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Новости Youth Action for Peace

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Новости Youth Action for Peace - выпуск 2

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### Text


Окончание. Начало в предыдущем выпуске.

3. Life of the Movement
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International Day Against War in Iraq, 15th February

On 12th February, Adina emailed the branches on behalf of YAP to encourage
participation in this day of demonstrations against the war.  It seems
relevant at this point to reflect on the huge participation that was found
across this world in what was probably the biggest worldwide demonstration
in history.
Within YAP, AJP Portugal participated in demonstrations, participants in the
'Peace' Seminar took part in the Brussels manifestation, and Nuestra Tierra
organised a demonstration in Guadalajara . . .
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Nuestra Tierra - and the Anti-War Manifestation, by Dorita

Since 1998, Nuestra Tierra has been dedicated to establish objectives that
let us to promote the peace. Our actions try to involve the local community
through education, diffusion of information and the active participation in
an actitude change which let them be acts of their own reality, as much in a
social, cultural and environmental plan, because we trust that peace just
can be reached when there is just and equity development.
In YAP, one of our Statements to search the peace is the International
Volunteering exchange  like an strategy to share friendship, to live
together and  to know  each others.
In an international plan, due to the imminent war, in YAP and in Nuestra
Tierra, we believe we have to do something to manifest our opposition to the
violence in any circumstance or any motive. We are not through or against of
any country, we just don't accept violence because we respect the right of
self-determination of each country of the planet. We know that a local
action won't stop the war, but we think  this  is an opportunity to involve
all the community to share a solidarity feeling with the innocent victims of
an army conflict, and between us by the consequences of world  magnitudes
that the war  could bring to our community.
The first local manifestation "Contra la Guerra y por la Paz" was organized
by Nuestra Tierra A.C.  last February 14th and our purpose was to make
stronger the feeling to the local community of no violence, no war. We got
the participation of people from all ages, an we got the diffusion  our
community of our interest in create a strong pacifist conscience.
We believe that the local actions together around the world could make an
global change.
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Life Inside Solidarites Jeunesses . . . by Lee

Greetings! Dialogue, our very own newspaper, has just appeared, and thanks
to all the people of YAP who contributed directly or indirectly.  We will
soon be working on the next edition and will be hunting for
contributors...and the Editorial Committee repeats its proposition to write
for the newspapers of other branches if they have a theme and want to know
what French people think / what is happening in France on that subject.
We'll be working with IPYL to write an article on restrictions on youth
mobility in Palestine.
Our General Assembly takes place on March 15th and 16th - the theme is the
place of community education in the new political climate in France.
And . . . like everyone else, we are buckling down for the workcamp season -
the translations have started !

We are looking for a volunteer to join our workcamp team - interested
persons should contact Nico at workcamp@solidaritesjeunesses.org  or +33 1
55 26 88 77
SJ is also recruiting staff members in our regional delegations - interested
people can ask for the details from me
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News from Russia, by Shashi

Thursday, 27th of Feb the famous Pre-season meeting of Active took place. It
 looks pretty much like JAVVA's Steering meetings - lovely family-like 3
hours tea-drinking with animated discussions on what the YAP CD have brought
up and also the season's issues, namely,  workcamps and all fuss of all
levels of fun connected to this stuff.
We composed a bright team of 6 people to prepare a sparkling juicy training
for fascilitators that we are going to run on 22-23 of March and we decided
to re-arrange almost completely the plan fo the training as it used to be
for 2 last years. Main motive for that - the results and impressions of the
Peace Education seminar and CD discussions! Reverend readers, as recently
mentionned by our dear Reiny from PM Austria, CD's are greqt deal tiring
thing, but damn inspiring and even "kicking", reciting the same source! And
so, transmitting the sacred knowledge of the Wisest @ YAP, wave of active
interest to the global situation and the counterstanding of the "official"
politics and economy and the alternative once has been evoked. So it has
been decided that the 2nd day of training will include the debates on
several most burning topics (many of them we borrow from the CD and the
Peace Seminar), which our future fascilitators will have to prepare to run
with W4U volunteers invited especially for this debate day. This way we plan
to hit two targets at once - 1. to have discussion and refresh the vision of
W4U people on the global situation and 2. to give our leaders necessary
skills and knowledge to fascilitate debates in their future workcamps of the
coming summer.
There are several quite tough (for the fascilitator) workcamps planned
(REALLY rural area, or the city of MOSCOW, or a brand new to volunteering
local host...), and those leaders who dare to take over them we plan to send
to Budapest Training in order to educate real Masters of volunteer Might and
We have already started to search for the hosting project for the Peace
Education Tool-Kit gathering (as discussed at the CD and during the Peace
Education seminar) and very likely will send the call for participants in
the nearest future.
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A Conference Hosted by CFD-Switzerland, by Barbara
Womanoeuvres - Feminist Debates on Peace and Security

The cfd Christian Peace Service is organizing an international women's peace
conference with the title "womanoeuvres - Feminist Debates on Peace and
Security" from May 22 to 24 in Zurich, Switzerland. The conference will
focus on topics such as peace politics, militarization, mechanisms of
exclusion, violence, and gender differences. The invited resource women will
criticize the dominant discourse on security. As critical peace activists,
observers, and researchers, they will ask uncomfortable questions and
intervene in the dominant <world> politics. Some of the speakers - among
others - are: Maha Abu-Dayyeh Shamas (director of the Women's Centre for
Legal Aid and Counseling, Jerusalem), Cynthia Cockburn (Professor of
Sociology, City University London), Felicia Langer (lawyer for human rights
and author, Germany and Israel), Christina Thurmer-Rohr (Professor of
Pedagogy, FU Berlin), Engracia Domingos Francisco (Centre for Common Ground,
Luanda/Angola). They will present their perspectives and explain how we can
break away with the mainstream/malestream discourse.
It is the aim of the cfd-women's peace conference, to discuss feminist peace
political approaches and concepts and to continue the debate, e.g. in
lectures, discussions, and workshops on the four main topics: 1.
militarization and masculinity, 2. violence, 3. borders, 4. "humanitarian
interventions" and civil conflict resolution. The conference will be a
platform for discussions and debates, information and networking, sharing
and consciousness building on the current architecture of world security.
All interested women and men are invited to participate in the conference
(inscription required).

May 22-24, 2003, Zurich, Rote Fabrik.
More information and inscription: cfd-Frauenstelle fur Friedensarbeit,
Gartenhofstr. 7, Postfach 9621, 8036 Zurich, 0041-1-242 93 07,
frieda@cfd-ch.org, www.cfd-ch.org/womanoeuvres


 4. Activities of Other Platforms/Organizations
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Month in Review of YFJ Website

The Youth Forum Jeunesse are working hard to update all the information on
our website in order to make it clear and easier for you to navigate through
A monthly review gives you an outlook of the most important information that
has been added to the YFJ website, and you are encouraged to navigate
through it in order to get to know it better and to see the latest
improvements and updates that have been made. It only takes 10 minutes!
Take a look at it on: http://www.youthforum-org.ae.psiweb.com/home/
If you would like specific details of the updates on the website, please
contact the Secretariat.

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Council of Europe, Directorate of Youth and Sport, Language Programme

The Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe will reintroduce
the language course programme in 2003!  The new programme aims to enable
members of youth organisations to become more active in international youth
work by improving their language and communication skills and to ensure
language diversity in the context of European youth work. The new language
course programme seeks to reinforce a "quality-profile" of participants
ensuring that the language course will benefit the development of
international youth work. Therefore the language courses are specifically
designed and reserved for young people actively involved in youth work. The
role of the sending organisation will be reinforced and they will be
requested to take on a greater responsibility in the selection and in the
preparation process of their candidates.
The language course programme will comprise:
- 2 English courses (04 - 30 September 2003 and July 2003 - dates to be
- 1 French course (17 August - 13 September 2003)
- 1 Russian course (27 July - 23 August 2003)
- 1 German course (03 August - 30 August 2003)
- 1 Spanish course (01 - 25 July 2003 - dates to be confirmed)
- 1 Italian course (07 - 27 September 2003) - the implementation of the
Italian language course will be confirmed in the official final information.

Small Print:
Traveling expenses: to be paid by the participant
Enrolment fees: Board and lodging as well as educational costs are provided
and paid for by the Council of Europe and in most cases the governmental
authorities of the hosting country. An enrolment fee of _100 per participant
per course will be invoiced to the nominating organisation and has to be
paid by the organisation, before the beginning of the course.
The deadline for candidates to present applications to the sending/
nominating organisations is the 15th March 2003 then the candidate's
application forms and recommendation letters should be forwarded to the
Directorate of Youth and Sport by the 31st March 2003 at the latest (by mail
or fax - e-mail will not be accepted).
Note; The final programme and application forms are available at the IS.
You can also visit the website
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MS International Leader Training Seminar
Every year Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke organizes an international leader
training seminar aimed at preparing new leaders for workcamps of the
following summer.  The seminar is organized by a group of volunteers
experienced in leading workcamps in Denmark. They plan the seminar based on
the skills and experiences you need to become a workcamp leader, and the
result is a 5-day seminar in which many aspects of leading a workcamp will
be discussed, based on experiences from past seminars and workcamps.

For further information please check: www.mstravels.dk/leader

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IACC Youth Forum

The Youth Forum entitled "Envisioning a world without corruption" is to be
held from 24 to 28 May 2003, during the 11th International Anti-Corruption
Conference (IACC) in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The  IACC Youth Forum,
organised by Transparency International in conjunction with the Institute
for Cultural Diplomacy, will gather young people (aged 16 to 25) from all
over the world.
The Forum's main objective is to integrate youth into the international
movement toward transparency and accountability in public and private
spheres. It will educate participants about the state-of-affairs in the
field of anti-corruption work and help them to formulate their own
The application deadline is 31 March 2003. For more information, we invite
you to have a look at the following website http://www.ynac.org

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Peace Operations Summer Institute:  Critical Perspectives

At Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada in Annapolis Valley,
June 8-20

We are pleased to announce a unique graduate level course in modern peace
operations offered in partnership by three leading Canadian institutions -
the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre (PPC), the Royal Military College (RMC) and
Acadia University.  This program focuses on developing flexible and creative
thinking, problem-solving skills and the intellectual responses required by
those involved in peace operations as they encounter a complex and diverse
spectrum of issues and situations around the world.  It will be of value to
students, participants and managers of peace operations.

Detailed information on the course is contained on the POSI website,
www.summerpeace.ca. Inquiries about the course including registration should
be sent to: continuing.education@acadiau.ca

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Intercultural Learning and Human Rights Education in the Mediterranean

This training course aims to enable youth workers and youth leaders active
or interested in Euro-Mediterranean youth projects to develop intercultural
learning and human rights education with young people, and to initiate
common projects in these fields.

European Youth Centre Budapest from 20 to 28 May,  Deadline: 15 March 2003.
Visit www.coe.int/youth or click on the link above.

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Training Course: Management of Non-Government Youth Organisations

European Youth Centre Budapest,  03-14 June 2003.

Training and empowering participants to develop their attitudes, skills and
knowledge to competently run and manage non-governmental youth organisations
(and/or their units, bodies, boards, programmes and etc) and thus contribute
to sustainable and developed participation of young people in democratic

For more information, visit the website www.coe.int/youth, or click on the
link above.

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Training Course "Training for Trainers"

European Youth Centre Strasbourg, 01-12 July 2003, working languages English
/ French

The main aim of this course is to enable participants - within the framework
of their youth organisation or associations - to competently prepare, run
and evaluate training and other educational activities with an international
and intercultural dimension.

For more information visit www.coe.int/youth or click on the link above.


 5. Food for thought
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Peace and Self Determination . . . Keep thinking!

As part of the clarifcation of our ideals and objectives as a movement, it
was agreed at the CD II 2002 in Sicily to open a discussion about the
meaning of peace and self-determination.  This began by first asking the
branches to formulate a paper, defining their understanding of these ideas.
These papers would then be used as the basis for a discussion in the
Commission for Development Education at the CD I 2003.

Well, the debate is far from over!  But it has begun to move, and to open
some very interesting ideas and contrasting understandings of these
concepts.  The Steering received a total of 7 papers from branches,
expressing their position on Peace and Self Determination, and these formed
the basis of a debate which took place in the afternoon of the Commission.
While the debate did not at this stage (and perhaps ever . . . ?) reach a
formal conclusion, it was enriching and thought provoking to consider what
it is indeed that we are working towards.

The position papers of the branches are available at the International
Secretariat if you would like to see them, and will soon be formed into a
leaflet on the subject.  In the meantime . . . continue thinking, talking
and exchanging ideas!
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An article written during one sleepless night by Cedric Medland, YAPUK
General Secretary

No one in their right mind could support the Stalinist dictatorship of
Suddam Hussein, that has brought ruin and war to the Persian Gulf region for
over 20 years.  However for the US and Britain  to intervene to overthrow
this dictatorship would be the utmost hypocrisy, and will destroy any
respect for them throughout the Islamic world and the wider global

From 1980 the 1990 the west gave unconditional support to Saddam Hussein's
dictatorship. During Iraq's unprovoked invasion of Iran, we supplied Saddam
with all the weapons of mass destruction he wanted.  Just as we armed and
funded the Islamic extremists to overthrow the secular government of
Afghanistan, including Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda.

When Saddam used the power we gave him, to sieze Kuwait, we switched sides.
Then we fought a war to 'liberate' Kuwait.  But instead of using our victory
for "democracy" as President Bush Snr. promised, we restored the old
authoritarian government which then carried out barbarous atrocities against
its Palestinian refugee population.

The fact is that Britain and the US have never fought for democracy in the
Middle East.  Our foreign policy is deeply hypocritical.  Israel has amassed
weapons of mass destruction, illegally occupied Palestinian and Syrian
territory since 1967, flouting repeated UN resolutions, denied basic human
rights, imposed apartheid, attacked and invaded its neighbours and engaged
in ethnic cleansing through its armed settlements in Palestinian territory.

For over 150 years the west, principally Britain, France and the US, have
expended blood and treasure to conquer, control and cajole the Middle East
for our own strategic reasons.  The political geography of the Middle East,
the sequence of borders and authoritarian dictatorships from Morocco to
Pakistan, were created and sustained by Britain, France and the US. The
result has been violent conflict, the constant denial of all the noble
rights and ideals that the west is supposed to stand for, and the growth of
their natural enemies, totalitarian dictatorships and violent Islamic
fundamentalism. In our generation, disinherited and disempowered individuals
burning with revenge have decided that the only thing left is to sacrifice
their own lives in kamikaze attacks, the last resort of the desperate with
no other course of action open to them.

The people of the Middle east are educated and politically sophisticated.
They come from a civilisation thousands of years older than our own.  They
know the history that our leaders choose to ignore.  If we now choose to
invade Iraq, an effectively powerless and destitute country, which has done
absolutely nothing to threaten us, we will throw petrol onto the flames.
The exasperated peoples of the Middle East will feel it their duty to
overthrow their corrupt authoritarian governments that are supported by the
west.  How many of our soldiers will die intervening in the inevitable
inferno?  How many of us will be slaughtered in terrorist counter attacks?
Surely all of us will suffer as the economy declines in the ensuring chaos.

What is our future?  If two members of the UN security council invade one UN
member because they no longer like its leader, the basic principle of the
UN, that no UN member can attack another, which has kept the peace and
underpinned global civilisation for 60 years, will be gone.  India will be
free to crush Pakistan, as there, as in all the world, right will be
replaced by might.  This is a future of anarchic terror, the end of the rule
of law, a possible death sentence for millions of the most helpless people
on the planet.

Is this our future?  Or can we return to the basic values of modern western
civilisation, individual liberty, equal rights and the rule of law.  And in
the name of suffering humanity can we finally apply these values equally to
all the benighted peoples of the Middle East?


Thanks to everybody who have collaborated in this edition:  Juanita, Emese,
Antonio, Ivan, Virginie, Shashi, Dorita, Lee, Barbara, Cedric, and thanks to
Alfredo for your assistance - You all make this project a thousand times
more possible!

Editor: Megan Dowsett.

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YAP в мире http://www.yap.org  yapis@xs4all.be
YAP в России http://www.world4u.ru

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