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Eurovision Евровидение

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Irish dance goes global, The Israeli Academy of Irish Dance (PHOTOS) - IrishCentral

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  • Irish dance goes global, The Israeli Academy of Irish Dance (PHOTOS) – IrishCentral
    2013-11-06 05:11 admin
    Irish dance goes global, The Israeli Academy of Irish Dance (PHOTOS)
    Yair: I first saw Irish Dance in 1994 at the Eurovision song contest when Michael Flatley and Jean Butler danced the seven minutes of Riverdance. I bought video tapes of self learning made by Olive Hurley. In 2002 after serving three years in In

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    Spain: Rosa’s new challenge – esctoday.com
    2013-11-06 06:11 admin
    Spain: Rosa's new challenge
    The Spanish singer Rosa López, who participated for her country in the 2002 Eurovision Song Contest, has declared that she plans to complete a project that she had begun but dropped in 2007. The artist is in preparations for the publication of a book

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    Eurovision 2014: Cardiff singer Krystal Mills aims to be Swiss entry – BBC News
    2013-11-06 06:11 admin

    BBC News
    Eurovision 2014: Cardiff singer Krystal Mills aims to be Swiss entry
    BBC News
    Two years ago Cardiff's Krystal Mills couldn't play the guitar and had never sung in public. Now she is through to the second round of selection for Switzerland's 2014 Eurovision Song Contest entry. Krystal, 20, dropped out of a hairdressing course and

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    Dutch entrant to be revealed on 25th of November – Eurovision.tv
    2013-11-06 06:11 admin

    Dutch entrant to be revealed on 25th of November
    Stay tuned to Eurovision.tv to find out who the Dutch representative will be. The 2014 Eurovision Song Contest will take place on the 6th, 8th and 10th of May at B&W Hallerne on Refshaleøen in Copenhagen, Denmark. Who do you think should represent the 

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    Participating Countries Unveiled for Junior Eurovision Song Contest – World Screen
    2013-11-06 06:11 admin
    Participating Countries Unveiled for Junior Eurovision Song Contest
    World Screen
    GENEVA: The European Broadcasting Union and its Ukrainian member the National Television Company of Ukraine has announced the 12 countries that are taking part in the 2013 Junior Eurovision Song Contest, available to contestants ages 10 to 15.

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    Azerbaijan selects entry into Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2013 – VIDEO – News.Az
    2013-11-06 06:11 admin

    Azerbaijan selects entry into Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2013 – VIDEO
    Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2013 will be held in Kiev on 30 November under the slogan of Be Creative! Azerbaijan first took part in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2012. 10-year-old Omar Sultanov and 11-year-old Suada Alakbarova ended up 11th 

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    Eurovision star joins in on fundraiser – Sky Tyne and Wear
    2013-11-06 06:11 admin
    Eurovision star joins in on fundraiser
    Sky Tyne and Wear
    Nicki French, who represented Great Britain in Eurovision 2000 and reached no.2 in the Billboard Hot 100, is supporting WeBuyDvds.co.uk in getting people to donate their unwanted items instead of cash. Nicki joins Gary Hollywood, who stars as “Dino” in
    UK: Nicki French supports Children In Needesctoday.com

    all 2 news articles »

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    Austria: Eurostars on stage for OGAE Austria event in Vienna – esctoday.com
    2013-11-06 07:11 admin
    Austria: Eurostars on stage for OGAE Austria event in Vienna
    The star of the event was none other than 1973 winner Anne Marie David who performed her Eurovision classics Je suis l'enfant soleil, and her winning entry for Luxembourg Tu te reconnaitras. Mave O'Rick also took to the stage, performing Du bist da

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    Albania: Dates and line-up for national selection confirmed – Eurovision.tv
    2013-11-06 07:11 admin

    Albania: Dates and line-up for national selection confirmed
    Festivali i Këngës, which has been held annually since 1962, will again serve as the Albanian national selection for the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest, with the final taking place on December 28th. The list of participants features two familiar faces
    France: In quest of next Eurovision entryesctoday.com
    Participating Countries Unveiled for Junior Eurovision Song ContestWorld Screen

    all 6 news articles »

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    Киев готовится к Детскому Евровидению 2013
    2013-11-06 07:11 admin

    Европейский вещательный союз (ЕВС) официально объявил список стран, которые примут участие в Детском песенном конкурсе «Евровидение 2013», который состоится в этом году в Киеве 30 ноября. Украина уже второй раз будет принимать этот конкурс, правда, в этом году он состоится в Национальном дворце искусств «Украина».

    В XI Детском песенном конкурсе «Евровидение-2013» будут участвовать 12 стран: Азербайджан (Ictimai TV), Армения (AMPTV), Беларусь (BTRC), БЮР Македония (MKRTV), Грузия (GPB), Мальта (PBS), Молдова (TRM), Нидерланды (AVRO), Россия (RTR), Сан-Марино (SMTV), Швеция (SVT), Украина (NTU). В этом году на конкурсе дебютирует Сан-Марино и возвращаются Мальта и БЮР Македония.

    ДПКЕ-2013 состоится под девизом Be Creative («Будь творческим»), который призывает искать в себе новые способности и развивать новые таланты, поскольку осознание и понимание своего творческого потенциала является важной составляющей нашей жизни. В прошлом году финал ДПКЕ состоялся 1 декабря в Амстердаме (…

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