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Семинар «Создание коммуникационной среды нового поколения на базе продуктов IBM» - Информационный портал spbIT.ru
банковский работник (рассмотрю все варианты) - DENGI63ru

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Мой developerWorks: Новые способы повышения квалификации и расширения круга профессионального общения
Советы пользователям по глобализации приложений IBM Lotus Notes
Передовые методики глобализации: Разработка приложений IBM Lotus Notes

CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (10)

All about Domino Domain Monitoring
Flex: Using A SharedObject to Remember User Settings | Blog
Lotus Sametime documentation
Flex: A Toggle-Style Column Component for Your Views | Blog
Lotus Notes and Domino
IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 performance
IBM Lotus Notes SQL Driver
All Unicode Characters Database
Configuring IBM Tivoli Access Manager SSO for IBM Lotus Connections 2.5
The Lotus C API Extension Manager -- Extend the Reach and Power of Your Applications

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Article: IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 performance
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Lotus Domino - это все таки заебись.
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Проблемы с репликацией документа с измененным Universal ID
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IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 performance
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Domino 6 server mail rules
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Cheaper moving from Exchange to Domino… » Balfes.net
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Sanity Check
bignoseduglyguy: Getting Things Done with email
Little Red String Geek Blog - Simple GTD in Lotus Notes
eProductivity™ - The Ultimate Productivity Solution for Lotus Notes™
Five steps to implementing GTD within Lotus Notes - The David Allen Company
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Programmatically replace the design of Lotus Notes databases
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IBM - Is Lotus Notes supported on Windows Terminal Services?
Subscribe to Hosted Lotus and Hosted Microsoft applications with Phase 2
Seite drucken - Symbolleiste Import Button / Automatischer Anhang
Was ist neu in Notes-Domino 7.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)
Lotus Domino Designer 7 Hilfe - Navigatoren in einer Maske, Teilmaske, Seite oder einem Dokument einbetten
Lotus Domino Designer 7 Hilfe - Masken-, Teilmasken-, Seiten- oder Ansichtsaktionen erstellen
Lotus Domino Designer 7 Hilfe - Eigenschaften, die die Datenbankleistung verbessern
Five steps to implementing GTD within Lotus Notes - The David Allen Company
Domino's POP3 Server Breaks HTML Emails by Removing Characters | Wed 3 Mar 2010 | Blog | CodeStore
Display Lotus Notes user group membership details in a tree view
ACL_TechSpecs.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)
Lotus Notes and Domino Software Tools for Devs and Admins | Ytria Online Help
nsftools - Lotus Notes Performance Tips
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  • Новости о ПО Lotus Notes

    1. Семинар «Создание коммуникационной среды нового поколения на базе продуктов IBM» - Информационный портал spbIT.ru

    Семинар «Создание коммуникационной среды нового поколения на базе продуктов IBM»
    Информационный портал spbIT.ru
    В докладе Дианы Емельяновой, специалиста компании IBM, основное внимание будет уделено новым возможностям IBM Lotus Notes Domino 8.5. Кириллов Кирилл, технический специалист «Поликом Про» раскроет новые возможности и практику применения корпоративной системы обмена мгновенными сообщениями IBM ...

    2. банковский работник (рассмотрю все варианты) - DENGI63ru

    банковский работник (рассмотрю все варианты)
    Работа с програмным комплексом банковского электронно-платежного документооборота RS-Bank 5.0, Reteil, АБС "Afina5", Lotus Notes. Обладаю выдержкой, самостоятельная, быстро вникаю в специфику работы и легко обучаема, ответственно отношусь к обязанностям. Большое желание осваивать новые ...

    Статьи. Публикации. Пресс-релизы

    1. Передовые методики глобализации: Разработка приложений IBM Lotus Notes

    Данная статья знакомит с передовыми методиками глобализации, которые можно использовать для разработки отличных приложений IBM Lotus Notes.

    2. Советы пользователям по глобализации приложений IBM Lotus Notes

    Продукт IBM Lotus Domino Global Workbench, поставляемый с Lotus Notes и Domino, может помочь пользователям быстро и просто глобализовать их приложения. В версии 8.5 Lotus Domino Global Workbench предоставляет новые функциональные возможности.

    3. Мой developerWorks: Новые способы повышения квалификации и расширения круга профессионального общения

    "Мой developerWorks" – это международное сообщество разработчиков программного обеспечения и ИТ-профессионалов всех уровней - от студентов до ветеранов.
    Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino

    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. All about Domino Domain Monitoring

    Whether DDM is completely new to you, you need a recap on configuration, or you're looking for a few pointers on Notes.ini variables and console commands -- you'll find what you need in this tutorial.

    2. Flex: Using A SharedObject to Remember User Settings | Blog

    Try this:

    1. Open the Contact Manager app.
    2. Change the columns that are visible by using the "column chooser" button, as below:
    3. Quit the browser.
    4. Re-open the browser and visit the app again.
    5. Notice how the visible columns are the same ones as before you closed the browser!

    The View component I've been developing recently now uses the Flex equivalent to the cookie - the SharedObject - to remember your choice of columns across sessions.

    Note that the same column preferences are shared across all browsers on your PC as the SharedObject is per Flash player install rather than per browser.

    For now it won't remember your preferred order of columns (did you know you can drag and drop columns to change the order!?). I'll work on that. Nor does it remember the width of them. I'll work on that too.

    In the mean time here's the updated source code for both the Domino database and the Flex source code. Enjoy. More to come...

    ...can anybody think of anything else this View component is lacking before I can consider it a universal solution for all your Notes-to-Flex migration tasks?

    Click here to post a response

    3. Lotus Sametime documentation

    Find documenation for Lotus Sametime V8.5

    4. Flex: A Toggle-Style Column Component for Your Views | Blog

    Adding even more functionality to Flex "view" I've been building I've now added a "toggle column" to the list of available column types:


    The idea is simple. You click the icon in the column to toggle a field value on the back end document. The icon in the view is either on or off and is dictated by the value stored in the field. It's an idea I've mentioned before which I've now made into a re-usable and customizable component.

    In this example I'm using the idea of being able to mark certain contacts as favourites and you can see a working example in the Contact Manager app. The component itself can be re-used in almost any scenario though.

    Adding a toggle column to a View is as simple as adding one line of XML to the View's configuration, which is specified in the backend Domino database, as discussed previously.

    The XML looks like this:


    As you can see it's fairly easy to configure and customize. You can easily change the icon, field name and what the "on"/"off" values should be for the field. You can also add a tooltip for the column.

    The Column value of "starred" refers to the name of the XML node of each document which holds the field value we're interested. When the grid is first loaded it will show the icon as on or off depending on the value in the "starred" node.

    Clicking on the toggle column on sets the value of the field called "Favourite" to "1". Clicking it again sets the value to "".

    To see the XML used in the demo open the Contacts view as XML. This is the XML format that defines the structure and data of the View component. Simple, no?

    Taking It Further

    If you want to go further than simply modifying a single field at a time and want to perform a more involved action then you can do what I tend to always do and add a self-referencing "computed for display" field to the backend Domino form called something like "Action". In the WQS agent you can then check the value of this field. If the value is something like "Approve" then you can run a set of actions against the document.

    In this scenario the XML data for each row just needs to define a true/false value to let Flex know whether to show the icon as on or off depending on whether it's approved or not. The value for the fieldValueOn would be "Approve" and for fieldValueOff it would be "Unapprove". The actual XML data for approved documents would be "Unapproved" and for unapproved documents the column value would be "Approve". If that makes sense.


    It's the simple little components like this that show how powerful Flex can be once you get going with it. With the View component and the components I'm adding to it I feel like this is getting to the point where it's a viable product that can be re-used in live applications. In fact I already am using it in live applications for paying customers.

    In the next couple of days I'll update the downloadable version of the app with updated Flex source code. Before I do I want to blog about another addition to the code -- the ability to store a user's choice of columns across sessions using the Flash/Flex equivalent of cookies - the SharedObject. Give me a day or three.

    Click here to post a response

    5. Lotus Notes and Domino

    Find technical resources for Lotus Notes and Domino.

    6. IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 performance

    This article reports IBM® Lotus® Notes® Traveler 8.5.1 performance results for Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit operating systems. In addition, it compares the performances of Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5 (64-bit) server and IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 (64-bit) server. Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 for IBM Lotus Domino® 32-bit servers was not tested because large deployments of Lotus Notes Traveler server are preferred on Lotus Domino 64-bit servers.

    7. IBM Lotus Notes SQL Driver

    The IBM Lotus Notes SQL Driver documentation page lists product documentation for supported versions of Lotus Notes SQL Driver.

    8. All Unicode Characters Database

    See the updated version of this database, here: http://openntf.org/Projects/codebin/codebin.nsf/CodeByDate/AAB7457D7B8A88F3862576CB0066F84C The UnicodeData.nsf database contains one document for each Unicode code point that is documented in the standard UnicodeData.txt file on the Unicode Consortium web site. Each document contains the decimal and hex values of a Unicode code point, and a text field populated with the actual LMBCS character that corresponds to that code point, along with the Unicode name for the code point and several other values. The database has a view containing all the separate code point documents that is conveniently sorted by the decimal Unicode code point. There is also another view containing several additional useful documents: a document with the original UnicodeData.txt file as an attachment, a document containing all the code points rendered 16 per line as LMBCS characters in a Notes rich text field, and a document containing all the code points rendered 1 per line as LMBCS code points. All scripts used in creation of the documents are included in the database.

    9. Configuring IBM Tivoli Access Manager SSO for IBM Lotus Connections 2.5

    This white paper explains how to configure IBM Tivoli Access Manager as a single sign-on (SSO) solution for IBM Lotus Connections 2.5. Though this is an optional configuration, it is recommended in order to provide a more secure environment, especially if users are accessing Lotus Connections from a wide area network (WAN).

    10. The Lotus C API Extension Manager -- Extend the Reach and Power of Your Applications

    The Extension Manager feature of the Lotus C API toolkit for Notes/Domino allows you to run custom code before and after certain internal Notes or Domino operations take place. Find out how to use it in your application development by creating extension manager add-in files for both the Notes client and the Domino server. Learn to install the proper compilers, set up the environment variables, and code the hooks and callback routines for your extension manager. Discover your options for compiling and linking the code and finally deploying your extension manager to the client or server.

    developerWorks  >  Lotus  >  Forums & community  >  Lotus Sandbox

    Lotus Sandbox


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    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7b7eff84bd6eeff600256bd8003960e8?OpenDocument>Allow values not in list comAllow values not in list combo for web
    Combo box with allow values not in list for IE5 and above, Netscape 6 and above
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/98176455ff90e2d500256c38004a5f0c?OpenDocument>Alternate Color Rows View inAlternate Color Rows View in a Web Browser - Version 3
    Alternate Color Rows View Version 3 - More features
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/78ad87650e8e6d8085256818007202c2?OpenDocument>AntiSpamFilter Agent</a>][<bAntiSpamFilter Agent
    Anti-spam agent and design elements to enhance spam mail filtering in the standard Notes mail template.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/b376f26b8cbd9f1b8525694d004e24c3?OpenDocument>API Goodies for Lotus Notes<API Goodies for Lotus Notes
    Control various Win API settings from inside Notes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/e6621c730727e8a3852567f4007eaba1?OpenDocument>AppleScript code examples foAppleScript code examples for Notes
    This database contains additional programming examples for AppleScript in Notes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7d55dec173045350852568a4005d0497?OpenDocument>Application Development DocuApplication Development Documentation Library
    Allows developers of a systems group to store their documentation.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/0af99983727460a000256bd4003996c6?OpenDocument>Archive on CD-ROM</a>][<br>]Archive on CD-ROM
    Agent to archive on CD-ROM.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/9dc708521fd73a43852568a40069cf02?OpenDocument>Archive Options</a>][<br>]ArArchive Options
    Archive your mail db by dates or by sizes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/86cf1eb52622488f85256d51004eeb72?OpenDocument>ArraySort</a>][<br>]An arrayArraySort
    An array sort using a fast shell sort algorthim
    Article "Notes application strategies: Document rating" sample database
    Sample database that accompanies the article, "Notes application strategies: Document rating"
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f5da0954a65348b985256e39004d1583?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: Interactive search" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article, "Notes application strategies: Interactive search."
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/2e00b11f20d7446b85256e47006624c1?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: Mail Processor" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article, "Notes application strategies: Mail Processor."
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/a687d600ae1001e985256e550058c84e?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: User activity tracking" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article "Notes application strategies: User activity tracking"
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/1d9d9dd534b1491288256ae3006a997c?OpenDocument>ASP SendMail for Notes/DominASP SendMail for Notes/Domino
    Very simple program in VBScript that sends mail in ASP / WSH natively through Notes/Domino
    Audio CD Tracking
    Keeps track of 100 CD changer and CD collection

    Go back

    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. Харинов Афанасий Николаевич

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer

    2. Недостоев Федор Петрович

    IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, MS Active Directory, Outlook, The Bat, WebMoney

    3. Юдичев Леонид Артурович

    IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Access, WebMoney

    4. Садова Ульяна Алексеевна

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Outlook, QuarkXPress, WebMoney, Банк-Клиент

    5. Малятина Ярослава Тарасовна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Outlook, Консультант+

    6. Павловцев Руслан Михайлович

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Bat

    7. Хизина Инна Григорьевна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word

    8. Нетужилова Жанна Леонидовна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Outlook

    9. Цьплакова Виталина Степановна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Access

    10. Уласов Сергей Яковлевич

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Excel, QuarkXPress

    11. Аврашко Владимир Станиславович

    IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word

    12. Ларченко Оксана Тарасовна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, QuarkXPress, Банк-Клиент

    13. Ворохобов Филипп Николаевич

    Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Excel, QuarkXPress

    14. Полевых Ирина Геннадьевна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Word

    15. Шерстняков Роман Павлович

    IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Excel

    16. Роговой Константин Георгиевич

    Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, WebMoney

    17. Горбачевская Жанна Ефимовна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft PowerPoint

    18. Парщикова Тамара Руслановна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Office

    19. Топазова Раиса Львовна

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Word, Outlook

    20. Лайкин Семен Анатольевич

    IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint

    21. Тонеев Эдуард Евгеньевич

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, The Bat

    22. Беклемишева Зинаида Арсениевна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes

    23. Якшевич Ульяна Анатольевна

    IBM Lotus Notes, The Bat, WebMoney, Консультант+

    24. Шляхтин Павел Степанович

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory

    25. Конференц-сервер Парт Ту

    Lotus Notes.

    26. Бескоровайная Камилла Павловна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office

    27. Кошкарев Ефим Тарасович

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Bat, WebMoney

    28. How to isolate high CPU consuming thread in three steps.

    1. how to identify process involved? ( detect the process pid) ps auxw sort r +2 head 10 Shows top 10 cpu usage by process. OS tools like topas or tops can be also used to isolate the process id pid. 2. How to identify highest thread usage by CPU in a certain process? AIX ...

    29. Чепелова Александра Михайловна

    уверенный пользователь ПК(Lotus Notes,Internet, Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Access, Outlook), Power Point)

    30. Ющова Жанна Леонидовна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, QuarkXPress, WebMoney

    31. Девятов Виктор Андреевич

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, QuarkXPress

    32. Article: IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 performance

    This DeveloperWorks article reports IBM® Lotus® Notes® Traveler 8.5.1 performance results for Microsoft® Windows® 64bit operating systems. In addition, it compares the performances of Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5 (64bit) server and IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 (64bit) server. Lotus Notes Traveler ...

    33. Шестерикова Александра Антоновна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer

    34. Бобрик Марианна Руслановна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, QuarkXPress, Банк-Клиент

    35. поиск во вложениях

    Англ. сервер. 8.5.1фп1, база с FT-индексом (аттачи включены в индекс в любом из вариантов - с фильтрами или без). База работает под DAOSом (но и без него была ерунда).
    Вложения - файлы ворда-2003/2007 с кириллическим содержимым. Текстовые пока не проверял...
    Полный Поиск не ищет внутри вложений sad.gif Когда-то работало, долгое время никому не надо было, а теперь пробую - и ничего нет. Поиск по самим документам работает отлично по любым полям. Индексы уже как только не перестраивал - без результата.

    Не проходила ли информация о каких-либо ограничениях по поиску в типах файлах/виду содержимого вложений?

    36. Смартфоны Nokia подключат к корпоративной почте IBM

    Обладатели телефонов Nokia на платформе Symbian S60 3rd Edition сумеют работать с обслуживанием IBM Lotus Notes.

    37. Курс по Forefront Identity Manager 2010

    В своё время стравливал при его помощи Lotus Domino 4.0.7 и AD, после - читал партнёрский курс про MIIS 2003 (с кодом 2731).

    38. Писакин Яков Леонидович

    CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Internet Explorer, MS Active Directory, The Bat, WebMoney, Консультант+

    39. Якушевский Ефим Антонович

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft PowerPoint

    40. Connect

    Есть тем не менее, но происходит всегда только при работе с Lotus Notes 4.xx.

    41. Lotus Domino - это все таки заебись.

    Lotus Domino - это все таки заебись.

    42. Просрочен сертификат

    Невозможно отправить письма с одного Домино на другой, и репликация тоже не идет - ошибка:
    10.03.2010 10:20:52 Server OTH/DOM/ORG reported the following problem causing authentication to fail: Your certificate has expired
    10.03.2010 10:20:52 Error connecting to server OTH/DOM/ORG: Server error: Your certificate has expired
    10.03.2010 10:20:52 Unable to replicate with server oth: Your certificate has expired on remote server
    10.03.2010 10:22:59 Server SRV2/DOM/ORG reported the following problem causing authentication to fail: Your certificate has expired
    10.03.2010 10:22:59 Error connecting to server SRV2/DOM/ORG: Server error: Your certificate has expired

    В первом случае - это с филиальным сервером, во втором - с кластерным.
    Для всех трех серверов выпустил серификаты, прописал соответствующие kyr в серверном документе на вкладках Ports-Internet ports-SSL keyfile name b Server tasks - Internet cluster Manager-ICM SSL keyfile, рестартанул по очереди все серверы, ошибка не пропадает. Как узнать какой именно сертификат просрочен? Вкладка Configuration-Security-Certificates-Certificates Expirations показывает только сертификаты юзеров

    43. Радимов Андрей Антонович

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, Outlook, QuarkXPress, Консультант+

    44. Ливанова Нина Валентиновна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Access, QuarkXPress, The Bat, Банк-Клиент

    45. Проблемы с репликацией документа с измененным Universal ID

    Удалили документ из БАЗЫ, заметили уже поздно, срок мягкого удаления прошел. И много еще документов в базе поменяли.

    46. Useful info about wksp.SaveFileDialog and OpenFileDialog

    This information was missing from the help, and since it took me a while to find I decided to post it here. The question is, when specifying the "filters" for a file-browsing dialog, how do you group ...

    47. Чеверова Станислава Александровна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, WebMoney

    48. wiki Help

    Browser support notes Microsoft Windows users using Microsoft Internet Explorer, it is recommended that you use Internet Explorer 7 when interacting with the wiki. Apple Safari is not supported. Contributing to the wiki To add, edit, or comment on an article, you must have a developerWorks ...

    49. Фролочкина Вероника Альбертовна

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Word

    50. Наташина Людмила Ярославовна

    CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft PowerPoint

    51. Галицына Алина Анатольевна

    AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Outlook, QuarkXPress

    52. Трафандилова Вера Витальевна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft PowerPoint

    53. Lotus Notes/Domino Специалист

    54. Дейнега Дарья Ярославовна

    IBM Lotus Notes, Консультант+

    55. Калинина Татьяна Леонидовна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft PowerPoint, Outlook, Банк-Клиент

    56. Грицунова Татьяна Руслановна

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, MS Active Directory, Outlook, Консультант+

    57. Телешова Богдана Петровна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, MS Active Directory, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, The Bat

    58. Штыков Матвей Артемович

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Банк-Клиент

    59. Ютина Ольга Владимировна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes

    60. Рабочая область. ярлыки открытых баз


    61. Будянный Григорий Антонович

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Консультант+

    62. Онищин Георгий Георгиевич

    AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Банк-Клиент

    63. Луконина Марина Кирилловна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Internet Explorer, Outlook, The Bat

    64. Данчук Жанна Антоновна

    CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft PowerPoint, Консультант+

    65. SearchInform NetworkSniffer 4.5: новые заслоны на пути утечек информации

    7. Индексация почты, хранящейся на сервере Lotus Domino

    66. Мартынчик Павел Тарасович

    IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft PowerPoint

    67. Мягкий Анатолий Николаевич

    IBM Lotus Notes

    68. Кошелева Христина Евгеньевна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word

    69. Лимарева Валентина Петровна

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, QuarkXPress, Консультант+

    70. Тюнин Юрий Олегович

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Outlook, QuarkXPress, WebMoney, Консультант+

    71. IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 performance

    This article reports IBM® Lotus® Notes® Traveler 8.5.1 performance results for Microsoft® Windows® 64-bit operating systems. In addition, it compares the performances of Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5 (64-bit) server and IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 (64-bit) server. Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 for IBM Lotus Domino® 32-bit servers was not tested because large deployments of Lotus Notes Traveler server are preferred on Lotus Domino 64-bit servers.

    72. Костромитина Ярослава Михайловна

    IBM Lotus Notes

    73. Недуванов Богдан Артемович

    IBM Lotus Notes

    74. Белослюд Татьяна Артуровна

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Internet Explorer, QuarkXPress

    75. Августинович Анастасия Евгеньевна

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory

    76. Казеев Эдуард Кириллович

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Outlook, Банк-Клиент

    77. Лях Афанасий Тарасович

    AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word

    78. Re: Сервер 2 уровня в лотус домино

    И еще дополнение. Как избавиться от такой ошибки?


    79. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 212" от 08 ...

    Semaphores (Part 2) * Lotus Notes to Google Calendar tool | Get Lotus Notes to Google Calendar tool at SourceForge.net * Developing a composite application in IBM Lotus Notes to integrate Lotus Notes and Google calendars * Tastenku:rzel Lotus Notes * Dieter Ringhofer - KnowHow, Wissenswertes:

    80. Сайфутдинова Оксана Владимировна

    1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, Microsoft Access

    81. Хмелева Лариса Дмитриевна

    IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, QuarkXPress, The Bat

    82. Охлябина Наталья Матвеевна

    1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, QuarkXPress
    Давай знакомиться. В каких отношениях с Lotus Notes?
    (голосование возможно только из письма рассылки)
  • Lotus Администратор
  • Lotus Программист
  • Lotus Пользователь
  • С Lotus Note не знаком
  • Хочу познакомиться с Lotus Notes/Domino
  • Вакансии для специалистов

    1. Руководитель проектов, системы электронного документооборота

    Компания "Банкомсвязь", www.bkc.com.ua, 16 лет работает на рынке информационных технологий Украины.
    Основные обязанности:
    Руководство проектами по внедрению системы электронного документооборота:
    планирование работ, ресурсов, бюджета;
    управление рабочей группой на проекте (планирование и организация задач, контроль сроков выполнения этапов проекта);
    взаимодействие с заказчиком на всех этапах проекта;
    организация составления технической документации по проекту;
    Поставка лицензий на программное обеспечение.
    Требования к кандидату:
    Знание процессов делопроизводства и документооборота - обязательно
    Знания платформы LotusNotes/Domino - обязательно
    Опыт руководства проектами внедрения в области ИТ от 1 года - обязательно
    Опыт управления людьми. Навыки работы в MS Project. Приветствуется опыт продажи лицензий на программное обеспечение.
    Личные качества: Ответственность, клиентоориентированность, нацеленность на результат, умение работать в многозадачном режиме.
    Если Вас заинтересовала данная вакансия, направляйте, пожалуйста, резюме по адресу: job@bkc.com.ua, с указанием в теме письма кода вакансии bkc0166.

    2. Field Operations/Processing Support - SAP, Lotus Notes

    Click here Field Operations/Processing Support - SAP, Lotus Notes Posted on:02/01/10 Job Number: 300190-6948-1-254927   Add to Cart   Email to a Friend Location: Marietta, GA Descript...

    3. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Req. ID: 5980 # Positions: 1 Location: US-IN-Carmel Posted Date: 12/4/2009 Position Type: Full Time Apply for this career opportunity: * Apply for this opportunityonline * R...

    4. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 10/14/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 158834 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess ...

    5. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 10/13/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 158730 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess ...

    6. Sr. Domino/Lotus Notes Tester

    Sr. Domino/Lotus Notes Tester Full Time Regular posted 2/24/2010 Job Category ENG - Engineering Req ID 168193 Able to obtain security clearance? Top Secret/SCI with Lifestyle Polyg...

    7. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 10/16/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 159027 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess ...

    8. Lotus Notes/Domino Developer

    Lotus Notes/Domino Developer Full Time Regular posted 11/23/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 161695 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently p...

    9. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 1/28/2010 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 166416 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess s...

    10. Sr. Lotus Notes / Blackberry Helpdesk Professional

    Sr. Lotus Notes / Blackberry Helpdesk Professional Robert Half Technology has an immediate opportunity for a Help Desk Support Professionals for our client in Kansas City. We are seeking local Help D...

    11. Senior Email/Lotus Notes Administrator

    Senior Email/Lotus Notes Administrator This candidate will participate on the messaging team in the day to day activities that will enable a high performing, highly available environment. This person...

    Закладки о Lotus Notes

    1. Home Page - Notepad

    2. Domino 6 server mail rules

    3. http://www.pavone.de/pages.nsf/7b818bbcaa69e993c125714c002b1359/dad8a6ccd3e1c495c12576d600412d3b/$FILE/LCTY_PB_2010%20Lotus%20Strategie%202010.pdf

    4. YouTube - IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5 Customer Testimonials

    5. Erik Brooks

    6. Ed Brill

    7. Cheaper moving from Exchange to Domino… » Balfes.net

    8. David Allen Podcast: Kelly Forrister - GTD with Lotus Notes

    Podcast about GTD with Lotus Notes

    9. Sanity Check

    The Author describes how he works with lotus notes according to Getting Things Done principles. Based on a book of David Allen

    10. bignoseduglyguy: Getting Things Done with email

    11. Little Red String Geek Blog - Simple GTD in Lotus Notes

    Two blog postings about gtd with lotus notes. No software to sell here. Just a description what the author did.

    12. eProductivity™ - The Ultimate Productivity Solution for Lotus Notes™

    Short intro into gtd with Lono. With the preferred product of the author, of course...

    13. Five steps to implementing GTD within Lotus Notes - The David Allen Company

    The guru

    14. Notes/Domino 6 & 7 Forum

    15. Programmatically replace the design of Lotus Notes databases

    16. Lotus Notes Tips

    Alan Lepofsky

    17. IBM - Is Lotus Notes supported on Windows Terminal Services?

    No, the Notes client is not designed or supported to run in this scenario (using a Windows Terminal client and Windows Server Terminal Services). A Notes client can run on a Windows 2003 or 2008 Terminal Server only if Citrix MetaFrame is used as well. While Windows Server Terminal Services emulation with Lotus Notes can work, this configuration is not supported. Refer to the Release Notes or System Requirements that accompany each Notes client release for the latest information on Citrix MetaFrame and Terminal Services support in a specific product release.

    18. Subscribe to Hosted Lotus and Hosted Microsoft applications with Phase 2

    19. Seite drucken - Symbolleiste Import Button / Automatischer Anhang

    20. Was ist neu in Notes-Domino 7.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)

    21. Lotus Domino Designer 7 Hilfe - Navigatoren in einer Maske, Teilmaske, Seite oder einem Dokument einbetten

    22. Lotus Domino Designer 7 Hilfe - Masken-, Teilmasken-, Seiten- oder Ansichtsaktionen erstellen

    23. Lotus Domino Designer 7 Hilfe - Eigenschaften, die die Datenbankleistung verbessern

    24. Five steps to implementing GTD within Lotus Notes - The David Allen Company

    25. Domino's POP3 Server Breaks HTML Emails by Removing Characters | Wed 3 Mar 2010 | Blog | CodeStore


    26. Display Lotus Notes user group membership details in a tree view

    27. ACL_TechSpecs.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)

    28. Lotus Notes and Domino Software Tools for Devs and Admins | Ytria Online Help

    29. nsftools - Lotus Notes Performance Tips

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