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Smash feat. Earphones "Obsession",

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выпуск 127 ( 2004-08-20 )

Мы рады приветствовать вас в очередном выпуске рассылки "All Music".
10 августа нашей рассылке исполнилось три года!
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Спасибо всем тем, кто поддерживает с нами активную связь, присылает интересные заявки. И конечно же всем вам, подписчикам нашей рассылки, ведь это и ваш праздник!
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Сегодня в выпуске:
Smash feat. Earphones "Obsession"
Eminem "My Fault"
Alizee "Hey Amigo"
Корни "Вика"
Evanescence "Forgive Me"


После просмотра нового клипа Бритни Спирс станет ясно, что певица не признаёт никаких правил, кроме установленных ею самой. В видеоклипе на кавер-версию песни Бобби Брауна "My Prerogative" певица, игнорируя правила дорожного движения, спешит на вечеринку. Её машина врывается в сад, разрушая забор, и падает в бассейн.
Робби Уильямс, как и многие другие звёзды, готовится выпустить альбом своих лучших хитов. Он соберёт песни из четырёх сольных альбомов. Также на диске можно будет услышать новые песни - "Radio" и "Misunderstood". Дуэт с Николь Кидман - "Something Stupid" - не был включён в трек-лист альбома.
Группа Linkin Park решила помочь пострадавшим от урагана Чарли во Флориде. Отчисляя 5 долларов с каждого проданного билета на концерт, группа планирует собрать около 65 тыс. долларов.
После двух лет молчания группа Bomfunk MC's вовращается в музыкальный мир, но уже в новом составе. 8 августа вышел первый сингл, "No Way In Hell". Сам же альбом называется "Reverse Psychology" и будет выпущен 17 сентября. В альбоме собраны композиции разных стилей - фанк, ди-эн-би, регги, - но основным направлением группы остаётся freeform.

Дни рождения: 20 августа 2004
Doug Fieger (The Knack) (1952)
John Hiatt (1952)
Robert Plant (1948)
James Pankow (Chicago) (1947)
Isaac Hayes (1942)

Artist:   Smash!! feat. Earphones
Title:     Obsession
Album:   Unknown

When you walk into the room 
Blood rushes through my veins 
The thought of touching you 
Is driving me insane 

Now when I see you 
I want you 
I'm loosing control 
I can't take this no longer oh no (obsession)

You're my obsession 
I'm going out of my mind 
It's my obsession 
What am I gonna find 
My defences are low 
How far will I let this obsession go 

I'm imaging you now 
And I can barely breathe 
I still smell you're perfume 
And it's making me feel weak

And from Moscow to Oslo 
I'd search you high and low 
Like a hunter who just can't let go (obsession)

You're my obsession 
Going out of my mind 
It's my obsession 
What am I gonna find 
My defences are low 
How far will I let this obsession go 

And from Moscow to Sarajevo 
I search you high and low 
Cause my obsession just won't let go 

You're my obsession 
Going out of my mind 
It's my obsession 
What am I gonna find 
My defences are low 
How far will I let this obsession go 

Artist:   Eminem
Title:     My Fault
Album:   The Slim Shady LP

[G] Eminem as Susan (the girl)
[D] Eminem as Dave
[J] Eminem as John
[R] Eminem as Ron

Chorus: repeat 2X {Eminem singing}

I never meant to give you mushrooms girl
I never meant to bring you to my world
Now you sitting in the corner crying
And now it's my fault my fault

I went to John's rave with Ron and Dave
And met a new wave blonde babe with half of her head shaved
A nurse aid who came to get laid and tied up
with first aid tape and raped on the first date
Susan -- an ex-heroin addict who just stopped usin
who love booze and alternative music (Whattup?)
Told me she was goin back into usin again (Nah!)
I said, "Wait, first try this hallucinogen
It's better than heroin, Henn, the booze or the gin
C'mere, let's go in here" *knocks on the door*
"Who's in the den?"
[R] "It's me and Kelly!"
"My bad, (sorry) let's try another room"
[G] I don't trust you!
"Shut up slut! Chew up this mushroom
This'll help you get in touch with your roots
We'll get barefoot, buttnaked, and run in the woods
[G] Oh hell, I might as well try em, this party is so drab
"Oh dag!!"
[G] What?
"I ain't mean for you to eat the whole bag!"
[G] Huh?!

Chorus: 1st repeat Em says "I'm sorry!" at the end
2nd repeat same as original Chorus

"Yo Sue!"
[G] Get away from me, I don't know you
Oh shoot, she's tripping..
[G] I need to go puke!! (Bleahh!)
I wasn't tryin to turn this into somethin major
I just wanted to make you appreciate nature
Susan, stop cryin, I don't hate ya
The world's not against you, I'm sorry your father raped you
So what you had your little coochie in your dad's mouth?
That ain't no reason to start wiggin and spaz out
She said,
[G] Help me I think I'm havin a seisure!
I said, "I'm high too bitch, quit grabbin my t-shirt" (Let go!)
"Would you calm down you're startin to scare me"
She said,
[G] I'm twenty-six years old and I'm not married
I don't even have any kids and I can't cook
(Hello!) I'm over here Sue, (hi) you're talkin to the plant, look!
We need to get to a hospital 'fore it's too late 
Cause I never seen no-one eat as many shrooms as you ate

Chorus: 1st repeat Em says "Whoops!" after first line
and "It was an accident!" at the end
2nd repeat same as original Chorus

Susan (wait!) Where you goin? You better be careful
[G] Leave me alone dad, I'm sick of gettin my hair pulled
I'm not your dad, quit tryin to swallow your tongue
Want some gum? Put down the scissors, 'fore you do somethin dumb
I'll be right back just chill baby please?
I gotta go find Dave he's the one who gave me these
"John, where's Dave at before I bash you?"
[J] He's in the bathroom; I think he's takin a crap dude!
"Dave! Pull up your pants, we need an ambulance
There's a girl upstairs talkin to plants
choppin her hair off, and there's only two days left 
of Spring Break, how long do these things take to wear off?"
[D] Well it depends on how may you had
"I took three, she ate the other twenty-two caps
Now she's upstairs cryin out her eyeballs, drinkin Lysol"
[D] She's gonna die dude
"I know and it's my fault!"
[D] My god!!!

Chorus: 1st repeat Em says "I'm sorry!" after second line
and "What do I do?" at the end
2nd repeat same as original Chorus

My God, I'm so sorry!
I'm so sorry! Susan please wake up!
Please! Please wake up!! What are you doing?!
You're not dead!! You're NOT dead!
I know you're not dead! Oh my God!
Susan wake up! Oh God... 

Artist:   Alizee
Title:     Hey Amigo
Album:  Mes Courants Electriques

Dйhanche-toi plus 
Elle dйambule, 
Dans tes avenues, tes rues, 
"Mets les hommes"... 
A ses pieds si tendres, 
Barcelone, fais lui bien comprendre: 
Qu'elle se trompe 
Quel qu'en soit l'йmoi 
Elle se trompe, 
Car elle est comme toi, un chat 
Qui ondule 
Qui fait le dos rond 
Elle manipule, celui qui dit non 

Hey! Amigo! 
Elle veut du haut, elle veut ta peau 
Et sur son dos, un tatouage. 
Hey! Amigo! 
Mi amigo, elle veut du beau 
Et d'un amour, sans maquillage. 

Dйhanche-toi plus 
Elle dйambule, 
Dans tes avenues, tes rures. 
"Mets les voiles"... 
A son doux visage 
Barcelona, prends-la en otage. 
Elle se donne 
Quel qu'en soit le poids 
Oui, elle se donne, 
Car elle est comme toi, un chat 
Qui minaude... 
Qui feint, et salue l'homme 
Elle se sauve d'un bond 
Comme elle s'envole! 

Hey! Amigo! 
Elle veut du haut, elle veut ta peau 
Et sur son dos, un tatouage. 
Hasta luego, 
Mi amigo, elle veut du beau 
Et d'un amour sans maquillage

Artist:  Корни
Title:     Вика
Album:   Unknown

Снегом белым метель замела
Длинную дорогу к тебе
На  Москву опять пришла весна
И тепло забрала все себе
Ты уедешь туда
Где туман прячет от меня
Твой ласковый взгляд
Просто знай
Я буду ждать тебя,
Поскорее возвращайся назад

А где-то лондонский дождь
До боли, до крика
Поздравляет тебя
И на каждой открытке
Я с любовью пишу
С днем рождения, Вика


Звезды смотрят с небес на меня
Не понять мою им печаль
Не зная то, что потерял я тебя
И им меня совсем не жаль
Уезжаешь  и несколько слов
Я хочу на прощанье сказать
Просто знай
Я буду ждать тебя
Поскорее возвращайся назад


Artist:    Evanescence
Title:     Forgive Me
Album:  Unknown

Can you forgive me again?
I don't know what I said
But I didn't mean to hurt you

I heard the words come out
I felt like I would die
It hurt so much to hurt you

Then you look at me
You're not shouting anymore
You're silently broken

I'd give anything now
to hear those words from you

Each time I say something I regret 
I cry "I don't want to lose you."
But somehow I know that 
you will never leave me, yeah.

'Cause you were made for me
Somehow I'll make you see
How happy you make me

I can't live this life
Without you by my side
I need you to survive

So stay with me
You look in my eyes and 
I'm screaming inside that I'm sorry.

And you forgive me again
You're my one true friend
And I never meant to hurt you 

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Авторы рассылки: Kim Remaire, Scarlett Geller
Сайт рассылки: http://music.r2.ru
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