Хуан Рамон Хименес (1881 - 1958) - испанский поэт, прозаик, редактор и критик. Все слова уже сказаны, но их первозданная творящая сердцевина снова разворачивается перед нами, когда жажда выразить громаду переживаний испанской души превосходит саму невозможность письменной фиксации её движений. Это лишний раз подтвердила Нобелевская премия, полученная Хименесом в 1956 году.
I have a feeling that my boat has struck, down there in the depths, against a great thing. And nothing happens! Nothing...Silence...Waves...
-Nothing happens? Or has everything happened, and are we standing now, quietly, in the new life?
Full Moon
The door is open, the cricket is singing. Are you going around naked in the fields?
Like an immortal water, going in and out of everything. Are you going around naked in the air?
The basil is not asleep, the ant is busy. Are you going around naked in the house?
basil: [‘bEzl] - базилик; дублёная овчина; грань; скошенный край ------------------------
Who knows what is going on
Who knows what is going on on the other side of each hour?
How many times the sunrise was there,
behind a mountain!
How many times the brilliant cloud piling up far off was already a golden body full of thunder!
This rose was poison.
That sword gave life.
I was thinking of a flowery meadow at the end of a road, and found myself in the slough.
I was thinking of the greatness of what was human, and found myself in the divine. ------------------------ to pile up: - собирать; накапливать
slough: [slau] - топкое,
вязкое, затапливаемое место (участок на дороге, по которому невозможно проехать); амер. болото, трясина, топь; амер. русло реки, периодически заполняемое водой
slough: [slAf] - сброшенная кожа (змеи и др. рептилий); оболочка гусеницы, сбрасываемая при превращении её в куколку; характерная черта, свойство, от которых избавляются; забытая привычка; одежда, платье; одеяние; поверхностный слой, покров, оболочка ------------------------
Dawn Outside the City Walls
You can see the face of everything, and it is white— plaster, nightmare, adobe, anemia, cold— turned to the east. Oh closeness to life! Hardness of life! Like something in the body that is animal—root, slag-ends— with the soul still not set well there— and mineral and vegetable! Sun standing stiffly against man, against the sow, the
cabbages, the mud wall! —False joy, because you are merely in time, as they say, and not in the soul!
The entire sky taken up by moist and steaming heaps, a horizon of dung piles. Sour remains, here and there, of the night. Slices of the green moon, half-eaten, crystal bits from false stars, plaster, the paper ripped off, still faintly sky-blue. The birds not really awake yet, in the raw moon, streetlight
nearly out. Mob of beings and things! —A true sadness, because you are really deep in the soul, as they say, not in time at all! ------------------------ plaster: [‘pla:stэ] - стр. штукатурка; мед. пластырь; "лекарство от душевных ран"; то, что смягчает переживания, страдания