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Новости Youth Action for Peace

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Новости Youth Action for Peace - выпуск 6

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 4. Activities of Other Platforms/Organizations
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25 Years of the European Youth Forum

This year, the European Youth Forum celebrates its 25 years anniversary.  To
make this event memorable, member organisations were invited to a
celebration in the European Parliament to coincide with the Council of
Members meeting.  The achievemtents of the past 25 years were reviewed, and
the activities of several member organisations were presented, including YAP
(thanks to Roel), followed by a champagne reception . . .
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AVSO - Youth Volunteer Fair

The 'Youth Volunteer Fair' is being carried out in the framework of the
large-scale project 'Promoting Voluntary Service in Central & Eastern
Europe'.  We are looking for your support in disseminating information &
recruiting volunteers & trainers.  Dates:  3 - 4 July 2003

The event comprises:-
 the volunteer activity for which we are looking for around 15 current or
ex-volunteers that have experience of an East-West, West-East or East-East
voluntary service experience.  They will prepare an exhibition, be involved
in the conference, and produce their own output - a short video.  It is
being coordinated by Emese Bokos -MTP Oradea & YAP international - & the
deadline for applicants is 23rd May 2003.
 the organisation training is targeted at the members of AVSO networks and
others involved in the promotion & development of voluntary service
(including volunteer centres) from Central & Eastern Europe. We have
identified 'national contacts' in each of the future Member States with whom
we are 'validating' our list of contacts to invite to the training.
However, if you wish to receive a list of those we intend to invite to this
training, please let me know. We need 3 trainers/facilitators to lead the
training.  The deadline is also 23rd May 2003.
 the international conference will involve NGOs & government officials from
future Member States. Again we rely on national contacts to validate the
list of invitees, but if you have experience or contacts we would be happy
to receive your advice!  We plan to invite representatives from the Youth
Unit of UNESCO, UNV, the European Commission, the Council of Europe & the
Bosch Foundation.

Patricia Brulefert is coordinating the event from AVSO & you can contact her
directly on patricia@avso.org or tel: +32 2 5117501.  Application forms
available from the YAP IS.
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Seminar: "Participation of Young People with Special Needs on the Program

Tangram Association for Children and Young People would like to invite you
to the above seminar, which will be held in Prague on 30.11. - 07.12. 2003.

The participants should be those who are:
- working with young people with handicap or with integrated groups
- working in youth organizations and who are organizing youth
They do not need to have own experiences with the work with handicapped
young people.

During this seminar we would share experiences with the others, we will
introduce you the program of EU Youth, inform you what does it offer
concerning this topic.
We will visit the centers which work with young people, young people with
handicap, inform you about the possibilities and actions taken to integrate
the disadvantageous young people into society and we will discus this topic.

The seminar will be held in German and English language. There will be
participating about 15 - 20 people from different European countries.

We will pay for you the costs for the accommodation, meal and program.
We can pay you also 70% of the travel cost, maximum 100,- Euro.
Please contact the secretariat for the application form, and with any other
questions, please contact tangram directly on tangram@centrum.cz  The
deadline is 16.5.2003.
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Seminar: "Youth Empowerment through Gender Projects"
Switzerland, Solothurn (between Zurich and Berne), August 26-31, 2003
- Swiss Coordination Office of the YOUTH-Program, financed by the Swiss
- Swiss National Youth Council (SAJV/CSAJ), Commission for Women's Projects

Themes: to offer a platform to exchange experience with gender projects
(Swiss projects and projects presented by the participants of the seminar)
and to profit from expert knowledge in the field of 'Gender & Empowerment'
on topics as diverse as:
New Technologies; Health; Culture; Medias; Politics; Migration; Youth
Associations; Religious Groups...

- To get to know new projects and innovative methods
- To exchange knowledge, experience and project ideas among participants
- To get to know different approaches concerning the seminar topic provided
by experts
- To start a network for future international youth projects
- To have fun!

Seminar Costs (food/lodging/activities):  free of charge
Travel Costs:  up to 100 Euros of travel costs per participant will be
reimbursed, under the condition that 80% of the seminar has been attended;
the participants are asked to travel by train (second class), unless the
trip is very long or complicated
Deadline of the application:  May 31

Contact the secretariat for participant profile, methods and application

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Asia - Europe Training for Trainers

On behalf of the NVDA / ASEF we are happy to invite you to Asia - Europe
Training for Trainers Seminar 2003, which will take place at the Hanmaum
Education & Retreat Center in Seoul from 13th- 20th October 2003.
This Asia-Europe Training for Trainers Seminar (TfT) project has proposed by
the active volunteers and the coordinators of NVDA would like to pass their
experience and expertise. As a part of Asia-Europe Training Course of youth
training events that ASEF is focusing on, TfT could be a very meaningful and
productive traning program for the Asian and European activist on this
The project aims at spreading international volunteer project in the Asian
regions, giving better training for coordinators and project leaders and
strengthening the cooperation between Asian voluntary service organizations
through TfT Seminar by the cooperation of Alliance.
The participants shall gain better understanding of the functioning of
international volunteer project in the active regions, strengthen contacts,
draft ideas for further cooperation and develop a better understanding of
cultural differences.

NVDA is organizing this event in cooperation with Alliance. So, the number
of participants will be up to 2 people from each of SCI and YAP.  For
further details and an application form contact the secretariat.

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European Year of People with a Disability - SALTO YOUTH

2003 is the European Year of People with a Disability, and SALTO-YOUTH joins
in the efforts.
SALTO organizes this year 2 training courses on the Inclusion of Young
People with a Disability in the YOUTH programme projects - see
http://www.salto-youth.net/tcinclusion2003/ - which hopefully leads to some
interesting new mixed ability projects in the field.
SALTO has also collected a nice collection of commented links at
http://www.salto-youth.net/linksdisability/ which lead you further to many
resources in the field - and don't hesitate to add your links to the list at
the bottom of the page!
The organisers of the European Year of People with a Disability
(http://www.eypd2003.org) also have a very rich newsletter if you are
interested or active in the field of mixed ability work.
For the latest information about SALTO-YOUTH, you can always check

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Online Training Course: "Youth Transforming Conflict"

The 'Youth Transforming Conflict Online Training Course' informative website
has been launched by the Network University, Amsterdam.  You may visit it
at: http://www.netuni.nl/youth.  The course is anticipated to begin in
October.  For further comments, suggestions, and questions, please contact
Ditta Dolejsiova on fellow@netuni.uva.nl

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CCIVS "Planning Seminar on Global Voluntary Actions"

CCIVS is happy to announce you all that we will hold a 2 days-mini seminar:
"Planning Seminar on Global Voluntary Actions"  .
The purpose of this seminar is to :
 Raise awareness of the CCIVS activities and roles in international
voluntary service
 Raise awareness of the larger context of voluntary service in the world
 To find distance volunteers who can cooperate with CCIVS for different
This seminar is for any interested volunteers but we are mainly thinking of
those who are passing through Paris on the way to or from a workcamp. This
will be a good opening for the volunteers coming from our member
organisations who have less knowledge of CCIVS and its role and the
voluntary actions in global context.  It will also be an interesting option
of the stay in Paris for the volunteers and for their sending organisations
when the volunteers are already in France for their workcamps.

Place : CCIVS office, Paris  and Versailles Association, Versailles.
Dates: 30 July to 31 July 2003
Participation fee: 60 Euros

Conact the secretariat for more details
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Seminar: "Participation of Young Women in Political Life"

The Council of Europe is organising a seminar on the Participation of Young
Women in Political Life, which will take place at the European Youth Centre,
Strasbourg, on 16 and 17 September 2003.
Despite the existence of formal equal political rights between women and
men, political activities and public decision-making often remain
male-dominated areas. A number of obstacles make it difficult for women, and
particularly young women, to enter political decision-making.
The theme of this seminar responds to a growing concern in Council of Europe
member states with regard to balanced participation of women and men in
political life as a factor of social cohesion, democratic stability, equal
opportunities and full enjoyment of fundamental human rights, by all members
of society.
Deadline 15 May.  Contact the secretariat for details and application form.

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World Youth Congress

We would like to draw your attention to the World Youth Congress, which will
be held in Casablanca, Marocco from 16- 28 August 2003 and where up to 1000
young people from all over the world will gather. The main topics of this
congress will be tolerance, solidarity and the role of youth in sustainable
For more information, we invite you to have a look at the following website:

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Messages to Leaders

A non profit organisation, Messages to Leaders, is asking men and women of
conscience to answer the following question: If you had 3 minutes to speak
to all of the world's leaders, what would your message to them be? We are
putting together a book that will contain many of these messages, and will
get these books into the hands of the world's leaders.
Please share your "message" online at http://www.messagestoleaders.org/.
Together, we will make a difference. Thank you!


 5. Food for thought
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Privatization in Disguise, by Naomi Klein
This 'thinking point' was contributed by Ivan . . .

On April 6, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz spelled it out: There
will be no role for the United Nations in setting up an interim government
in Iraq. The US-run regime will last at least six months, "probably...longer
than that."

And by the time the Iraqi people have a say in choosing a government, the
key economic decisions about their country's future will have been made by
their occupiers. "There has got to be an effective administration from day
one," Wolfowitz said. "People need water and food and medicine, and the
sewers have to work, the electricity has to work. And that's a coalition

The process of getting all this infrastructure to work is usually called
"reconstruction." But American plans for Iraq's future economy go well
beyond that. Rather, the country is being treated as a blank slate on which
the most ideological Washington neoliberals can design their dream economy:
fully privatized, foreign-owned and open for business.

Some highlights: The $4.8 million management contract for the port in Umm
Qasr has already gone to a US company, Stevedoring Services of America, and
the airports are on the auction block. The US Agency for International
Development has invited US multinationals to bid on everything from
rebuilding roads and bridges to printing textbooks.  Most of these contracts
are for about a year, but some have options that extend up to four. How long
before they meld into long-term contracts for privatized water services,
transit systems, roads, schools and phones? When does reconstruction turn
into privatization in disguise?

California Republican Congressman Darrel Issa has introduced a bill that
would require the Defense Department to build a CDMA cell-phone system in
postwar Iraq in order to benefit "US patent holders." As Farhad Manjoo noted
in Salon, CDMA is the system used in the United States, not Europe, and was
developed by Qualcomm, one of Issa's most generous donors.

And then there's oil. The Bush Administration knows it can't talk openly
about selling off Iraq's oil resources to ExxonMobil and Shell. It leaves
that to Fadhil Chalabi, a former Iraq petroleum ministry official. "We need
to have a huge amount of money coming into the country," Chalabi says. "The
only way is to partially privatize the industry."

He is part of a group of Iraqi exiles who have been advising the State
Department on how to implement that privatization in such a way that it
isn't seen to be coming from the United States. Helpfully, the group held a
conference on April 4-5 in London, where it called on Iraq to open itself up
to oil multinationals after the war. The Administration has shown its
gratitude by promising there will be plenty of posts for Iraqi exiles in the
interim government.

Some argue that it's too simplistic to say this war is about oil.  They're
right. It's about oil, water, roads, trains, phones, ports and drugs. And if
this process isn't halted, "free Iraq" will be the most sold country on

It's no surprise that so many multinationals are lunging for Iraq's untapped
market. It's not just that the reconstruction will be worth as much as $100
billion; it's also that "free trade" by less violent means hasn't been going
that well lately. More and more developing countries are rejecting
privatization, while the Free Trade Area of the Americas, Bush's top trade
priority, is wildly unpopular across Latin America. World Trade Organization
talks on intellectual property, agriculture and services have all bogged
down amid accusations that America and Europe have yet to make good on past

So what is a recessionary, growth-addicted superpower to do? How about
upgrading Free Trade Lite, which wrestles market access through backroom
bullying, to Free Trade Supercharged, which seizes new markets on the
battlefields of pre-emptive wars? After all, negotiations with sovereign
nations can be hard. Far easier to just tear up the country, occupy it, then
rebuild it the way you want.  Bush hasn't abandoned free trade, as some have
claimed, he just has a new doctrine: "Bomb before you buy."

It goes further than one unlucky country. Investors are openly predicting
that once privatization of Iraq takes root, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
will be forced to compete by privatizing their oil.  "In Iran, it would just
catch like wildfire," S. Rob Sobhani, an energy consultant, told the Wall
Street Journal. Soon, America may have bombed its way into a whole new
free-trade zone.

So far, the press debate over the reconstruction of Iraq has focused on fair
play: It is "exceptionally maladroit," in the words of the European Union's
Commissioner for External Relations, Chris Patten, for the United States to
keep all the juicy contracts for itself. It has to learn to share:
ExxonMobil should invite France's TotalFinaElf to the most lucrative
oilfields; Bechtel should give Britain's Thames Water a shot at the sewer

But while Patten may find US unilateralism galling and Tony Blair may be
calling for UN oversight, on this matter it's beside the point.  Who cares
which multinationals get the best deals in Iraq's post-Saddam, pre-democracy
liquidation sale? What does it matter if the privatizing is done
unilaterally by Washington or multilaterally by the United States, Europe,
Russia and China?

Entirely absent from this debate are the Iraqi people, who might--who
knows?--want to hold on to a few of their assets. Iraq will be owed massive
reparations after the bombing stops, but without any real democratic
process, what is being planned is not reparations, reconstruction or
rehabilitation. It is robbery: mass theft disguised as charity;
privatization without representation.

A people, starved and sickened by sanctions, then pulverized by war, is
going to emerge from this trauma to find that their country has been sold
out from under them. They will also discover that their newfound
"freedom"--for which so many of their loved ones perished--comes
pre-shackled with irreversible economic decisions that were made in
boardrooms while the bombs were still falling.

They will then be told to vote for their new leaders, and welcomed to the
wonderful world of democracy.

This article was taken from "The Nation" website. Feel free to visit it on
http://www.thenation.com/. Naomi Klein is the author of "No Logo: Taking Aim
at the Brand Bullies" (Picador) and, most recently, "Fences and Windows:
Dispatches >From the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate" (Picador).


Thanks to everybody who have collaborated in this edition:  Virginie, Aniko,
Alfredo, Marina, Andras, Ingrid, Lee, Juanita, Shashi, Ivan - You all make
this project a thousand times more possible!

Editor: Megan Dowsett.

Youth Action for Peace
Av. du Parc Royal 3, B-1020 Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: 0032 2 478 94 10; Fax: 0032 2 478 94 32


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YAP в России http://www.world4u.ru

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