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Document Action Logs, Including "Limitless" User Comments | Blog
Streamline Deployment and Improve Usability of Editable View Columns in XPages with a Flexible Custom Control

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (31)

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Тест Lotus Notes Domino 7 - Средний уровень
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    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Document Action Logs, Including "Limitless" User Comments | Blog

    Action Logs are something I'm sure we've all added to the bottom of a Domino web form. Here's an example of one I added to a recent Domino-based app I created and then wrapped with Bootstrap.


    The log is shown to the user as a three column table(when, who, what) with the latest action first.

    My approach to storing this data has always been to use a single multi-value text field. The value stored might look something like this:

    24/09/2013 17:08:12^^24 Sep '13^^17:08^^Joe Bloggs/ROCKALL^^Document Created
    24/09/2013 17:08:12^^24 Sep '13^^17:08^^System Admin/ROCKALL^^'New Document' email sent to related users
    24/09/2013 17:21:57^^24 Sep '13^^17:21^^Jake Howlett/ROCKALL^^Status changed to Published
    24/09/2013 17:21:57^^24 Sep '13^^17:21^^System Admin/ROCKALL^^'Document Published' email sent to related users

    This field is built up by recurring calls to a LotusScript method called LogAction() in the WQS agent of the document.

    The HTML table the user sees is generated in a Computed Value section that uses an @For() loop to create a <tr> for each entry in the log.

    There are inherent limitations to this approach:

    • Limit of the amount of data the backend field can store.
    • Limit of HTML the Computed Value that displays the table on the web can store.

    These limitations can be worked round, but for the majority of cases the above solution will suffice.

    Adding Comments

    The limitations became an issue recently when I was tasked with including user's comments in the Action Log. So that the log would look something like this:


    Notice the comment on the 2nd row down!?

    By adding comments, the chance of reaching the data limitations has greatly increased, becoming almost inevitable.

    To avoid the limitation I chose to add each individual comment in a field of its own.

    Each time an action is performed and logged with an accompanying comment a field called ActionComment_X is added, where X is the number stored in a field called ActionCommentCount incremented by 1.

    The backend documents start to look like this:


    Then, in the ActionLog field we add a reference to this comment field as an extra delimited field on each line. Notice in the values below that the 3rd line down ends in ^^ActionComment_1

    24/09/2013 17:08:12^^24 Sep '13^^17:08^^Joe Bloggs/ROCKALL^^Document Created^^
    24/09/2013 17:08:12^^24 Sep '13^^17:08^^System Admin/ROCKALL^^'New Document' email sent to related users^^
    24/09/2013 17:21:57^^24 Sep '13^^17:21^^Jake Howlett/ROCKALL^^Status changed to Published^^ActionComment_1
    24/09/2013 17:21:57^^24 Sep '13^^17:21^^System Admin/ROCKALL^^'Document Published' email sent to related users^^

    When the HTML table is generated and each line in the ActionLog field is exploded on the delimiter ("^^") we can simply add the value stored in the comment field, like so:

    @If(@Word(log[n];6)=""; ""; @GetField(@Word(log[n];6))

    All that remains is to markup the comment in a <blockquote> tag and add a sprinkle of CSS to make it look like a quote.

    The only remaining issue is that, if people type in huge great long comments, the amount of HTML generated by the Computed Value quickly reaches its limit.

    To get round this I added an ellipsis (copying off Gmail a little) to the end of a truncated comment like so:


    Clicking on this ellipsis "button" uses Ajax to go fetch the rest of the comment.

    It's a solution I'm happy with and I've been sitting on for a while, thinking of sharing. Just don't know what interest there is? If there is some I can build a demo/download.

    Click here to post a response

    2. Streamline Deployment and Improve Usability of Editable View Columns in XPages with a Flexible Custom Control

    The first article in this series (Decrease Server Load and Improve Application Performance with Editable View Columns in XPages) showed you how to improve application performance and decrease the load on the server by providing the ability to edit data directly in an XPages view panel. This article will show how to enhance that functionality with a "revert" feature, making it even more useful for your end users. You will also learn how convert it to a flexible custom control, making it more efficient for you as the developer to easily deploy it in many places and for multiple data types.

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      With IBM Notes and Domino 9 Social Edition, IBM leads in integrating social capabilities into market-leading email and collaboration client. Learn how IBM did it, and how you can use OpenSocial standards to do the same for your applications.

    • IBM Redbooks: Installing and deploying IBM Connections

      IBM® Collaboration Solutions and IBM Redbooks® have partnered together to create this comprehensive guide on how to install and deploy IBM Connections. Topics cover the spectrum from planning to performance tuning, with chapters on high availability, metrics, customizing the user experience, and more.

    • Experience IBM Notes

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    • IBM releases the new IBM Social Business Toolkit SDK as Open Source

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    • Using Reseller and Distributed Software in IBM SmartCloud for Social Business

      This article describes what Reseller is, how it works, and how to create a Distributed Software (DSW) order in IBM SmartCloud for Social Business.

    • Developing OpenSocial gadgets for IBM Connections 4.0

      This white paper explains how to develop gadgets for IBM Connections 4.0, primarily focusing on using the developer bootstrap page for quickly testing gadgets.

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      IBM Connections Mail is a new, simple and compelling way to perform essential email and calendar tasks right from IBM Connections, your social software platform.

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    Utilize your existing development skills to build industry-standard Web and IBM Notes and Domino applications.

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    Explore Domino Designer and XPages with this guide that will help get you up to speed quickly.

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    XPages & Composite apps

    XPages utilize JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and HTML. Yet, deep programming skills are not required to build powerful, compelling Web and IBM Notes and Domino applications.

    Composite applications are a key element in a service-oriented architecture (SOA). They enable you to easily integrate different types of components and technologies to create contextual applications.



    Start here to learn about XPages with links to overview content, videos, tutorials, and other content that will get you up to speed quickly.

    Watch this two-part video series demonstrating how you can use XPages components in an IBM Notes application.

    Discover the power and benefits of composite applications.

    Explore detailed examples, sample projects, and more in the IBM Composite Applications wiki.


    Read the XPages blog to learn from a worldwide group of IBM Domino XPages experts.

    Listen to Pete Janzen, Senior Product manager for IBM Domino Designer, talk about the decision to offer a no-charge development license for Domino Designer.

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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. 2.1 e32.ru/instruktsiya-l... инструкция lotus notes 6.1 e32.ru/gdz-po-fizike-...

    2.1e32.ru/instruktsiya-l... инструкция lotus notes 6.1e32.ru/gdz-po-fizike-...

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    ychheb2.shabonshop.net/-uchebnik-dlya... учебник для пользователя lotus notes 7

    5. Тест Lotus Notes Domino 7 - Средний уровень

    Тест Lotus Notes Domino 7 - Средний уровень

    6. Пробное ПО IBM

    IBM Lotus Domino Symphony – это доступный для бесплатной загрузки пакет офисных приложений, помогающий пользователям создавать, изменять и совместно использовать текстовые документы, электронные таблицы и презентации.

    7. Пробное ПО IBM

    IBM Lotus Domino Symphony – это доступный для бесплатной загрузки пакет офисных приложений, помогающий пользователям создавать, изменять и совместно использовать текстовые документы, электронные таблицы и презентации.

    8. Вариант “бесплатной” миграции почтовых ящиков с Lotus на Office 365

    Исходные условия: на стороне on-premise находятся домен Active Directory, сервер(ы) Lotus Domino.

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    Администратор Lotus Domino – работник подразделения информационных технологий. .

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