Тут зависимость не очень прямая. Т.е. чтобы использовать в организации юридически значимый электронный документооборот, т.е. такой документооборот, при котором Вы сможете предъявлять электронные подписи в суде, Вам необходимо использовать ту систему...
На консоли сервера периодически возникает следующая ошибка:
26.03.2009 11:15:33 Error on Listen function: NETBIOS unit/lana number specified in NOTES.INI is not valid on this system, or a network is not started 26.03.2009 11:15:33 Listener task for port LAN1tcpip is suspending for 20 seconds due to listen errors
Тут зависимость не очень прямая. Т.е. чтобы использовать в организации юридически значимый электронный документооборот, т.е. такой документооборот, при котором Вы сможете предъявлять электронные подписи в суде, Вам необходимо использовать ту систему...
Mary Beth Raven discusses how file associations work between Notes and Symphony. It seems, if there's a local version of Symphony on your desktop, you may get different-than-expected results.
Rob Novak reminds us that old code can come back to haunt us, even if we're IBM. The old QuickPlace 1.0 themes are back in Quickr 8.1. If you want to remove them, Rob offers 2 ways.
Some companies use WordPerfect, so you may need to know who is sending those attachments before implementing a network wide block, but it seems there's a keyview buffer overflow in Notes that could be exploited.
DEPARTMENT CALENDAR - MANAGE AND SHARE A COMMON CALENDAR WITH YOUR TEAMS Are you responsible for improving your organization's Group Calendaring tool? Have you been tasked to find a true group calendar tool with Itinerary, Time-Off, Sign In/Out and Bulletins/Events module that seamlessly integrates with Domino calendaring? If so, Logic Springs Technologies will make answering these questions a whole lot easier!
Andrew Pollack spent hours tracking down this problem. Sometimes the images were there, other times they didn't. The answer was simple, but the fix may require some tuning.
With seemingly little fanfare, IE8 went "gold" last week. This got me thinking. Mainly about whether it means it's now time to upgrade from IE6 to IE7. For me personally that is, rather than for the whole web (I'm sure we all agree it's time for demise of IE6). Should I upgrade IE on my main development PC though, that is the question?
Here's my setup at the moment (click for full size):
I think I've got most browsers and versions covered and available for testing at any point. What's the problem then? Well, I just want to always have the lowest common denominators as the browsers I work with on my main PC (XP on the laptop and screen on the right). Design for the lowest browser and you're almost guaranteed it will work in the others. I echo Andrew Tetlaw's sentiments about supporting IE6.
Now, I know most of you don't like IE (nor do I as much as when IE 6 first came at) but, let's face facts, The Business likes Microsoft and IE is Microsoft, so they use it. As developers that means we're obliged to care.
The problem isn't so much that The Business likes IE it's that they're slow to adopt newer versions. Roughly speaking about 3 of my 5 big, repeat customers are still using IE6. That's why I have to continue to develop for it.
With some clients we've agreed that systems I develop will support A-Grade browsers, as defined by the Yahoo! Graded Browser Support, which now included IE 6, 7 and 8. IE being the only one with more that two versions on there are the same time. Surely it's time they dropped IE6.
What I might do is start trying to convince customers (some of who also have customers of their own which, in turn, use systems I've developed) to drop support for IE6.
In the mean time I need to decide whether to update my laptop to IE7 and shift IE6 to one of Win2000 virtual machines I use to run servers on the right-hand Mac mini. It's tempting but something is making me hold back.
A year ago, IBM Lotus announced its foray into the hosted services landscape with Lotus Bluehouse. A year later, realizing their strategy needed to change; they acquired the Hong Kong-based company Outblaze and merged it with Bluehouse to become LotusLive. In this article, you'll get an overview of the hosted services market, how Bluehouse became LotusLive and more.
It would be nice if there were a desktop poilcy that woiuld perform regular file maintenace on Lotus Notes databases. I have been using it since version 4.6.5 and we have many users who have been through 3 -4 upgrades. Unless I touch their workstation and run manual compacts, fixups or updalls the Lotus Notes clients never get looked at. It would be nice if there were a policy that would cause the workstation to run file maintence on a regular basis. I would prompt the user that file maintenance was going to be done and it would run in the back ground.
Another feature would be to have the CACHE.NDK file deleted on a regular basis. I have noticed that when your CACHE file gets to be around 30 MB or larger the client starts misbehaving. If there was a parameter that would check the size of the CACHE file on start up. If it is over 30 MB delete it and have the system recreate it. Another option would to be to have it recreated on a regular interval
I think Idea authors are quite happy to have their ideas promoted without comment, but not happy when demoted without comment. It would be generally convenient to have a pop-up comments box when either Demote or Promote is clicked, however a basic argument for a Demotion is more valuable and should be encouraged.
The help documentation for xPage funcionality is woefully incomplete. There are 100's, if not 1,000's, of properties that are not documented anywhere.
While there are lots of resources out there that are of great assistance, the designer help system has always been a great tool that was in a class by itself. It would be a shame to see this tool get lost.
Your Lotus Domino 8.5 server hangs intermittenly at a rate of about once every 2-3 days after seeing the following error on the Domino Server console: "Unable to create Server task: Insufficient memory - server executive pool is full"
You receive a new mail notification but when you try to open your Lotus Notes Inbox, there is no new mail displayed. There is also no Refresh icon in the upper left corner of the Inbox display.
Your Microsoft Windows Mobile SmartPhone stops synching e-mails when using Lotus Notes Traveler. All other data (calendar, To Do, and so on) still synchs. Other users who use Windows Mobile devices can still sync with the Traveler server without problems.
This posting captures known omissions and inaccuracies in the Alloy version 1.0 documentation available at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/domhelp/v8r0/index.jsp.
This document provides an explanation of the differences between Lotus Notes and Domino Maintenance Releases, Fix Packs, and Cumulative Client Hotfixes. It is important to note that client Fix Packs are NEW in 8.0.2 and will help address the most pressing customer issues in a well tested public deliverable.
A Lotus Domino server runs on an AIX platform. You observe that the Domino time shifts forward periodically. In most cases, the time then shifts backward shortly after. This shift can be observed in various log entries.
Using "UseBasicNotes=1" in a multi-user installation causes Notes setup to hang. After the initial setup process completes and the Eclipse spash screen disappears, the Notes client hangs and will not launch.
This technote provides troubleshooting methods when you create a new memo in IBM® Lotus® Notes® and encounter the "Import/Export not configured" error.
This document contains the detailed system requirements for the 8.5 release of the Lotus Notes® client, Lotus® Domino Designer® client, and Lotus® Domino® Administrator client.
In Lotus Domino, when forwarding a c.htm message to a user who selected a specific format preference for incoming mail and who enabled MIME conversion, that user receives two c.htm attachments, one of which cannot be viewed. Why doesn't Domino remove this attachment when forwarding the message?