'/** ' * Opens a NotesDocument as an XPage. ' * From <a href="http://openntf.org/projects/codebin/codebin.nsf/CodeByDate/B2273FDFB3ABB485862576D300733C4F?OpenDocument">OpenNTF.org Code Bin</a>. ' * @param db NotesDatabase where the XPage (and presumably the document) resides. ' * @param strXPageName String name of the XPage, not including ".xsp" at the end. ' * @param strUNID Universal ID of the document. Can be blank for no document. ' * @param bNotes True if it should open within the Notes client, False if the XPage should open within the default web browser. ' * @param bEditMode True the XPage should open in edit mode, False if the XPage should open in read mode. ' */ Sub OpenDocAsXPage(db As NotesDatabase, ByVal strXPageName As String, ByVal strUNID As String, ByVal bNotes As Boolean, ByVal bEditMode As Boolean) Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace Dim astrURL(9) As String If bNotes Then astrURL(0) = "notes://" Else astrURL(0) = "http://" End If If db.Server <> "" Then Dim nn As New NotesName(db.Server) astrURL(1) = nn.Common End If astrURL(2) = "/" astrURL(3) = db.FilePath astrURL(4) = "/" astrURL(5) = strXPageName astrURL(6) = ".xsp?" If bNotes Then astrURL(7) = "OpenXPage&" End If If strUNID <> "" Then If bEditMode Then astrURL(8) = "action=editDocument&documentId=" Else astrURL(8) = "action=readDocument&documentId=" End If astrURL(9) = strUNID End If ws.URLOpen(Join(astrURL, "")) End Sub
FIND UNUSED LOTUS NOTES GROUPS AND CLEAN UP YOUR ADDRESS BOOK Have you ever wanted to get rid of old Lotus Notes groups that were cluttering up your address book, but you weren't sure if they were used? Find Unused Groups can help.
Find Unused Groups will check your mail and ACL groups to help you determine if they are used, and who uses them.
Yesterday morning at 5-something o'clock Karen woke up in the early stages of labour. Within minutes I'd called the midwifes. Remember last time we'd planned a home birth for Minnie, but left it too late to call and ended up speeding to hospital in an ambulance. Didn't want to repeat that experience.
It was a good job I called so soon, as it had snowed during the night and the midwife on call had to come from a town about 14 miles away, which took her an hour. An hour after she arrived, so did Evelyn.
Here's a photo of her in the style of the one of Felix and of Minnie on the days they were born. She looks a lot more like her brother than her sister.
The birth was all very straight-forward, which I guess it's easy for me to say. Mother and baby are doing well.
My plan is to work from the house for at least this week and just spend an hour or so at the laptop each day to keep on top of things. At least that's the plan.
Sessions for the Admin and Developer conferences are still being added. The place is Boston. The dates are May 12-14, with a bonus Jumpstart Day on May 11. Early registration has been extended until March 12.
Please reimpress/recreate/redo a "Lotus-Notes Designer Best Practice guide" as it was done in 4/5/6. It is really boring to keep repeating always the same stuff and hear the developper says "it is for R6 not R8 in the title"......
A group of us are working on a project to make the Lotus Wikis accessable to mobile devices. This will be both web access and mobile applications. All code will be submitted to Openntf for general use.
The Project will cover:
1: Applications for: iPhone, Android and Blackberry (any one can do palm developemnt?)
2: Web access will be for any webkit based mobile device.
3: Control through one database - it will pull from any wiki.
We are planning the web access and were wondering:
1. use pager controls or the "More.." that just adds more lines.
2. Tabs or iPhone look.
What would make you use it on a mobile phone?
Would you make comments? need to have favorites? see all your entries?
At the moment it is possible to create a form that luanches the first attachment, URL, or DocLink. But this presently does not work when the form is used to display a document in the preview pane. With the growing adoption of wide-screen monitors and higher resoluitiuon monitors more and more applications are being dispgned in a way that exploits the preview pane to display documents. Adding the option to also allow the same auto luanch capability for documents in preview pane would extend this useful capability even further.
An administrator enables autoreminder notification for certain rooms and resouces. When the reminder notification is sent out the administrator is listed as the sender. The administrator would like the sender to be an anonymous entity rather than themself.
The purpose of this technote is to provide information, technotes and tools to troubleshoot problems relating to Domino and DNS. Domino is an application that relies on the OS, Network, and DNS servers to provide valid mail exchanger information.
This article introduces the Representational State Transfer (REST) document service's custom field support in IBM® Lotus® Quickr™ 8.1.1 services for IBM WebSphere® Portal, also called the Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) version of Lotus Quickr. We explain the concept of custom fields, discuss the programming model to manage custom fields with the Lotus Quickr REST document service, and demonstrate a business scenario for extending the core set of document attributes.
Using Lotus Notes/Domino 7.0.3 in Hebrew, the chair of a meeting invitation cannot add an invitee to the meeting if the invitee was previously removed.
Someone asked me how do you redirect users to the www.domain.com address if they just entered domain.com in the browser. It seems the search engines will see the two as different sites and not combine the ranking's. Since the web is all about the ranking and not the content, I will describe how ...