Уважаемые форумчане, кто сталкивался с задачей проверить наличие опции NSL на клиентах Lotus Notes 7. Возможно ли это провести средствами Lotus Domino 8.5?
п.с Возможна ли установка опции NSL с помощью политик заданых на сервере?
Karsten Lehmann needed to transfer a lot of Notes documents and couldn't get past the 25 document limit in a Composite App. Then he found a post on the subject. He's posted the variable here, so there are now two locations with the information.
I tend to use hidden Computed for Display fields a lot as helper fields.
E.g. I have a form which has a number of @DbLookups to an external database. I would like to determine the path just once and then store that in a field. The various formulas can than just reference the field to get the path.
The downside of this method is that the Computed for Display fields are not calculated when performing a ComputeWithForm or RefreshSelectedDocs. I do not want to make these fields Computed as well, since I do not want the values to be stored on every document and I want the formulas recalculated in display mode.
So I am thinking of an extra property with Computed for Display fields "Calculate in Backend".
This year several people have helped
OpenNTF to improve the web site. OpenNTF appreciates this help. Most recently Stan
Uptagrafft contacted us since
he wanted to improve the views for feature requests and defects of projects.
I asked what I should ...
In Lotus Notes, if the subject and the body of a MIME message have different character set encodings, these messages can appear garbled to recipients in a non-Lotus Domino environment.
Lotus Notes and Domino provide the benefit of working “locally,” using local replicas of Notes applicationsdatabases. The main benefitand the original idea behind the localreplica modeis to allow users to work while offline or when connected via slow networks (dialup, ...
When upgrading from Domino 851 to Domino 851FP1 customer gets an error Unexpected PreInstallProcessing failure. The installation failed for the local host.
The Lotus Notes 8.5 addToKit.exe and trimUpdateSite.exe tools were not included in the Notes 8.5 install kits but are available in Lotus Tech Note "Obtaining Notes 8.5 addToKit.exe and trimUpdateSite.exe tools" at http:www.ibm.comsupportdocview.wss?uidswg21366669 . The addToKit and ...
Lotus Notes contains features which increase the size of the install kits when compared to the Notes basic configuration install kits. Some customer's infrastructures are not capable of efficiently handling distribution of the larger install kits and require a method by which they can reduce the ...
В статье приводится обзор IBM® LotusLive Meetings и рассматриваются его уникальные функциональные возможности. В других статьях данной серии эти возможности будут рассмотрены более подробно.
Познакомьтесь с методами достижения высокого уровня доступности IBM Lotus iNotes с использованием программного балансировщика нагрузки или такого оборудования, как Application Delivery Controller (ADC), в сочетании с технологией кластеризации IBM Lotus Domino.
Научитесь использовать инструментарий IBM Lotus Symphony LotusScript для публикации информации из IBM Lotus Notes в приложения Lotus Symphony, такие как Lotus Symphony Documents и Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets.
В IBM® Lotus® iNotes™ версии 8.5 появилось много новых возможностей. Перед вами третья статья из серии публикаций, которая посвящена новому сверхлегкому режиму Lotus iNotes и некоторым новшествам редиректора Lotus iNotes.