INTEGRA FOR NOTES - THE LEADING LOTUS NOTES TO MICROSOFT OFFICE & LOTUS SYMPHONY INTEGRATION SOLUTION Integra generates Notes data to Microsoft Word, Excel, and Lotus Symphony, allowing end users to analyse and present data using Graphs, Pivot Tables, Filters, etc. Supports Mail Merge and Labels.
No software required for install, and no maintenance on the end user's workstation.
Through the optional use of Integra's event driven model, it provides a depth of access to data & computational capability, which is unique in the industry.
Victor Toal started server-side archiving of user mailfiles and everything seemed fine, until a name change in Adminp failed to process all the way through. The manual process "works", but Victor is wondering how other sites handle this problem.
For longer than I can remember I've been using FamFamFams's Silk icons in my web applications and, more recently, in my Flex apps.
Just recently though I've been finding myself looking through the icons for an icon that isn't there, only to end settling for the next best icon for the job at hand.
Then, yesterday, I stumbled upon the Fugue icon-set, which has more than twice as many icons as Silk (although not twice as much variety upon inspection). Even if it's not an alternative to Silk it could well compliment it.
Fugue even comes with the PSD files for each icon and and shadowed/shadowless versions of each.
Whereas Silk is completely free (as I understand it) the Fugue icons require a $50 licence if you don't want to link back to their website from the site using the icons.
Suppose John adds $1.00 to the "totalamount" field and Susan adds $3.00 to the same "totalamount" field. When replicating this would then result in adding $4.00 to the "totalamount" field.
Same for text fields. When John adds "10/10/2009 16:29 John increased the total amount with $1.00" to the "log" field and Susan adds "10/10/2009 16:31 Susan increased the total amount with $3.00" to the "log" field. When replicating this would then result in adding "10/10/2009 16:29 John increased the total amount with $1.00 10/10/2009 16:31 Susan increased the total amount with $3.00" to the "log" field.
Would like to set the current day color in the Calendar views via policies with the option of allowing the end-user the choice to do this in the Preferences settings if it is not restricted by the policies.
Have a color drop down or selection box in each of the calendar forms so that when the user create a calendar entry, they can also select what color they want the entry to have in the calendar views in addition to what is available today in the Preferences settings.
For example:
I've created an appointment calendar entry and I want this one appointment calendar entry to stand out so I want to have the option of selecting for just this one calendar entry a different color from what I have set in my Preferences for appointment calendar entries...
When you have a Domino server configured to use SMTPs (SMTP over TLS), it can be hard to tell if any particular message was received by Domino using it.
It would be mightly helpful if the SMTP task would tag such messages with a field (like the MIME example field in the dialogbox) that either simpley indicated that, or ideally gave some specific 'geek' info about the secure protocol transfer used.
In Notes if you click on Follow Up on the left nav, you get a window with all your flagged emails. The far right column, "Action", has your notes.
I flag with the name of the person that is supposed to do the action item, so that if I don't hear back I can chase them. It would be really good if I could sort that column, so when I get a team member on the phone to ask if the've done everything I can just go down the list, versus having to jump all around and hope I don't miss one.
I would like to suggest adding a view to DDE in which I can see a list of all design elements. This view should be sortable by Name, alias, date created, and date last modified. This would allow me to:-
Find all the design elements I changed recently (to put back in the template I should have been changing in the first place)
Ensure I do not have two design elements with the same alias
When I get an error that just shows the design element (e.g. recompile all LotusScript) I can figure out what that element is
When I want an overview of someone else app I dont need to scan through all the desig elements to get a feel for what is where.
Copy components to another database (where name is used to group comoon elements)
When importing an iCal File from the internet (you´ve got to have your eMail open and not your calender - would be more intuitiv, i guess) it would be nice if i could define, for example, an individual colour for these set of entries.
I would like to see the possibility of global variables. And with global I mean global to the application. I think that the declarations section of the database script is an excellent place to store them.
Wouldn' t be nice when you could get hold to the uidoc pointer of another document? Suppose the following case: you have a parent document and a child document. In thsi child you change some attribute and you want to reflect this in the main document. when the main document is in edit mode there is no problem, but when it is not, there is a problem. Of course you could save the modified attribute on the back-end. Bu t you want to see the new value on the front-end too.
When you have a pointer to the parent's uidoc available you could use this to modify the front-end of the parent.
Working in a company with 500+ applications, it the designer quickly get crowded with applications.
I would like to have a History or Recent applications option under working sets. This would make it much faster to get startet after a reboot, There should be a preference setting of how many apps to show in the history list.
Also I think it would be better to not automatically add the current application to the current working set. This should also be configurable.
In Lotus Notes, you upgrade your Archive database design including a name change and then upgrade your mail template. After this, the first document that you send to the Archive database from the mail file causes the Archive database title to revert back to the default name.
Randomly, when sending a file using Send To -> As Attachment from Windows Explorer, text that should be placed in the body of the new memo is placed in the To field.
A Desktop Policy is in place to Dock or Undock a user's bookmark bar in Lotus Notes - HTA is Set to Initial value only. The user changes the bookmark bar. At some point, the bookmark bar goes back to what is set in the policy despite the user's change.
The "New Domino Server" option available with the Domino plugin for System i Navigator does not work with System i Navigator 6.1 with any i Navigator service pack applied.
Looking at implementing DAOS? This presentation is here to help! You will walk through the procedure for implementing DAOS and be introduced to the new DAOS manager console commands. You will also