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All Music #93

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All Music
музыкальные новости и тексты песен
выпуск 93 ( 2002-07-23 )

Приветствуем вас в очередном выпуске рассылки "All Music". Возможно, что многие интересующих вас текстов уже были опубликованы в нашей рассылке (см. архив рассылки, адрес чуть ниже). Мы по-прежнему ждём вашей критики и предложений по улучшению рассылки на форуме.

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Сегодня в выпуске:
E-type "Russian Lullaby"
Five "When the Lights Go Out"
Muse "Plug In Baby"
Red Hot Chili Peppers "By The Way"
Slipknot "The Shape"


Звезды к звездам: американский певец Лэнс Басс намерен стать третьим космическим туристом. Последние несколько месяцев солист американской поп-группы "Эн-Синк" тренируется в Звездном городке. Росавиакосмос официально утвердил Басса в качестве потенциального космического туриста. И хотя контракт еще не подписан, сообщается, что певец может отправиться на МКС уже в октябре. Лэнс Басс следует по стопам американского миллионера Дениса Тито и предпринимателя из Южной Африки Марка Шаттлворта. Стоимость путешествия на МКС, где уже побывали два космических туриста - 20 миллионов долларов.

По материалам euronews.net.

Биоритмы Slipknot'а и Shakir'ы на сайте music.r2.ru .
Cумашедшая инструментация фильмов ужасов в сочетании с великолепием концертного рока. "The Eminem Show". Шоу должно продолжаться!

По итогам прошедшей недели композиция Eminem'a "Without me" неожиданно заняла первое место в All Music Weekly Top 10 c 191 голосом, оставив позади себя прежних лидеров Linkin Park (2 место со 164 голосами). На третьем месте оказался также претендент на первое место 2Pac. Замыкают пятёрку с большим отрывом от лидера Alicia Keys и Aaliyah. В десятке также Destiny's Child, Pink, Shakira. А на последнем месте с 9 голосами оказались 'N Sync с песней "Forever".
Приглашаем всех подписчиков принять участие в голосовании этой недели. Вы можете проголосовать по адресу
http://vote.sparklit.com/web_poll.spark/585438. Если вы хотите добавить в голосование следующей недели песню, которой нет в списке, оставьте её название в разделе "Comments" ("Post your topic").

Дни рождения: 23 июля
Chad Gracey (Live) (1971)
Alison Krauss (1971)
Sam Watters (Color Me Badd) (1970)
Tim Kellett (Simply Red) (1964)
Martin Gore (Depeche Mode) (1961)
Blair Thornton (BTO) (1950)
Andy Mackay (Roxy Music) (1946)

Artist:   E-type
Title:     Russian Lullaby
Album:   Unknown

Let's you and me together leave for higher ground
when you're all alone just listen to the sound

we fall asleep when we hear...
we fly away when we hear...
we travel far when we hear...
when we hear the Russian lullaby...

in the night, when the seas are rolling in
in the night, when the stars are shining clear
in the night, when the ghosts are howling near
in the night, when we sing the Russian lullaby

When we are going through the night in search of light
let's you and me enjoy the mach 5 speed of life

we fall asleep when we hear...
we fly away when we hear...
we travel far when we hear...
when we hear the Russian lullaby...

in the night, when the seas are rolling in
in the night, when the stars are shining clear
in the night, when the ghosts are howling near
in the night, when we sing the Russian lullaby

Artist:   Five
Title:     When the Lights Go Out
Album:   Five [1998]

Yeah, I like that, You know what I mean,
You're looking kinda fly tonight girl, What's up, Check it!

Baby when the lights go out, I'll show you what it's all about
Coming at you girl, You know you I like this girl, Here we go!

I ain't sorry for the way I feel,
I know you think I'm being insincere,
From the way I'm treating you,
I never wanted to be so unkind,
The only one thing on my mind,
Is just kicking it with you girl!

Baby it's not the way I feel, you know you must believe me,
Baby it's not part of the deal, Oh, No, No!

Baby when the lights go out, Every single word cannot express,
The love and tenderness, I'll show you what it's all about,
Babe I swear you will succumb to me, So baby come to me,
When the lights go out!

I know you think it may be just a lie,
Ain't no use in putting up a fight,
Cos my heart is set on you,
I see the truth its in your eyes,
I ain't fooled by your thin disguise,
I can see I'm getting through babe!

Girl don't deny the way you feel, You know you've gotta trust me,
Give a chance to prove I'm real, Oh, Yeah, Yeah!

Baby when the lights go out, Every single word cannot express,
The love and tenderness, I'll show you what it's all about,
Babe I swear you will succumb to me, So baby come to me,
When the lights go out! Every single word cannot express,
The love and tenderness, I'll show you what it's all about,
Babe I swear you will succumb to me, So baby come to me,
When the lights go out!

When I flick da switch, Make ya hips wanna dip now,
I can get you off, Cos I'm ready and equipped now,
Swing for me baby give me all that you got,
Never wanna stop cos ya make me feel hot,
I know what you wanna do, And that I feel the same way too,
Give me what ya want through, The days and the nights,
Yeah its about time, That we turned out the lights!

Artist:   Muse
Title:     Plug In Baby
Album:   Unknown

Confuse me
They made you complain as you cried
Cause you, won't change me now
Counting everything, to the king of here
come on

I've got a plug in baby
Crucify my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
God is in me
With broken virtual reality
Tired of giving
Yah yah !

So confused
You can't realise
You're aware, change me
Mercy on everything
'Cuz the king of here

My plug-in baby
Crucify my enemies
When I'm tired of giving
God is in me
With broken virtual reality
Tired of giving
Yah yah !

Artist:   Red Hot Chili Peppers
Title:     By The Way
Album:   By The Way

Standing in line
To see the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there... waiting for
Dani the girl
is singing songs to me
Beneath the marquee... overload

Steak Knife Caro Shark
Con Job Boot Cut

Skin that flick
She's such a little DJ
Get there quick
By street but not the freeway
turn that trick
to make a little leeway
Beat that nic
But not the way that we play

Dog Town Blood Bath
Rib Cage Soft Tail

Standing in line
To see the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there... waiting for

Black Jack Dope Dick
Pawn Shop Quick Pick

Kiss that Dyke
I know you want to hold one
Not on strike
But I'm about to bowl one
Bite that mic
I know you never stole one
Girls that like
A story so I told one

Song Bird Main Line
Cash Back Hard top

Standing in line
To see the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there... waiting for
Dani the girl
is singing songs to me
Beneath the marquee... of her soul
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there... waiting for


Standing in line
To see the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there... waiting for
Dani the girl
is singing songs to me
Beneath the marquee... of her soul
By the way I tried to say
I know you
Looking for
Standing in line
To see the show tonight
And there's a light on
Heavy glow
By the way I tried to say
I'd be there... waiting for

Artist:    Slipknot
Title:     The Shape
Album:   Unknown

Too tragic to stay with you
Too static to try for you
These scars, they swallow hard
The part of the past that's hollow and dark
Too horrid to kill for you
Too sordid to die with you
Unstable as always, come down
Everything else is just dust and sound

SEPARATE (I've lost my only way)
SEPARATE (I've lost my only way)
SEPARATE (I've lost my only way)
SEE THE SHAPE (Broken and thrown away)

I'd give it all away, come take it all away
You can't resent the fear
Somebody tell me how I got here
I'd give it all to you, come take it, it's all for you
The noise is so damn loud, but
Everything else is just dust and sound

I don't wanna do this anymore
Everything's shit - everything's been taken
Forsaken - gotta start it over cuz I'm hearing it
Backwards - DON'T make sense - DON'T feel better
Who's better? It's not that simple
You gotta figure it out before you make things difficult
It's not a word, it's a problem, the problem was easy
Draw your conclusions - solutions?
Anybody else wanna run?
Contorting, distorting - I am undone
One less propaganda nightmare fixture
Are you getting the picture?

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Авторы рассылки: Kim Remaire, Scarlett Geller
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