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Английский без правил

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Английский без правил

Добрый день, друзья!

Рене Декарт (1596 - 1650) - французский философ, математик и писатель. Декарт начинает свою философию со всеобщего сомнения. Опору, свое уже несомненное основание он находит в "я", в "ego", в "cogito". На той же опоре держится в принципе индивидуалистическая и субъективистическая новоевропейская культура.

As for myself, I have never presumed that my mind was anything more perfect than the ordinary mind. I have often even wished that I could have thoughts as quick, an imagination as clear and distinct, or a memory as ample or as actively involved as some other people. And I know of no qualities other than these which serve to perfect the mind. As far as reason, or sense, is concerned, given that it is the only thing which makes us human and distinguishes us from the animals, I like to believe that it is entirely complete in each person, following in this the common opinion of philosophers, who say that differences of more and less should occur only between accidental characteristics and not at all between the forms or natures of individuals of the same species.

But I will not hesitate to state that I think I have been very fortunate to have found myself since my early years on certain roads which have led me to considerations and maxims out of which I have created a method by which, it seems to me, I have a way of gradually increasing my knowledge, raising it little by little to the highest point which the mediocrity of my mind and the short length of my life can allow it to attain. For I have already harvested such fruit from this method that, even though, in judging myself, I always try to lean towards the side of distrust rather than to that of presumption and although, when I look with a philosopher's eye on the various actions and enterprises of all men, there are hardly any which do not seem to me vain and useless, I cannot help deriving extreme satisfaction from the progress which I think I have already made in my research into the truth and conceiving such hopes for the future that, if among the occupations of men, simply as men, there is one which is surely good and important, I venture to think it is the one I have chosen.

However, it could be the case that I am wrong and that perhaps what I have taken for gold and diamonds is only a little copper and glass. I know how much we are subject to making mistakes in what touches ourselves and also how much we should beware of the judgments of our friends when they are in our favour. But I will be only too happy to make known in this discourse what roads I have followed and to reveal my life in it, as if in a picture, so that each person can judge it. Learning from current reports the opinions people have of this discourse may be a new way of educating myself, something I will add to those which I habitually use.

Thus, my design here is not to teach the method which everyone should follow in order to reason well, but merely to reveal the way in which I have tried to conduct my own reasoning. Those who take it upon themselves to give precepts must consider themselves more skillful than those to whom they give them, and if they are missing the slightest thing, then they are culpable. But since I intend this text only as a history, or, if you prefer, a fable, in which, among some examples which you can imitate, you will, in addition, perhaps find several others which you will have reason not to follow, I hope that it will be useful to some people, without harming anyone, and that everyone will find my frankness agreeable.

to presume: [pri’zju:m] - предполагать, полагать; допускать; отважиться, осмелиться; притворяться

ample: [‘Empl] - богатый, изобильный, обильный; достаточный; просторный; обширный; пространный, подробный

mediocrity: [,mi:di’Okrэti] - посредственность; заурядность; заурядный человек, бездарность, посредственность

to attain: [э‘tein] - достигать, добираться; достигать (о возрасте, времени)

to judge: [‘dжAdж] - судить, выносить приговор; быть арбитром, судьёй (в споре, состязании); оценивать, судить; считать, полагать; делать вывод; критиковать, осуждать, порицать

to venture: [‘ventшэ] - рисковать (чем-л.) ; ставить на карту; отважиться, решиться; осмелиться

to beware of: [bi’wEэ] - беречься, остерегаться, опасаться

discourse: [‘diskO:s] - книжн. серьёзный разговор, беседа; книжн. трактат; рассуждение; книжн. доклад; лекция; речь; уст. разумность, рациональность

habitually: [hэ’bitшuэli] [hE’bitшuэli] [hэ’bitjuэli] - обычно, привычно

a precept: [‘pri:sept] - правило поведения, принцип; заповедь; наставление, указание; инструкция

culpable: [‘kAlpэbl] - виновный, преступный; заслуживающий порицания, осуждения

a fable: [‘feibl] - басня; сказка, миф, легенда; небылицы, ложь, враньё; уст. притча во языцех (о человеке, предмете, поступке, явлении)

frankness: [‘frENknэs] - откровенность, искренность, прямота; непосредственность
(René Descartes. “Discourse on the Method for Reasoning”


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(При подготовке выпуска была использована wikipedia, а также работа А.Ф. Лосева “Диалектика мифа”)

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