on Peaceful Self Determination
                        Alternative Economy Seminar
3. Life of the Movement
            JAVVA News
            'Citizenship' Seminar, Hosted by AJP Portugal
            Life Inside Solidarites Jeunesses
            World 4 U is Steaming
4. Activities of Other Platforms/Organizations
            Training for Trainers in Human Rights Education
            VIMUN -Vienna International Model united Nations
            North-South Training Course
            Partnership Training Course: European Citizenship in Youth Work
International Youth Conference: Democratic Values and Tolerance in the
            Training for Trainers in Human Rights Education
            ASEM Youth Dialogue on the New Security Challenges
            Asia - Europe Training for Trainers
5. Food for Thought
The Role of Civil Society Towards the Realisation of a Peaceful
International Community, by Alex Badinici

1. News from the International Movement

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Farewell to Helmut

As you read, Helmut Warmenhoven is finishing his last days in the YAP IS . .
 . his face is sad and you can find him at all hours in the office, trying to
spend as much time there as possible before it become forbidden territory .
 . .

No seriously, this is a time to thank Helmut very much for his work of the
past four years.  We know we will still see him around in the coming days,
weeks and months, and for whoever finds out his plans for the coming
months - a very special reward!

And as Helmut leaves, we give again a warm welcome to Gisele, and look
forward to working with her in the coming months - and, of course, years!

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The Next CD

The next Committee of Directors will be in Cluj, Romania from 17 to 19
October 2003. YAP Romania applied to their National Agency on the 1st June,
for a seminar on Electronic Communication, which, if accepted, will take
place in the week before the CD.  We wait to hear for news of this
application.  Fingers crossed!

2. International YAP Activities

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Study Visit to UK

The Final Report was finished, printed and distributed during June.  If you
wish to receive a copy by email, please contact the YAP IS.

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EVS in the Middle East 2003
by Virginie

"Definitely, voluntary service is about experiences:"

The EVS project in Haifa, Jerusalem and Hebron have experienced lots of
adventures during the last two months: you might have heard that after the
mid term evaluation conduced by Silvia, Moira and Adli, the group of 10
volunteers went to Jordan to renew their visa ; here we left the story in
the last InFo. What happened then? :. After some days sightseeing in Amman,
the group, except Tiziana, an Italian volunteer was already returned to
Hebron some days before, the 9 international volunteers went back to the
Israeli border, full of energy and motivation for the next 3 months.
Unfortunately that day Israel decided differently, not allowing them to
enter back the country:.

After almost 3 weeks speaking with the different delegations of the EC in
Brussels, Amman and Jerusalem, after another unfruitful try by the
volunteers at the border, after contacting embassies and consulates in
Israel, after introducing a case to the Court of Haifa, after, after, after,
the 9 volunteers were finally allowed to come back and finish their project
in Haifa, Jerusalem and Hebron !!

Again we would like to thank all the people involved in problem solving and
to salute the volunteers for their extremely strong motivation !

The EVS projects will end at the beginning of August, although Ajay and
Michele already went home and Tiziana is on the way back home. Monica wishes
to prolong her stay at IPYL for extra 3 months ; good luck to her and to
Malaak, Elise, Marie, Alvaro and Sergi for the rest of their time there !

The final evaluation will take place probably in October in Brussels ; we
are currently thinking of its organisation.

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Training for Facilitators - Final Report

 . . . All done and dusted!  The Final Report of the Training for
Facilitators was printed and distributed during June, and we hope eventually
to make it available on the website (along with other reports).

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New projects:

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Short Term EVS 2003
by Aniko

THE HOTTEST MEETING OF THE YEAR took place last week-end, from 27th - 30th
June. No, you are wrong, it does not mean that the participants of the prep
meeting of branches involved in ST EVS 2003 (Celine from JAVVA, Hanne from
SJ, Meda from YAP Romania, Liz from Perpeetum Mobile, Sergiu from YAP Italy,
Adina, Gisele, Helmut and myself) argued and fighted with each other
furiously and passionately, simply we were in Rome, with about 40°. A more
serious report is coming soon!

In the last info I wrote that hopefully I would have more things to share
with the readers of the next issue of YAP Info...and now I can just repeat
myself. I hope the editor will forgive me if I use this forum to call your
attention to the EVS ST project: in the middle of the workcamp season 47
places are waiting for 47 volunteers.

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Arte Diem - Peace Through Arts 2003
by Jesus Miguel

Alcobendas people are quite busy these weeks. We are preparing the Arte Diem
event, our international volunteers are involved in some activities and
getting ready so say good bye (very sad) and many of Waslala members are
travelling around the world.

Arte Diem Youth Exchange is our main worry at the moment (especially for
Alfredo, Jesus Miguel and the other 5 members of the Spanish Team). As many
of you already know we will host 50 young people from 20 different
countries!! During three hot weeks in Madrid.

The hardest part so far it's been the selection process, since we received
over 200 applications from all over the world and it was quite hard to say
no to most of them...

We want to thank our partner organisations for the help they gave us in this
selection process.

Now we are putting all our efforts in preparing the program and trying to
have a good experience here for all the participants.

As you might know, the scheduled activities include discussion in groups,
exchange with local youth, cultural and artistic workshops, cultural visits,
sports and recreation events and "national presentations". This last
activity aims to share our different cultural backgrounds with the other
participants, so we expect the people to come to Alcobendas with some
cultural samples and items than represent their countries and cultures. We
are quite excited about this and let you know more in the future.

We also want to set up a website providing all the information and some
images of Arte Diem (including a photo of every participant!) but we are
still working on it. Until that moment, you can find more information about
Arte Diem in the Casa de la Juventud website: http://www.eurojoven.org (in
Spanish and English)

Remember, from the 5th to the 25th of August, Alcobendas will host Arte

Good luck to everybody

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Historical Challenge Project

Such a great idea . . . and such sad news.  During the weekend of the 27th -
29th June, the Prep team for the Historical Challenge project met for the
last time.  Sadly, there were so few applications for the project, and very
few from the countries in the region, that the project had to be cancelled .
 . . for this year at least.  The team spent the rest of the weekend
evaluating the experience, formulating a paper which listed the reasons for
cancellations, possible reasons for the lack of interest, and aspects of the
process which could have been better carries out, for the benefit of future

Nevertheless, the team felt that the entire process of working together had
been extremely beneficial to the organisations involved - some strong
partnerships were formed with the possibility of other common projects in
the future.  Finally, we felt that the organisation of the project so far
had been good, and it was important to emphasise that all the practical
arrangements had been made for a successful project.  Here's to another
distant day!

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Culture of Peace; 10 Days in September

One of the fruits of the seminar held in Brussels in February, 'Towards a
Culture of Peace; Peace Education in the Third Millennium' . . . One of the
working groups in the seminar decided to work on forming a 'tool-kit' which
can be used to bring peace education into formal education, providing
material for workshops and sessions in areas such as conflict resolution.
It was decided to form the 'tool-kit' during a workcamp, and to spend the
evening time working on this, so that accommodation and lodging is covered
and participants need only to cover the costs of their travel.  And finally
 . . . the workcamp will take place in Nizhni Novgorod in Russia, from
4th-14th September 2003.  World 4 U is looking for motivated volunteers, who
can be interested and active in preparation and follow up for the project.
For more details, contact Shashi on shashi@world4u.ru

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EVS in Mexico

Finally, YAP with Nuestra Tierra decided to battle through once again, and
created a dream of an application for EVS in Mexico 2004, meeting the
deadline on the first of June.  This is another Info with a lot of finger
crossing, but for one last time, may we all cross our fingers and hope for a
positive answer from the European Commission!

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EVS Russia

For the third time, an application was made for EVS in Russia - but this
time it was decided to cut down the scale of the project, and apply only for
EVS in Russia, without including Belarus and Ukraine.  The application met
the 1st June deadline, and fingers crossed, we will hear some good news and
reward for everyone's efforts soon!  For more information about the
projects, please look at 'World 4 U is Steaming' in 'Life of the Movement'.

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EVS in the Balkans

An application was made to the European Commission in June for a 6 month EVS
project in the Balkans.  The project builds on the ever stronger partnership
between YAP and the SEEYN network, and aims to place 10 volunteers, half of
which would come from Western Europe into the Balkans, and the other half
moving from the Balkans into Western Europe.  The EVS is planned to begin in
March 2004, and more details will become available when we receive news from
the Commission . . .

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EVS in the Middle East 2004

Following the tradition of the past years, IPYL and other organisations in
the Middle East hope to host EVS volunteers again in 2004.  The application
was made in June for 13 volunteers who would begin between November 2003 and
March 2004.  As with so many of our projects, we cross our fingers and wait
for news!

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Volunteering in YAP Office

"Want to come to an international NGO in  Brussels?"

You may know that Megan, our EVS volunteer in Brussels, will leave at the
end of August after 9 months working in our office ; you may think that a
youth organisation which promotes voluntary service without volunteers in
its basis is a bit paradoxal.. and you'd be right !! For that reason:

 YAP is looking for 2 volunteers for the International Secretariat based in
Brussels :

- one Long Term Volunteer (LTV) from the 1st of November 2003 for a period
one year. We introduced an EVS application to the EC on the 1st of June ; we
hope to get an answer around end of August. If the EVS project is accepted,
the placement will be open to people aged between 18 and 25 coming from a
"programme country" ; if the project is refused, the placement will be more
widely open, having in mind that all the costs will be covered by internal
budget of YAP, and more or less under the same conditions that EVS projects
(pocket money, insurance, language course provided, :). The deadline to send
us the hundreds of applications is Friday 15th of August.

- one Mid Term Volunteer (MTV) from 1st of September to 1st of November
2003, to cover the "gap" between Megan's departure and the next Long Term
Volunteer. BUT we need a person already introduced to YAP world in general
and the work of the international secretariat in particular. We'll have only
two months to work together and it would be a pity taking much time to
introduce the work of YAP to her/him. So if you people are interested or
know in your organisation THE person, please let us know.

The deadline to send us the hundreds of applications is Monday 28th of July.

In both cases, you should refer to the YAP branch in your country for more
information, project description and application forms.

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Intercultural Youth Dialogue : Post 11 September (II)

21-25 September 2003, Nazareth

The Prep Team for the Seminar has been chosen and will meet on the 19th and
20th July to plan what is sure to be another memorable seminar.  More
details about the seminar will for sure be available after the prep meeting
has taken place.

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EVS Unity in Variety, No discrimination
by Virginie

In French, we say "the more we are, the more fun we'll have".

The prepteam of he project (Melodie, Shashi, Emese, Virginie, Bogdan)
welcomed Gabi some weeks ago as the 6th member.

The application have been introduced to the EC on the 1st of June ; we
expect an answer around end of August. The hosting organisations are MTP
Oradea (Romania), JAVVA (Belgium), YAP Italy (:), CFD (Germany), Via Pacis
(Hungary), XARXA (Spain), Casa de la Juventud (Spain, two points), YAP
Romania (: Romania) ; they will host 12 young volunteers from November 2003
to November 2004.

The project description will be available and sent to the branches before
end of July. The team will make, together with the hosting organisations,
the selection of the proposed volunteers mid September; after eventual
discussions, changes around the volunteers' hosting project, the final
placement should be known by end of September.

The team plans to meet all together just before or just after the CD in
Romania, in order to prepare the pre-departure training, which will take
place around 10th of November, in Brussels. Tutors/project representatives
may be invited for the last days of the training, according to the budget
allocated by the EC. But in a way, begin to think about booking some days
around 15th November if you're a tutor/project responsible in the Unity
project !

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Training for Lobbying, Public Relations and Campaigning

As mentioned last time, an application was made to the European Youth
Foundation for a "Training for Lobbying Public Relations and Campaigning",
to take place in the European Youth Centre in April 2004.  We still wait for
news, so watch this space!

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Seminar on Peaceful Self Determination

In April, an application was made to the European Youth Foundation for a
seminar on Peaceful Self Determination, to take place near Moscow, Russia in
October of 2004.  As with the other Training for Lobbying, we are still
waiting for news.

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Alternative Economy Seminar

Before the June Deadline of the European Commission, an application was made
for a seminar on alternative Economy, 'Alternative Economy as a strategy for
Sustainable Development in Europe and Latin America'.  This is planned to
take place in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, from 16th - 21st February 2004,
directly before the CD I 2004.  This will take the form of a Youth Exchange,
to look at sustainable alternatives for the current economical system, and
is responding to ideas put forward in the Congress in 2002 in Sopron,
Hungary.  We wait to hear further news of the application, and more details
will become available then.  In the meantime . . . cross your fingers!

Окончание в следующем выпуске.


YAP в мире http://www.yap.org  yapis@xs4all.be
YAP в России http://www.world4u.ru

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