В почтовых базах не удаляются документы, которые находятся в Trash, галочка стоит на Allow soft deletions, время установлено на 48 часов, но пиьма лежат и за позднее время. Кто-нибудт сталкивался? Template на базах MailR6
Компания использует 7-ю версию Lotus Domino/Notes, есть начальник с iPhone'ом.
У него в лотусе в его личной адресной книге храниться примерно 150 контактов (как с адресами почты, так и просто с телефонами). Необходимо синхронизировать список контактов, т.е. чтобы эти контакты добавились на его iPhone.
Причем желательно сделать это без кучи дополнительного ПО и без установки Outlook'а, т.к. само-собой начальству надо чтобы было все просто и работало. Т.е. в идеале это должно выглядеть примерно так - он соединяет проводом iPhone с компом, что-то запускает, пару раз щелкает и все волшебным образом синхронизируется.
Не сталкивался ли кто с подобной задачей/как ее решали?
Так как тема становится все более актуальной, то давайте обсудим варианты интеграции мобильных устройств в Lotus Notes. Примерный список обязательных описаний
Поддерживаемые мобильные ОС (Windows Mobile, Symbian, Mac, Palm, BlackBerry, может чего забыл добавить)
Впечатление о работе
Поддержка не ANSI языков, особенно русского
Тип синхронизации (pull, push)
Что синхронизируется
Поддержка шифрования
Есть ли возможность работать без лицензии
Если есть пожелания о дополнительных описаниях, то указывайте, и они будут добавлены в список.
В почтовых базах не удаляются документы, которые находятся в Trash, галочка стоит на Allow soft deletions, время установлено на 48 часов, но пиьма лежат и за позднее время. Кто-нибудт сталкивался? Template на базах MailR6
Andy Pedisich will be providing a Sneak Peak of The View's Admin/Dev 2009 conference and will blogging this week on security holes and how to plug them. Today's tip: the most dangerous privilege to the Notes Address Book isn't Manager.
Eric Mack is looking for someone, with a blog or other web site, to whom he can send people looking for basic information on Notes. He has additional information on this page.
The Learning Continuum Company (TLCC) has released two new courses: Notes and Domino 8.5 Application Development Update, which covers Domino 8.5 Designer in Eclipse client and XPages; and Notes Domino 8.5 System Administration Update, for experienced Notes and Domino 8.0 administrators.
Vladislav Tatarincev offers some tips on a quick way to recover a server or configuration document, and figure out who changed it, without resorting to backups.
If you couldn't make it to Orlando, or you missed a session you wished you hadn't, LotusUserGroup.org and Lotus are presenting a series of free educational Webinars. From March 24 through May 28, you can get the latest information on UC2, social software, Domino Designer, Archiving, Xpages, Sametime, Quicker, WebSphere Portal and more.
EASY DOMINO ACCESS: REMOVE PASSWORDS, END LOGIN PROMPTS, REDUCE PASSWORD MANAGEMENT PistolStar's Password Power provides browser-based single sign-on to Lotus Domino, Sametime and Quickr with the enhanced security of the Kerberos or NTLM authentication protocol.
Full support available for NTLM authentication protocol in non-Active Directory environments
Seamlessly integrate Microsoft Active Directory and the Kerberos authentication protocol
Leverage Active Directory password policies to unify Lotus applications
Mary Beth Raven and her team are working on a new release of Sametime. One feature will change the scheduling model for online meetings. Before they make the change, she'd like to know how you use this feature now.
This LotusScript agent duplicates the AdminP email file creation process by pulling information from a Domino Directory in Lotus Notes/Domino 6.x and higher.
Author: Pim van Wetten Tags:commentsthreaded comments Idea: Users are able to respond to a blogitem. Sometimes this results in great discussions. But what I really miss is the opportunity to respond to a response.
In an XPages application (Lotus Domino 8.5), in the event of an error, the default behavior of a Domino server is to display a standard HTTP error message. Can an administrator switch on the enhanced error page for an entire server?
In the Lotus Notes client, if a line wraps within a URL, the inline image does not display in an e-mail message. This situation does not occur if you access the e-mail via HTTP. Why does this happen?
This Notes Application, created by Alan Lepofsky, helps you save and paste commonly-used information. The information for this article comes from his blog post Paste Information Application. Thanks to
This document will describe the details of the main System Test Configuration (SVT) for Alloy 1.0 deployment, focusing on the IBM System Verification Test cycle testing.
Alloy product documentation is visible in the Notes and Domino Information Center in whatever language is set in your Web browser. For example, to display the documentaion in French, open your Web bro
Abstract: This article explains how mail is routed between an IBM® Lotus® Domino® server and a BlackBerry handheld device using BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Also included are a detailed description a
An attachment received from an Internet user that contains an attachment cannot be edited using Notes. The Edit option in the right-click menu and also in the dialog box when you double click the attachment is grayed out.
The Lotus Notes Calendar clean-up feature does not appear to work properly. It removes only part of calendar entries under the selected condition until a specific date.
In Lotus Domino, you want to add another authority to the Certificate Authority (CA) but when attempting to do so, you receive an error message. Why does this happen?
Even after they have been archived, previously replied-to messages still appear in the source mail file. Should you attempt to open or delete one of these messages, the following error will appear: "Document has been deleted". This issue is known to occur only if the source mail file is at ODS level 48.
When working with View Properties in Lotus Domino Designer 7.x or 8.x, if you select one of the Advanced Web Access view properties, you cannot deselect the option you choose.