Уважаемые коллеги. Вроде простейшая задача, но у моих коллег что-то не получается. А именно, надо из 1С подключиться к Lotus Notes базе, взять там документ, а в нем взять содержимое поля (rtf) и дальше поработать с ним. Так вот всё коннектится, документы находятся, поля меняются напрямую .ReplaceItemValue, сохраняются... Но вот банально взять значение поля вроде Поле=документЛотус.GetFirstItem("ИмяПоля").Values(0) - ругается. По форумам вычитал, что Поле=документЛотус.GetFirstItem("ИмяПоля").Текст() значение текстового возвращает, но теперь траблы с именем вложения в rtf... Там ещё и как бы в цикле надо объекты вложенные выцеплять... Смотрел как они пробовали с 10-к вариантов -ошибки примерно похожие: то тип переменных не поддерживается (лотусина возвращает массивы), то синтаксис обращения к массиву не тот, то коллекция какая-то не поддерживается... Хотелось бы чего-то вроде name$ =notesdocument.GetFirstItem("Doc_Attach").EmbeddedObject(0).Name() но тожене желает нормально отработать...
Может кто поделится простейшим примером кода, чтоб время не терять, в сети как-то скудно, есть |#^#]>http://www.kb.mista.ru/article.php?id=679|#^#]> , но там касательно СОМа (у нас OLE) и пример не работает именно при обращении к значениям полей... На форумы !С-е отписал, но полдня никаких мнений...
Сталкивался ли кто то с этим продуктом? Есть отзывы. Сейчас хотя рассмотреть альтернативу Лотусовому архивированию. Но меня технологии линков как то напрягают, уже очень жива память о Shared Mail от ИБМ
Под виндой есть такая штука как WScript.Shell, если запускать WShell.Run() с параметрами, то выполнение Lotus Script-а будет ожидать завершения выполнения внешнего приложения.
А вот есть ли аналог этого под Мак/Линукс? Интересует именно ожидание пока идет выполнение внешней программы.
Мне надо используя domino C API открыть удаленный сервер/базу используя известные мне servername username/password
С открытием базы из подтекущего для notes пользователя проблем не возникает но 1) появляеться promt который запрашивает пароль для текущего id (мне надо без промта моя программа знает пароль к севреру а пользователь нет) 2) мне надо октырвать не под текущем id
я знаю что в LotusScript Domino C++ можно создать сессию и задать логин. Подскажите пожалуйста как создать аналог сессии под domino c api
вариант сохранять id файл позволяющие логиница к серверу и переключаться на него не подходит
Как отобразить в LotusNotes 8.5 basic в почтовой закладке правую панель (Sametime, Activities, Feeds, Places и т.д). В админском клиенте (который клиент, дизайнер и админка) есть, а в обычном не могу найти где это можно отобразить. И еще вопрос - как очистить историю набора емэйлов?
Как можно в Lotus Script создать сообщение на ящик в котором будет содержаться календарь? Задача такая есть некое поручение. При его формирование должно отправлять письмо (отправляется) и чтобы у пользователя Exchange в ящике создалось календарное событие с датой выполнения и уже он его окнтролировал бы средствами Outlook.
Есть доки с полем X. В этом поле храниться идентификатор(не Lotus'нный UNID). Но система глючит и иногда появляются доки с одиноковым X. Теперь, собственно вопрос: Можно ли сделать такую вьюшку, которая бы выводила док, если хотя бы один документ с таким полем X уже есть. Ну есть вариант сделать категаризированную вьюшку по полю X и считать total, и если он >1, то ключ X дублируется, но к такой вьюшке будет тяжело программно обращаться. Вариантов решения данной проблемы много (агенты,folder) и т.д. Просто стало интересно, возможно ли сделать подобную вьюшку.
Almar Diehl got some complaints from users about "empty" e-mails. One used Microsoft's Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS), others were using Outlook. It seems the server was "converting" the message format, leaving them empty.
READ TEAMSTUDIO'S LATEST WHITE PAPER In these days of intense focus on security and compliance concerns, Lotus Notes and Domino administrators need the ability to easily gather information and analyze application usage and activity statistics.
Read Teamstudio's latest white paper to learn how to get the information you need to make the informed business decisions that are essential to an efficient and orderly Notes/Domino environment.
XPages vs Flex is a topic I've considered for discussion for a while now, but couldn't decide whether to. Mainly as it doesn't really seem a fair or equal comparison to make.
Then I got an email from somebody suggesting it as a topic for debate, so I've decided to open it to the floor. Not so much as a debate, but more a challenge.
In the words of Harry Hill "Which is best? There's only one way to decide... ...FIGHT!"
Now, let me just say first of all that I am not against XPages or so in love with Flex that I've already decided who I think will be the victor or which I'll support.
While the idea of this is that it might be a bit of fun I do really want to learn something from it too. I'm genuinely curious about XPage's abilities. Rather than saying "I bet it can't do this!" I'm actually wondering "Can it do this?".
The Challenge
Take the demo from my last post. The challenge (assuming it is in fact a challenge) is to recreate the functionality using XPages.
You can download the Notes database here. In it is everything you need. Data included. All the Flex code is in the File Resources section as ready-to-import Flex Project Archive (.zip) files.
Who Wins?
Who wins I guess is open to interpretation. Should it be the quickest and/or easiest to code or the best-looking end product? Or should is be the best performing of the two? For me I'm most interested in seeing how quick it is to code in XPages.
If, as I'm half expecting to be the case, nobody takes me up on this I'll just have to assume Flex the winner ;-)
Paul Harrison knows there are times when it's better to build a new server but Domino servers can be renamed with relative ease. He offers a step-by-step list to help you rename servers.
Kevin Kanarski says his company is implementing a new user account management appliance. While it seems to be working, Kevin has run into a problem integrating Domino web authentication into the process. He's looking for some ideas to help make it work.
Robert Ibsen Voith says there are several reasons you might want to run II2LN agents on your Domino server. He provides instructions on setting up the agents, getting them to work, and some trouble-shooting.
Did I set the bar too high yesterday? Maybe the playing field isn't even level in the first place?
Ok, so let's forget the challenge aspect of the XPages v Flex idea I had and just see if we can't do a comparison of the too.
Forget what I did already in Flex and let's try and come up with a fairer comparison.
Anybody have a suggestion for a dummy web application we can build in both Flex and XPages, so we can compare both methods?
If we can decide on an app then I'll mock it up in Balsamiq and we can work from there. Or if you can mock it up then I'll walk through creating it in Flex. Either way.
All I will say is let's make it an app that is suited to Flex in the first place. Something like a Stackoverflow.com clone might not be as well suited to Flex as it would be XPages. I'm thinking of something centred around a "data grid".
If nothing comes of this I'll just drop the whole concept. I should know by now never to expect much when I try and make this a two way process.
As the debate over which is best -- XPages or Flex -- dies down (knew I shouldn't have gone there!) it's probably a good time to talk about an aspect of XPages I think worthy of attention. Appearance.
The following was asked in the discussion yesterday:
Is it just me who thinks that an x-page with a nice theme like oneUI applied looks much more glossy and like a finished product than anything I've seen in flex yet?
While I disagree with the assertion, I do want to pick up on the theme of, err, themes.
Maybe I'm not looking hard enough but I am yet to see an XPage application that looks good enough for me to take it seriously. Is there anywhere out there an XPage demo of an amazing-looking website?!
Cool Admin Themes
By coincidence today I noticed a banner ad on Stackoverflow.com for "admin themes" on ThemeForest.net and thought I'd take a look. What they've got there are the kind of UIs I'd like to see an XPage app sporting. As long as they carry on using the IBM defaults I just can't take them seriously.
Pick of the bunch for me is a theme called Flexy Admin (nothing do with Flex!), which you can buy for $10.
That theme uses jQuery by the looks of it, but does anybody fancy having a go at applying it to use with XPages. I might have a go at using it with a standard Notes database if I get chance.
I would like to see a new LEI Activity that would allow the entire contents of one (Notes) database placed into an another (Notes) database. This would allow me to test application better. I could take a copy of production data or reload specific test data to rerun test scripts against the "same" data multiple times. It could also be used as part of a rollback for releases to production where the migration may involve the running of agents that change data that cannot be easily undone. e.g. I could backup the data first into a new database and then restore the data if the migreation fails (Developers do not always have the authotiy to create replicas on production servers)..
At the moment to use LEI I potentially need to create activities for each and every form and then there are issues if the forms in the two databases do not match or there are data fields not on the existing forms. Having the option to request the existing UNIDS be preserved would also be a help (essentially perfoming a replication of the data).
Sometimes it is difficult for a user to get used to Lotus Notes just because he or she has already got used to so called standard windows applications. For example, you use F5 to refresh a windows folder but to refresh a Lotus Notes folder or view you use F9.
Sometimes it is difficult for a user to get used to Lotus Notes just because he or she has already got used to so called standard windows applications. For example, you use F5 to refresh a windows folder but to refresh a Lotus Notes folder or view you use F9. As to me I lack for a possibility to select a few database icons and then drag and drop them using only my mouse. Also I would like to change the colour of selected database icons and the like.
Add support for Nokia N900 (Maemo), other Symbian terminals and Apple iPhone (it shouldn't be published on the AppStore, but rather used as a framework for in-house development and distributed via the enterprise development license from Apple.
In cases where only one or two databases are corrupted for whatever reason, it would be so convenient to block access to the database to all except Full Access Administrators so that maintenance tasks can be run without interference.
If this were available, it would be best if any attempted connections to a database on a clustered server would failover to any cluster partner instead of the connection being refused because maintenance is being run (when fixup is running, an attempt to open a database will be refused, saying a consistency check is in progress - wouldn't it be great if it would failover to a cluster partner instead?)
Introduce an easier way of archiving. It is very hard to let people archive themselves. Even with policies, it is not easy for an admin to create automatic archives per year for all users.
So, a simple idea :
- create one archive .NSF per year and let docs of that year be archived.
Please feel free to add other ideas/archive settings !
When replying to a message no additional "Re:" label should be inserted before the subject if such a translated label is found. The client therefore should know the commonly used / translated versions of "Re:" preferably editable via preferences.
i.e. In Dutch Betr: is used and in English Re: in a conversation this quickly results in "Re: Betr: Re: Betr: Re: Betr: Subject".
Other idea whould be to number the Reply's as in: "Re(4): Subject"
Why i have to use Quickr? Because i can have teamspaces, i can share documents, i can do checkout/checkin of almost "any" document type.
So this could mean that i can "move" most (or all?) the files that i may have on a file library and share them with the Lotus Quickr library using a much stable controls ( better folder permissions on Quickr portal!) and make the user taste the difference from a simple "file server".
The problem is, if the customer has documents that contains links to other documents they will get lost after the "migration".
And he cannot make them again because of the actual Quickr library "structure" .
I cannot "map" a library like a F:\ drive and my application (Openoffice writer by example??) could not reach directly the place for insert a link to another document on my library.
Same if i have Office connectors.
This is a big limitation that currently makes for us Quickr hard to sell...
So IBM think to build up a "new" quickr connector that can link the user libraries as a standard Shared drive.
Part of the value of a redbook has always been the organization and flow of the material. The team writing the redbook would know the content they needed to produce and would provide an organization structure for how they would proceed through the material.
If there's a Lotus Domino Designer Wiki, it should have the same thought applied to it by the team before even publishing the Wiki to the general public. Yes, to begin with, almost every entry would be a *stub document, but at least it would provide the organization for material coming in.
Then as authors start to contribute content they can decide if it should go into one of the already defined topics, or split off from a subtopic. At the top level, I wouldn't allow users to add new main topics, but create a single branch for "additional user contributions" that could go wherever people wanted to take it and tree out from there.
This way, the major documentation areas would be surfaced clearly and provide a framework for all expected documentation in the Wiki. Perhaps it would still be necessary to convene Redbook teams for this very purpose: decide what the important topics and structure of the Wiki should be and get that published.
IBM hosted an Open Mic conference call on Thursday, September 17, 2009 with Lotus Development and Support Engineers to discuss upgrading to Lotus Notes 8.5. Below are the questions, answers, and recording of that call.
В этом техническом документе рассматриваются вопросы, с которыми клиенты чаще всего обращаются в службу технической поддержки IBM при развертывании сервера IBM Lotus Domino.
When you close your mail database at the same time a new mail notification event occurs, the Notes client crashes. This has been reproduced using Notes 6.5.2, 6.5.3, and 6.5.4.
An enhancement request has been submitted for a function to limit the amount of time a room or resource can be blocked off in the Rooms and Resource database.