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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 118 от 2008-12-22
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java рассылка:выпускархивлентаблогсайт Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008comp.soft.prog.lotuscodesrore
CodeStore. Примеры кодовHave you ever wanted to build your own custom document collections? I have, imagine my surprise when I came across this undocumented code within the R8 Mail Template which lets you do just that: CreateDocumentCollection() This handy little timesaver allows you to quickly initialize an empty collection. Here is an example: Dim MyCol As NotesDocumentCollection Set MyCol = db.CreateDocumentCollection() You are now free to add documents to your empty collection. Note: Before this method the only way I knew of to achieve this was to "getalldocumentsbykey" using a key that does not exist. Have you ever wanted to build your own custom document collections? I have, imagine my surprise when I came across this undocumented code within the R8 Mail Template which lets you do just that: CreateDocumentCollection() This handy little timesaver allows you to quickly initialize an empty collection. Here is an example: Dim MyCol As NotesDocumentCollection Set MyCol = db.CreateDocumentCollection() You are now free to add documents to your empty collection. Note: Before this method the only way I knew of to achieve this was to "getalldocumentsbykey" using a key that does not exist. Еще примеры: Больше кодов на сайтах: Форумы.Свежи темы и обсужденияСервер win'2003 стоит на виртуалке...сервер Domino 6.5. ... Если имеется ввиду почта внутренняя, лотусиная, то формула на поле сделает все что нужно перед отправкой письма. Если же это пришла внешняя почта, то напишите например агент который пере приходом письма будет его тему исправлять, или скройте поле темы а... Виртуальная машина умеет входит в состояние останова-сна, что являлось причиной подсказать сейчас трудно. ... 1. Ничего страшного в том что надо что-то писать нет 2. Домино сам ничего не разбивает, как тему написали так он ее и передает. Так что все претензии к отправителю Добрый день, спасибо большое за ответ, честно говоря пугает, необходимость чего то писать, тем более не понятно, зачем LD строку в поле Тема разбивает на строки :( тока прально подобрать DocumentImportOption и DesignImportOption и убить репликэйшн хистори А смысл их пересоздавать??? У всех документов поле "модифицировано" в будущем, и у новых тоже. ... Предположение - экспортнуть базу в DXL поправить поле, возвернуть взад ... Что-то не могу сообразить. Есть база у которой в св-х в категории прописано NotesHelp, т.е. документы , вьюхи открываются в новом окне. Как бы сделать так, чтобы при открытии документа из вью (которая в новом окне), док открылся еще в одном окне, а не в окне со вью Как то так. Формирую в 1С такой запрос, проверей в Lotus отрабатывает на ура, а через OLE не в какую MSScript.language= "vbscript"; Текст= " |Function GetStatusOfDoc() | Set Session= CreateObject(""Notes.NotesSession"") | Set DB = Session.GetDatabase( """ + БД.Сервер.Наименование + """, """ + БД.Наименование + """) | Set Doc= DB.GetDocumentByUNID("""+ LNDocACC + """) | GetStatusOfDoc = Doc.ContractStatus(0) |End Function"; GLM= MSScript.Run("GetStatusOfDoc"); Коллеги! А не могли бы Вы поделиться знаниями на предмет Lotus Forms. Собственно, у нас есть самописный документооборот, есть некие печатные формы. Руководство хочет слегка упростить задачу работы и ищет возможные пути оптимизации сего процесса. Интересно, можно ли с помощью Lotus Forms хранить созданные документы, обрабатывать (отчетность), и каким-то образом данные из заполненных форм передавать в другие системы (например Oracle). Также, интересует вопрос лицензирования (в общем с него и началось всё, т.к. у нас энное количество точек и лицензировать все клиенты очень дорого..). Как-то так... В общем, кто ставил себе несколько клиентов (часто разных версий), замечал, что запустить их можно только в определенной последовательности, либо с каким-то другим шаманством... часто делают себе ярлыки на D:\lotus\notes6\notes.exe при этом, когда нотес запускается происходит какая-то проверка (видать какой-то семафор есть), и другой клиент уже не запускается... при этом, что странно, если запустить сначала 5й, а потом 6й клиент, то запускается, а на оборот уже нет... но, если сменить имя файла на D:\lotus\notes6\nlnotes.exe, то все запускается независимо от порядка запуска... можно даже клиент одной версии запустить, но тут надо нашаманить с копией DATA и notes.ini... Кто нить знает на 8.Х решили проблему с кириллическими шрифтами для Мас клиента? Имееться trial версия domino/notes 6.5.4 загруженная с сайта ibm N лет назад При попытки проапгрейдиться с 6.5.4 на 6.5.5 или 6.5.6 с использованием Maintenance Release http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?...f-8&lang=en http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?...f-8&lang=en выдает ошибку что ипгрейд не возможен. Из логов следует что контрольные суммы файлов установленного 6.5.4 не коректны установил чистый 6.5.4 попробовал еще раз таже ошибка Мое мнение что trial версия 6.5.4 отличаеться от официально купленной (те апгрейд возможен только официально купленно domino) В чем может быть причина несовпадения котнрольных сумм ВСЕХ файлов (domino работает нормально)? Есть ли способ проапдейтить trial 6.5.4 до 6.5.5-6 если это не возможно можно ли где то загрузить domino/notes 6.5.5-6.5.6 (нужно для тестирования а не для использования на сервере) Если кто либо использует русский Notes 7.0.3 Подскажите пожалуйста почему IBM Lotus Notes Client 7.0.3 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista Russian(C1BI7RU) отличаеться размером в большую сторону от IBM Lotus Notes and Domino Designer 7.0.3 for Windows 2000, XP and Vista Russian(C1BM2RU) почему дистрибутив только Notes больше по размеру чем Lotus Notes + Domino Designer, есть ли в C1BI7RU что то чего нет в C1BM2RU Спасибо Опубликовал несколько приложений - Lotus Noters с разными notes.ini. Под правами админа запускается хорошо, а под правами юзеров - только появляется окно запуска LN и гаснет (в логах ничего не пишет). Права на каталог программных файлов LN у пользователей есть. Права на каталог данных пользователя LN тоже есть. Подскажите - где еще что настоить нужно ? Интересные темы: Список форумов: Tips. СоветыBy coincidence, the day after I spoke about the confusion relative URLs can cause I was asked to help out on a project where relative URLs of a different kind were causing yet more confusion. This time it was URLs inside a CSS file. Imagine your web page loads a CSS file like this: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="css/default.css" /> Note that the file is inside a "subfolder" of the database called "css". Inside this stylesheet we add a rule to place a background image in the header DIV like so: div#header { background-image:url( images/header_background.gif ); } Assuming the CSS file is located at /db.nsf/css/default.css you'd probably expect the image to load if it were located at /database.nsf/images/header_background.gif. But wait. It won't! Why? Because URLs inside CSS files are relative to the CSS file itself -- not the database and definitely not any BASE href in the web page, which has no effect on the relativeness of the URLs in the CSS files. Come again!? Well, the stylesheet above lives inside a folder called "css". So, any URL it tries to load is relative to that folder. If you used a HTTP sniffer you'd see the browser try and load the background image from /db.nsf/css/images/header_background.gif. The correct CSS is in fact: div#header { background-image:url( ../images/header_background.gif ); } The browser then knows to step back out of the CSS folder and then in to the images folder, both of which are at the same level in the database's faux-folder structure. Similarly, if the stylesheet were two subfolders deep and in /db.nsf/css/screen/default.css then the rule would become: div#header { background-image:url( ../../images/header_background.gif ); } Again, this might seem like a noob thing, but it's another that can really trip people up until you learn how URLs inside CSS file behave. It's Monday morning and I've come to sit in the office as normal. It doesn't feel normal though. What is it about the weeks that contain Christmas and New Year which make all the days in them feel like the weekend!? Because of this weekend-factor I'm finding it hard to concentrate. It feels a bit like I'm the only one here. Am I? Hello!? Sorry, I'm waffling. All I wanted to do is wish a Merry Christmas to all (of you that celebrate/have time off). I'll probably be back here with something to say (codestore's year in review perhaps) before, but if not, I'll see you all in 2009...
Еще советы: Смотри советы на сайтах: Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишутAuthor: Sjef Bosman Tags: Errors Messages Developer Idea: I just got an errormessage in R8 that I hope an ordinary Notes user will never get:
type mismatch in method CoerceString; AINSTANCE found, Unknown expected.
While this may mean something to a developer, the average user will be completely lost. The additional button to open an IBM Technote is completely useless in this case.
I move to have an additional option in the User Preferences: show extensive errormessages, that's disabled by default. It will prevent developer-level user-unfriendly ones messages to be shown.
The message a user should get could be "Application error occurred (#ABC123). Contact your Administrator". The errorcodes are just the standard ones, like those already available in the Designer Help. Author: Sjef Bosman Tags: Errors Messages Developer Idea: I just got an errormessage in R8 that I hope an ordinary Notes user will never get:
type mismatch in method CoerceString; AINSTANCE found, Unknown expected.
While this may mean something to a developer, the average user will be completely lost. The additional button to open an IBM Technote is completely useless in this case.
I move to have an additional option in the User Preferences: show extensive errormessages, that's disabled by default. It will prevent developer-level user-unfriendly messages to be shown.
The message a user should get could be "Application error occurred (#ABC123). Contact your Administrator". The errorcodes are just the standard ones, like those already available in the Designer Help. Author: Garrett Wolthuis Tags: sametime sidebar widget facebook status Idea: I would like to see a widget that tracks the status messages of user-selected Sametime users. Sort of the way Facebook aggregates your friends' status messages and actions. Ideally this could be a widget in the sidebar of 8.x clients.
I would also like to see a status update field either in the widget or Sametime itself. I know you can edit your status either through Preferences or by editing it from the community icon but an obvious field that doesn't require several clicks would cause users to update their status more frequently, I think. This would allow users to feel more connected to what the Lotus Notes Developers are working on, for example. It would also allow managers to immediately see what their team is working on without having a meeting or multiple emails on project status. Author: Garrett Wolthuis Tags: sametime sidebar widget facebook status Idea: I would like to see a widget that tracks the status messages of user-selected Sametime users. Sort of the way Facebook aggregates your friends' status messages and actions. Ideally this could be a widget in the sidebar of 8.x clients.
I would also like to see a status update field either in the widget or Sametime itself. I know you can edit your status either through Preferences or by editing it from the community icon but an obvious field that doesn't require several clicks would cause users to update their status more frequently, I think. This would allow users to feel more connected to what the Lotus Notes Developers are working on, for example. It would also allow managers to immediately see what their team is working on without having a meeting or multiple emails on project status. Author: Ian Tree Tags: Community Development Idea: Change the development and publishing models for the Domino product family to be an Open Source, Community Developed product. IBM should follow the same paradigm as they have done with Red-Hat Enterprise Linux i.e. having a fully supported product that is based on a Community Developed offering.
For more details see www.hmnl.nl/HMNL/web.nsf/vwWebFeatures/CODMain Notes Client / Core/Frameworks (Incl. sidebar, rich text editor): A "component"-wise extendable / partly enrich-/replaceable, and skinnable Notes client Перевод [RU] Author: Florian Vogler Tags: framework Idea: Reading "Open Source the Domino product line" (http://ideajam.net/IdeaJam/P/ij.nsf/0/834A4BA0093A41F48625752600585353?OpenDocument) I thought about the following: What I could imagine to give Notes/Domino a huge boost (and to be possible for IBM) would be a mix between a closed core and parts of Notes being open for alternatives/extentions/adaption.
The following would certainly be a lot of work, but imo benefits would develop exponentially, as a many development areas would no longer depend on IBM entirely (and thus not happen at all - not meant blaming; with the vast amount of work on Notes/Domino things need to be prioritized if it's IBM "only" that does the work).
Imagine what would happen if companies could, for example, offer desktop/bookmark/replicator page replacements, customized template management (inheritance, control, creation from, ...) solutions (through round-trippable DXL for example), custom calendars (as a replacement for the one out of the box, or much better even an enriched one), custom user management functions, and similar client enhancements different from what's in the box by default.
As much as many things and most if not all of the above is possible with 3rd party solutions / applications / products, these applications end up being "outside" of Notes, rather than being / feeling truly integrated - as they run on top of / in Notes, but are not truly interwoven with Notes and its many parts/objects/features... .
An entirely extendable / partly enrich-/replaceable/reworkable Notes client experience is thus what I'd love to see happen - similar to the power of the Extention Manager, alternative and/or enriched "parts" would imo benefit both Notes customers, business partners, and IBM. This is about much more than just "skinning" the Notes client with adjusted menus / just a different look and feel, but about possibilites to also enrich and/or exchange parts "underneath". Today one could only write a new Notes client in its entirety, or extend Notes 8 with rather disconnected plug-ins. Whilst I know that plug-ins can be very connected to Notes/Domino, they are isolated in a particular area in notes and do not allow for changes to the Notes client experience as such.
Things could really flourish if more / most / all of the underlying data structures were open and documented - be it ODS, the many Notes 8 standard client XML files, desktop*.ndk, bookmark.nsf, etc. All I'd imagine this to boil down to +) round-trippable, validatable/validated XML, so that it doesn't turn into a support nightmare for IBM,
+) a lot more documentation from IBM,
+) a lot more write properties (instead of many read-only, or "not visible at all" props),
+) fully controlable menus (add, hide, hide when/for whom, ...), options, objects (e.g. locations, preferences --> hide some, extend with other options/objects/...)
+) adjustable, replaceable UI parts (e.g. property boxes, what happens when pressing button x, y or z, ...)
+) "extention-manager-like"-integration points to have Notes read a 3rd party UI replacement/enrichment instead of its own parts, to have Notes run a different command/program/part/... instead of a "built-in" one
The result would be that
+) nothing related to intellectual property would have to be open sourced (not that I wouldn't like that, but I understand why that is pretty much impossible)
+) development of the Notes client experience (not the core / "backend", but front-end and what happens from there) would not depend on IBM alone, but could be customized / enhanced both by business partners, as well as customers --> the Notes client as such could be enhanced by IBM *and* the Notes community
A great many of the ideas on ideaJam could be solved if the Notes client experience could be customized from within itself - not just on top of it. To me, there is nothing more powerful than Notes/Domino, but its acceptance lags behind its possibilites as its frontend is in fact hardcoded. Notes Client / Other: Make an SMTP/POP3 only version of the mail client part of Symphony Перевод [RU] Author: Steve McDonagh Tags: Home Lotus Users Idea: I was looking at this idea .. ideajam.net/IdeaJam/P/ij.nsf/0/834A4BA0093A41F48625752600585353 and this thought occured to me. In the battle for Hearts and minds of users. I think we need to make Lotus an @home as well as an @work product this gives users the continuity of useabiliity between the two spheres of their lives adn builds a momentum of support for the product.
Symphony is free and being well received by all the folk I introduce it to. It is WAY better than "M$ Works" which is bundled with most PCs and M$ Office is much to expensive for most home users to conscience buying. I have downloaded and installed Symphony on dozens of PCs since it's release all it needs and (I think it is no big loss in revenue stream) is a cut down version of the mail client enabled for SMTP/POP3 only with contacts, tasks, calendar and inbox along with an setup wizard. It does not have to be the all singing /dancing notes client just enough to be usable and most importantly exactly like what the user uses at work.
Win enough home users and they will start saying with conviction "Why dont we use lotus at work?" In the same way we hear "Why can't i use Microsoft Outlook / Express like i do at home?"
Notes Client / Core/Frameworks (Incl. sidebar, rich text editor): Replication - Deafult Replication Server Issue Перевод [RU] Author: David Vasta Tags: Replication Tab domino server lotus notes Idea: Lotus Notes has a replication tab. In that tab each replication entry has a "prefered" server, and while this is good and is usslaly managed by the Lotus Notes user in a large enviroemnt it can casue trouble. Here is the rub, while 9 times out of 10 it works fine but in our enviroement with over 300 server, if the server the replication can't find the server the server it last replicated with the task starts alpabeticly with the first server, and works down. In this case some of the servers that start with A or B are many WANs away. It will end up crashing networks and causing Notes to crash.
As a solution instead of it just being one server, we could select servers and not select others. Also somehow this should be controled via a policy. Еще записи: Интересные блоги специалистов: Статьи и ДокументацияOverview This brief article will highlight the benefits of using the new Dynamic Group Policies (DGP) in Domino 8.5. It will do this by showing the issues an administrator would have to have dealt A Lotus Domino server crashes while processing mail from an IMAP client. Domino Server console displays "Error: Recovery Manager: Log File is Full. Try again later" when running circular style transaction logging. The Server eventually crashes on "PANIC: System Log File is Full" Brazilian Portuguese language pack does not include holidays translated to the local language Перевод [RU] You install the Brazilian Portuguese language pack on your Lotus Domino server, but the holidays from Brazil appear on the calendar appear with English-language titles--not Portuguese-language names as is expected. When the minimum client level is set on the server and a security policy is in place that refreshes the Execution Control List (ECL) on the client workstation with the ADMIN ECL, the server is flooded with server access requests and the Notes client becomes unresponsive. Renaming a room in the Lotus Notes Resource & Reservations database does not send update about the rename to the char of meetings with no invitees. Developing a secured, non-repudiation IBM Lotus Forms solution with Authenticated Clickwrap signatures Перевод [RU] In this article, learn how to use IBM Lotus Forms Authenticated Clickwrap signatures to provide a secured Lotus Forms offering. A Lotus Domino server might hang without response to Lotus Notes client requests, but other tasks, like HTTP, router, SMTP, and so on, still work. In the meantime, the Domino server task would reach 100% CPU usage. The error "B-Tree structure is invalid" occurs when you try to rename a folder. This document discusses the reasons that generate "process has terminated abnormally" errors in the Domino Server console log. This document discusses a new feature within NSD that allows one to create a W32 process core file for a crashing process when NSD runs. You notice poor performance of applications when accessed with a browser over HTTP when the Lotus Domino server runs on VMware ESX. Также почитатай: Найти документацию можно на сайтах:
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