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All Music #92

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All Music
музыкальные новости и тексты песен
выпуск 92 ( 2002-07-19 )

Приветствуем вас в очередном выпуске рассылки "All Music". Текст песни Shakira "Underneath your Clothes" был опубликован 15 апреля в выпуске #81. Вниманию подписчиков: многие из других интересующих вас текстов уже были опубликованы в нашей рассылке (см. архив рассылки, адрес чуть ниже). Мы по-прежнему ждём вашей критики и предложений по улучшению рассылки на форуме.

Архив нашей рассылки расположен по адресу http://subscribe.ru/archive/culture.music.alter/.

Сегодня в выпуске:
Britney Spears "Cinderella"
Eminem "Sing For The Moment"
Bomfunk MC's "Super Electric"
Bob Marley "Is This Love"
Ozzy Osbourne "Dreamer"


15 октября 2002 года в Radio City Music Hall в New York состоится церемония награждения VH1/Vogue Fashion Awards. Среди номинантов No Doubt, Pink, Shakira, Moby, Elton John и другие. А пока открыто голосование для выбора финалистов.
На 54 церемонию Эмми номинировали Sting, сборник "America: A Tribute To Heroes", посвященный событиям 11 сентября, Madonna, Michael Jackson, U2, Britney Spears и семейку Osbournes.
"Бритни - вы самое слабое звено!" Статья о тенденциях современной музыки на сайте music.r2.ru

В голосовании за период All Music Top 10, на первое место вышел 2Pac. Linkin park c небольшим отрывом пока на втором месте. Alicia Keys замыкает тройку лидеров. В пятёрке также Eminem и Aaliyah.
Приглашаем всех подписчиков принять участие в голосовании. Вы можете проголосовать по адресу
http://vote.sparklit.com/web_poll.spark/585438. Если вы хотите добавить в голосование следующей недели песню, которой нет в списке, оставьте её название в разделе "Comments" ("Post your topic").

Дни рождения: 19 июля
Kevin Haskins (Love & Rockets) (1960)
Brian May (Queen) (1947)
Bernie Leadon (The Eagles) (1947)
Alan Gorrie (Average White Band) (1946)

Artist:   Britney Spears
Title:     Cinderella
Album:   Britney

I used to be a girlfriend and I know I did it well
Oh yes you know its true
You'd call me Cinderella
All you had to do was yell
And I'd be there for you

Here I am
So try to forgive me
I don't believe in fairy tales
Here we are with nothing but honesty
I've had enough
I'm not gonna stay

I'm sorry for running away like this
And I'm sorry, I've already made my wish
Ahaah, But Cinderella is got to go

From time to time
I'd try to tell just what was on my mind.
You'd tell me not today.
Come back, do that.
Well, Cinderella ah...
was all you had to say

Here I am
So try to forgive me
I don't believe in fairy tales
Here we are with nothing but honesty
I've had enough
I'm not gonna stay

I'm sorry for running away like this
And I'm sorry I've already made my wish
Ahaah, But Cinderella is got to go

I'm sorry just trying to live my life
Don't worry you are going to be alright
Ah, But Cinderella is got to go..

You use to say I want you
You cast me in your spell
I did everything you wanted me to do
But now I shout
First your reasons why you lie to me
I wont be blind you see
My love it can't be sacrificed
I won't pretend to be

I'm so sorry
I've already made up my mind

I won't return to you

I'm sorry to say
I'm running away now
Don't worry you will be alright...

I'm running away
I'm made up my mind now
you're gonna have to let me go

(she is got to go)

I'm sorry for running away like this
And I'm sorry I've already made my wish
Ah, But Cinderella is got to go
I'm sorry just trying to live my life
Don't worry you are going to be alright
Ah, But Cinderella is got to go

Artist:   Eminem
Title:     Sing For The Moment
Album:   The Eminem Show

Verse 1
These ideas are nightmares for white parents,
whose worst fear is a child with dyed hair and who likes earrings
Like whatever they say has no bearing,
it's so scary in a house that allows no swearing
to see him walking around with his headphones blaring,
alone in his own zone, cold and he don't care
He's a problem child,
and what bothers him all comes out,
when he talks about,
his fuckin' dad walkin' out
cuz he just hates him so bad that he blocks him out.
If he ever saw him again he'd probably knock him out
His thoughts are wacked,
he's mad so he's talkin' back, talkin' black,
brainwashed from rock and rap
He sags his pants, do-rags and a stocking cap,
his step-father hit him, so he socked him back
and broke his nose, his house is a broken home.
There's no control, he just let's his emotions go...

C'mon! Sing with me (Sing!)
Sing for the year (Sing It)
Sing for the laughter
sing for the tear (C'mon!)
Sing it with me
Just for today
Maybe tomorrow
The good Lord will take you away...

Verse 2
Entertainment is changin', intertwinin' with gangstas,
in the land of the killers, a sinner's mind is a sanctum
unholy, only have one homie, only this gun,
lonely cuz don't anyone know me
Yet everybody just feels like they can relate,
I guess words are a mothafucka they can be great
or they can degrate, or even worse they can teach hate
It's like these kids hang on every single
statement we make, like they worship us
plus all the stores ship us platinum,
now how the fuck did this metamorphosis happen?
From standin' on corners and porches just rappin';
to havin' a fortune, no more kissin' ass
But then these critics crucify you,
journalists try to burn you, fans turn on you,
attorneys all want a turn at you
To get they hands on every dime you have,
they want you to lose your mind every time you mad
So they can try to make you out
to look like a loose cannon.
Any dispute won't hesitate to produce handguns
That's why these prosecutors wanna convict me,
strictly just to get me off of these streets quickly
But all they kids be listenin' to me religiously,
so I'm signin' CDs while police fingerprint me
They're for the judge's daughter but his grudge is against me.
If I'm such a fuckin' menace, this shit doesn't make sense B
It's all political, if my music is literal,
and I'm a criminal how the fuck can I raise a little girl?
I couldn't. I wouldn't be fit to.
You're full of shit too, Guerrera,
that was a fist that hit you!


Verse 3
They say music can alter moods and talk to you,
well can it load a gun up for you , and cock it too?
Well if it can, then the next time you assault a dude,
just tell the judge it was my fault and I'll get sued
See what these kids do is hear about us totin' pistols
and they want to get one cuz they think the shit's cool
not knowin' we really just protectin' ourselves,
we entertainers, of course the shit's affectin' our sales, you ignoramus
But music is reflection of self, we just explain it,
and then we get our checks in the mail.
It's fucked up ain't it?
How we can come from practically nothing to being able
to have any fuckin' thing that we wanted
That's why we sing for these kids,
who don't have a thing except for a dream,
and a fuckin' rap magazine
who post pin-up pictures on they walls all day long,
idolize they favorite rappers and know all they songs
Or for anyone who's ever been through shit in their lives,
till they sit and they cry at night wishin' they'd die
Till they throw on a rap record and they sit, and they vibe.
We're nothin' to you but we're the fuckin' shit in they eyes
that's why we seize the moment try to freeze it and own it,
squeeze it and hold it,
cuz we consider these minutes golden
and maybe they'll admit it when we're gone.
Just let our spirits live on,
through our lyrics that you hear
in our songs and we can...

Chorus X2

Artist:   Bomfunk MC's
Title:     Super Electric
Album:   Unknown

(Super electric) x4

(Super electric) Super electric sound
(Super electric) From the underground
(Super electric) Super electric songs
(Super electric) Blasting through your ears

As we break it down
To the nitty gritty groove
The bits and the beats
An electric boogaloo
Yes it is rocking
The loop is always cool
It never went away
Just check out my moves

Access from the very best
On the decks yet
The wonder boys gonna
Get you more erect
Access from the very best
On the decks yet
The wonder boys gonna
Get you more erect
Access from the very best
On the decks yet
The wonder boys gonna
Get you more erect
Access from the very best
On the decks yet
The wonder boys gonna
Get you more erect


We grew up from the sounds
Our ghetto blaster was huge
We're from the underground
Of the city and the loose
We're the baddest mistakes
You meeting out there and cool
Banging and scheming
Trying to trash school

Access from the very best
On the decks yet
The wonder boys gonna
Get you more erect
Access from the very best
On the decks yet
The wonder boys gonna
Get you more erect
Access from the very best
On the decks yet
The wonder boys gonna
Get you more erect
Access from the very best
On the decks yet
The wonder boys gonna
Get you more erect


(Super electric) Super electric sound
(Super electric) From the underground
(Super electric) Super electric songs
(Super electric) Be brave get down

All those classic breaks
Are still used today
DJs spin the wheel
Go rock a party
Hype it up, wipe it out
Stop hold and play
Calling all who share breaks
Come right this way



(Super electric)

Artist:   Bob Marley
Title:     Is This Love
Album:   Unknown

I wanna love you, and treat you right
I wanna love you, every day and every night
We'll be together, with a roof right over our heads
We'll share the shelter, of my single bed
We'll share the same room, JAH provide the bread

Is this love, is this love, is this love
Is this love that I am feeling (repeat)
I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know now
I got to know, got to know, got to know now

I'm willing and able
So I throw my cards on your table
I wanna love you and treat you right

I wanna love you, every day and every night
We'll be together, with a roof right over our heads
We'll share the shelter, of my single bed
We'll share the same room, JAH provide the bread

Is this love, is this love, is this love
Is this love that I am feeling (repeat)
Oh yes I know, yes I know, yes I know now (repeat)

I'm willing and able
So I throw my cards on your table
See I wanna love you, I wanna love and treat
You right, I wanna love you, every day and every night
We'll be together, with a roof right over our heads
We'll share the shelter, of my single bed
We'll share the same room, JAH provide the bread

Artist:    Ozzy Osbourne
Title:     Dreamer
Album:   Down to earth [2001]

Gazing through the window at the world outside
Wondering will mother earth survive
Hoping that mankind will stop abusing her sometime

After all there's only just the two of us
And here we are still fighting for our lives
Watching all of history repeat itself
Time after time

I'm just a dreamer
I dream my life away
I'm just a dreamer
Who dreams of better days

I watch the sun go down like everyone of us
I'm hoping that the dawn will bring a sign
A better place for those Who will come after us ...
This time

I'm just a dreamer
I dream my life away oh yeah
I'm just a dreamer
Who dreams of better days

Your higher power may be God or Jesus Christ
It doesn't really matter much to me
Without each others help there ain't no hope for us
I'm living in a dream of fantasy
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah

If only we could all just find serenity
It would be nice if we could live as one
When will all this anger, hate and biggotry ...
Be gone?

I'm just a dreamer
I dream my life away
I'm just a dreamer
Who dreams of better days
I'm just a dreamer
Who's searching for the way
I'm just a dreamer
Dreaming my life away
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah

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Авторы рассылки: Kim Remaire, Scarlett Geller
Сайт рассылки: http://music.r2.ru
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