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Pink "Last To Know",

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All Music
музыкальные новости и тексты песен
выпуск 128 ( 2004-08-24 )

Мы рады приветствовать вас в очередном выпуске рассылки "All Music".
Текст песни Limp Bizkit "Behind Blue Eyes" была опубликована в 122-м выпуске, вышедшем 8 июня 2004. Текст песни Beyonce "Naughty Girl" можно найти в 120-м выпуске от 30 мая 2004. Мы по-прежнему ждём вашей критики и предложений по улучшению рассылки на форуме.

Архив нашей рассылки расположен по адресу http://subscribe.ru/archive/culture.music.alter/.

Сегодня в выпуске:
Pink "Last To Know"
O-Zone "De ce plîng chitarele "
Ираклий Пирцхалава "Лондон-Париж"
Linkin Park "Numb"
Hava Nagila (Хава Нагила)


Beyonce Knowles зарабатывает каждый год около четырёх миллионов долларов лишь за 10 рабочих дней, рекламируя средства по уходу за волосами. В качестве одного из парикмахеров выступает мама певицы, Тина. Такое рекламное сотрудничество продолжается уже три года.
Поздравив Бритни Спирс с помолвкой, Мадонна подарила ей издание религиозной книги "Каббала", выпущенное в двенадцатом веке. Бритни признала, что книга "выглядит ещё внушительней, чем Библия".
Длина списка приглашённых на церемонию 2004 MTV Video Music Awards превысила два метра. На сцену выйдут многие знаменитости, такие, как Jennifer Lopez, Lenny Kravitz, Will Smith, Shakira, Amy Lee из группы Evanescence, а также команды Mase, Beastie Boys, Outkast.
Ирландская рок-группа U2 выпустит 23 ноября свой одиннадцатый альбом. Первый сингл будет называться "Vertigo" и появится в эфире радиостанций уже 24 сентября. Между тем, во Франции во время фотосъёмок группы была украдена копия ещё незавершённого альбома.

Дни рождения: 24 августа 2004
Mark Bedford (Madness) (1961)
Jeffrey Daniels (Shalamar) (1957)
Mike Derosier (Heart) (1951)
Malcolm Duncan (Average White Band) (1945)
Jim Capaldi (1944)

Artist:   Pink
Title:     Last To Know
Album:   Unknown

Why was I the last to know that you
Weren't coming to my show
You could of called up to say 
Good luck
You could of called me back you stupid fuck
Why was I the last to know?
First date, we ate sushi and
It went well, I was funny and
You said I was a cutie
That's the last thing I heard from you
I left tickets at the door for you
I had to tell my mom that there was no more room
You didn't show, that was so uncool
You could of called me back
So I guess this means
That we're not friends anymore
I heard it's me your asking for
I thought I'd see you at the show
You said you'd go
Why was I the last to know that you
Weren't coming to my show
You could of called up to say Good luck
You could of called me back you stupid fuck
Why was I the last to know?
Why was I the last to know?
After the date I wouldn't go home with you
I wouldn't put my heels in the air for you
You tried to get me to do things I just won't do
Last I heard from you
Here's how I guess the story goes
You would of came if I was a hoe
Fuck for parts, that's just not how I roll
Move it on down the road
So I guess that we
Shouldn't be friends anymore
Sick of hearing that it's me your asking for
Cause I thought I'd see you at the show
You said you'd go
Why was I the last to know that you (Why was I)
Weren't coming to my show (You weren't coming, no)
You could of called up to say Good luck
You could of called me back you stupid fuck (Yeah)
Why (Why was I) was I the last to know?
Why was I the last to know?
You thought you knew me
I guess you didn't
You thought you had me
I think you didn't
You thought you knew me (but you didn't)
I guess you didn't
Why was I the last to know 
(Why) that you
Weren't coming to my show
You could of called up to say 
Good luck 
(You could've called me up)
You could of called me back you stupid fuck 
(You could've called me back)
Why was I the last to know?
Why was I the last to know?
Why was I the last to know? 
Yeah, the last to know
Why was I the last to know?
Why was I the last to know?
You could've called me up
The last to know!

Artist:   O-Zone
Title:     De ce plîng chitarele
Album:   DiscOzone

Ştii, de ce plîng chitarele?
Le-au rănit amintirile...
Tu, iubire, spune-le: ce a fost nu s-a pierdut.
De ce plîng chitarele?
Ştiu doar felinarele, 
Strunele amarele, 
Ce oare au pierdut?

Merg pe stradă fetele, fetele cochetele 
Mă privesc şi-mi strigă-n urmă: 
"Hăi! Nu-mi răspunzi la SMS!'"
Pe străzi pluteşte doar dragostea,
Noaptea-i amară fără ea 
Ea cheamă, cheamă pe-altcineva 
Plînge chitara mea!

Ştii, de ce plîng chitarele? 
Le-au rănit amintirile...
Tu, iubire, spune-le: 
Ce-a fost nu s-a pierdut.
Plîng în noapte strunele,
Strunele nebunele...
Tu, iubire, spune-le: 
Ce a fost nu s-a pierdut.

De ce plîng chitarele 
Cînd răsare soarele 
Cîntă păsărelele
Despre durerea mea.
Pe străzi pluteşte doar dragostea
Noaptea-i amară fără ea  
Ea cheamă, cheamă pe-altcineva,
Plînge chitara mea!


Pe străzi pluteşte doar dragostea 
Noaptea-i amară fără ea 
Ea cheamă, cheamă pe-altcineva,
Plînge chitara mea!


Artist:   Ираклий Пирцхалава
Title:     Лондон-Париж
Album:  Unknown

Может быть никогда
Может быть навсегда
Захочу с тобою рядом быть
Новые города
Старые поезда
К тебе, но ты уже не та

Лондон - Париж
Голуби вверх, блики крыш
Старый бульвар
И на деревьях пожар
Лондон - Париж
Голуби вверх, блики крыш
Ты помни, ты помни

Запахи в темноте
Линии в пустоте
И ты вокруг, хотя тебя и нет
С неба тебе привет
Ты мне кивни в ответ
И всё, но ты уже не та

Лондон - Париж
Голуби вверх, блики крыш
Старый бульвар
И на деревьях пожар
Лондон - Париж
Голуби вверх, блики крыш
Ты помни, ты помни

Лондон - Париж

Лондон - Париж
Голуби вверх, блики крыш
Старый бульвар
И на деревьях пожар
Лондон - Париж
Голуби вверх, блики крыш
Ты помни, ты помни

Artist:    Linkin Park
Title:     Numb
Album:  Unknown

I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface
I don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure, of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you

I've become so numb
I can't feel you there
Become so tired, so much more aware
I'm becoming this, all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you 

Can't you see that you're smothering me?
Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control
'Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart, right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)
An' every second I waste is more than I can take

[Chorus: Repeat]

And I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
You were just like me
With someone disappointed in you

[Chorus: Repeat]

Become so numb
I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be (x2)

Artist:  Unknown
Title:     Hava Nagila
Album:   Unknown

Hava Nagila

Hava nagila, hava nagila,
Hava, nagila venis mecha.
Hava nagila, hava nagila,
Hava nagila venis mecha.

Hava neranena, hava neranena,
Hava neranena, venis mecha.
Hava neranena, hava neranena,
Hava neranena, venis mecha.

Uru, uru achim,
Uru achim belev sameach,
Uru achim belev sameach,
Uru achim belev sameach,
Uru achim
Uru achim belev sameach.

Rise Up Singing предлагает следующий перевод:     
Давайте будем веселиться и будем счастливы
Пробудившиеся братья и сёстры со счастливыми сердцами

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Авторы рассылки: Kim Remaire, Scarlett Geller
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