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Eurovision Евровидение

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Margaret Berger chats with So So Gay - So So Gay

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  • Margaret Berger chats with So So Gay – So So Gay
    2013-11-12 07:11 admin
    Margaret Berger chats with So So Gay
    So So Gay
    Seven years later, Margaret eventually emerged from the wilderness to take her place on the global stage, representing her country at the Eurovision Song Contest with the gobsmackingly brilliant 'I Feed You My Love'. So So Gay caught up with her ahead

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    Junior Eurovision: 12 countries take part in Kiev – Escdaily
    2013-11-12 07:11 admin
    Junior Eurovision: 12 countries take part in Kiev
    There will be 12 countries taking part in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, which will be held in Kiev, Ukraine on 30 november next month. That is the same amount of countries as last year and still the lowest in the history of the Junior contest. 12

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    Сьомий етап вікторини “Junior Eurovision”! – 1tv.com.ua
    2013-11-12 10:11 admin
    Сьомий етап вікторини "Junior Eurovision"!
    Для найвідданіших шанувальників Дитячого Євробачення Перший оголосив вікторину "Junior Eurovision", переможці якої дістануть запрошення на фінал ДПКЄ, що відбудеться в Національному палаці мистецтв "Україна" 30 листопада. Вікторина 

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    Portugal anuncia su regreso a Eurovisión – EL BOLETIN.com
    2013-11-12 10:11 admin

    EL BOLETIN.com
    Portugal anuncia su regreso a Eurovisión
    EL BOLETIN.com
    Portugal ha anunciado que vuelve a Eurovisión en 2014, tras su ausencia en el certamen de este año, informa Vertele. La gala se celebrará en Copenhague (Dinamarca) entre el 6 y el 10 de mayo. El país vecino decidió no presentar representante este año 

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    ABBA may reunite in 2014? – Eurovision.tv
    2013-11-12 10:11 admin

    ABBA may reunite in 2014?
    Next year in April, it will be exactly 40 years since ABBA's song Waterloo won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974. As millions of their fans wonder, how will members of Swedish legendary band, celebrate this Eurovision milestone, Agnetha Fältskog, one
    ABBA Reunion Possible For 40th Eurovision AnniversaryHuffington Post
    ABBA considering possible reunion to mark 40th anniversary of Eurovision winABC Online
    ABBA may be pondering reunion in 2014USA TODAY
    Huffington Post UK -Radio.com News -Daily Star
    all 47 news articles »

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