Lotus Domino Administrator 7 Hilfe - Server-Verfu:gbarkeitsindex
Новости о ПО Lotus Notes1. «Лаборатория Касперского» защитила от вирусов и спама «Эй-И-Эс Ривнээнерго» - CNews.ru
3. IBM выбрала первого ASL-партнера в России - Открытые системы
4. Iron Mountain приобрела компанию Mimosa Systems - Internet.Ru
Статьи. Публикации. Пресс-релизы1. IBM Lotus Notes 8.5 iCalendar: Функциональная совместимость, реализация и применениеВ версии IBM® Lotus® Notes® 7.02 появилась возможность импорта публичного календаря в формате iCalendar. Еще раньше, в Lotus Notes 6.0, появилась возможность использовать iCalendar в качестве формата обмена между приложениями и системами, использующими протокол Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны1. Modify Header / Footer items via Lotusscript ( and API )The application contains a class "NotesDocumentHeader" to Get / Set the properties of Header and Footer items in a Notes Document. Header / Footer items are of type Richtext and you cannot modify them directly using standard LotusScript. I' ve put together all the necessary code and wrapped the API calls into a class to achive the goal. The class works on Windows and Linux. Mac support is possible but I have no Mac to test with. In addition the application contains code to get the size ( and other properties ) of embedded images in a richtext item. The code is an example to show how to access Notes RichText items on the CD Record level using LS2CAPI techniques. The application is used as a sample database on EntwicklerCamp 2010, 10-Mar-2010, Gelsenkirchen, Germany2. Domino's POP3 Server Breaks HTML Emails by Removing Characters | BlogThere's a bug when sending and retrieving HTML email from Domino that has been plaguing me for years now. Now I've finally decided to take the time to investigate fully and find a fix. First, imagine the code below: While i<100 j = 0 html ="" While j<i html = html + "split string " j=j+1 Wend Set mail = New Email() mail.Subject = "Test " + CStr(i) mail.HTML = html mail.Send("jake howlett") i=i+5 Wend What this does is send me 20 test emails. Each email is increasingly longer than the one before it and they all just repeat the words "split string" over and over. The code to send the email is based on my Email class. All it does is create a multi-part MIME message. Nothing out of the ordinary. If you're using the MIME classes to send emails then this probably applies to you. At some point in the loop the length of the message will get to such a size that something very worrying happens, as you can see below:
Notice the missing p?! The ProblemFrom my investigations I've concluded the following: If you use a 3rd party mail client (like Thunderbird) to download a multi-part HTML email from a mail file on a Domino server using POP3 then the POP3 server will remove the 655th character and put a line break in its place. Looking at the very same email in the original mail file - using the Notes client - there's no missing character. What I've also noticed is that it only removes the first 655th char. Not every subsequent 655th char in the whole string. Obviously this can be very, very bad. At it's least worst, like in this example, it just looks like a typo. However, I've had numerous bug reports because it's broken the string inside an HTML tag, resulting in un-clickable links or -worse still - emails that just show raw HTML. The problem seems only to occur when sending emails where the HTML content is made up of one very long string. I guess using very long strings is generally a bad idea in any case, but there's nothing actually wrong with it, and nothing half as wrong as the server removing characters. The SolutionWhat we need to do is avoid very long lines of HTML code in the email. The obvious solution is to add line breaks in the HTML as you build it in your code. Unfortunately, in my case, I have way too many instances of code sending HTML email to make it practical to go and add new line breaks in to each email. Instead, what I did was put a fail-safe in to the Email class which sends the email. At the point it adds the HTML to the email it adds a new line at every point an HTML tag is closed, like so: Call stream.WriteText(Replace(Me.str_HTMLPart, ">", ">"+Chr(10))) There's still a slight chance that there could be a long string that avoids this rule, but it's unlikely enough for me to feel happy this has resolved the issue for now. SummarySo, you've been warned. If you're sending HTML emails to a Domino server, make sure you split the HTML string down in to sizeable chunks so that users who access their email via POP3 don't see broken HTML. It all leaves me wondering why on earth the POP3 server would replace the 655th character in the first place. Assuming it does of course. My investigation wasn't exactly extensive but, from what I can tell, it definitely looks like it does. Why though? What's significant about 655? It's not like it's a base 2 number or anything. 3. Administering IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 servers for beginnersThis white paper provides a comprehensive overview of how to administer IBM Lotus Domino, explaining the fundamental components and terminology so that new administrators can feel familiar with the product. Specifically, we explain key features and functionalities such as the Notes.ini file, the Data Directory, IDs, server commands and documents, and server activities. Also included are discussions of server maintenance and NSDs.4. Migrating from PDF forms to IBM Lotus FormsIn the world of e-forms, IBM® Lotus® Forms and PDF forms are the most two popular products. A Lotus Forms project can be categorized as two distinct tasks: migrating from existing e-forms and creating e-forms from scratch. We have found in our experience with IBM Software Services for Lotus that most forms projects involve migrating from PDF forms to Lotus Forms.5. Extend the Sametime Connect Client with a Useful Plug-in for Sametime Administrators -- An Update for 7.5.1+Learn to customize the Sametime Connect client in releases 7.5 and above by developing and installing a mini application (miniApp) that provides continuous updates on Sametime server connections. You don't have to be a Java programmer to obtain or reuse Java code for miniApp plug-ins that install on Sametime Connect to incorporate frequently used functions. Get step-by-step instructions on installing the development environment and developing and installing the miniApp. Форумы о Lotus Notes/Domino:
Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы1. Городской Лев ИгоревичIBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Word2. Ложкин Алексей Семенович1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Outlook, The Bat, WebMoney, Консультант+3. Топорищев Руслан ГригорьевичIBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, The Bat, WebMoney, Банк-Клиент4. Шатохин Алексей Дмитриевич1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Outlook5. Переполнение буфера в ActiveX IBM Lotus Domino6. Переполнение буфера в IBM Lotus Domino Web Access / iNotes:Переполнение буфера в IBM Lotus Domino Web Access / iNotes:7. Java Ui Apis For Lotus Notes:Java Ui Apis For Lotus Notes:8. lotus notes на iphone 3gтоварищи а кто нить получает корпоративную почту из lotus notes на айфон?9. Act! By Sage 2010Continue working with business solutions like Microsoft® Outlook®, Word, Excel®, and Lotus Notes® because they integrate with ACT!….10. Ющенко Федор АлексеевичCorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Bat11. Воловикова Маргарита ДенисовнаIBM Lotus Notes, QuarkXPress12. Балабина Инна Аркадьевна1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, AutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, The Bat, Консультант+13. Павлинов Сергей ЛеонидовичIBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Office, The Bat14. Вишня Матвей ГеннадьевичIBM Lotus Notes, Outlook15. Инвестиционный управляющийWord, Excel, Power Point, Lotus Notes16. Смартфоны Nokia подключат к корпоративной почте IBMОбладатели телефонов Nokia на платформе Symbian S60 3rd Edition сумеют работать с обслуживанием IBM Lotus Notes.17. Литовченко Олеся Станиславовна1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Word, Outlook, The Bat18. Создомов Станислав ВасильевичAutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word19. остров проклятых 2010 - закачать CouchDBCouchDB, наиболее похожий на другие магазины MongoDB документ, как и Lotus Notes.20. Add Site Certificates to the Lotus Domino JVM cacerts KeystoreHow to add site certificates to the Lotus Domino JVM cacerts keystore. Fig. 1 - Navigate to the Domino JVM security directory Step 1 - Navigate to the Domino JVM security directory. For me, that's c:/lotus/domino/jvm/lib/security. For simplicity sake, I put the .cer certificate file in the ...21. перси джексон и похититель молний - закачать X1 профессионального клиентаX1 профессиональных клиентов изначально поддерживает только Microsoft Outlook, однако в 2005 году они добавили поддержку для IBM Lotus Notes Перси Джекcон и похититель молний фильм и в 2006 добавлена поддержка Microsoft Exchange Server.22. Sacred SproutsLM - Lotus Moon: the Poetry of the Buddhist Nun Rengetsu, tr. and with notes23. Боже как можно пользоваться этим чертовым Lotus Notes?Боже как можно пользоваться этим чертовым Lotus Notes?24. В нашей крмпании проходит тестирование автоматизированая система по формированиюВ нашей крмпании проходит тестирование автоматизированая система по формированию отчетов об оценке на базе Lotus Notes25. Кроме того, есть системы, в которых пароль не хранится даже в виде хэша - ssl/tls,Кроме того, есть системы, в которых пароль не хранится даже в виде хэша - ssl/tls, Lotus Notes/Domino, тот же самый ssh при авторизации по ключу.26. Бабай Наталия Викторовна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, AutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office27. Пивоваров Роман Тарасович1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Outlook28. Мамошин Ярослав ГеоргиевичIBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Access29. РЕЗЮМЕ: ищу работу в Москве, системный администраторразвёртывание новых / переезд рабочих мест (ПК и оргтехника), регистрация новых пользователей в домене в Active Directory и почте Lotus Domino; -30. Symantec Backup Exec v13.0.2896.9 (2010г/Multi)Поддерживает работу систем таких, как Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Lotus Domino 8 с помощью агента для Lotus Domino, IBM N Series filers.31. Чебурахина Людмила ВячеславовнаIBM Lotus Notes32. Долгорожева Анжелика ГеннадьевнаAdobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Excel33. Вершигора Руслана ВадимовнаIBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Access, Outlook, Банк-Клиент34. Lotus shares the value of Getting Things DoneAs many of you know, we are a Lotus Notes shop.35. Ванина Руслана Станиславовна1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Word, Outlook, Банк-Клиент36. Униров Богдан ТарасовичAutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Bat, Банк-Клиент37. Тамашевская Яна Яковлевна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Банк-Клиент38. Прикрепление файлов к письму в формате MIMEСкриптом создается письмо в формате MIME, надо прикрепить файлы как обычные атачметы. Подскажите как это сделать.Добавление еще одного поля Body_1 не подходит, т.к. в этом случае почтовики типа mail.ru не показывают файлы вложенные в это поле. 39. Web-программист требуетсяОпыт работы в команде разработчиков, умение пользоваться системами контроля версий (Clear Case, SVN), багтрекинг-системами, опыт работы с Lotus Notes;40. Я полюбил Lotus Notes и IBM:) теперь у меня есть рабочая почта на iPhone.Я полюбил Lotus Notes и IBM:) теперь у меня есть рабочая почта на iPhone.41. Грановская Камилла МихайловнаIBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft PowerPoint, WebMoney42. Не срабатывает "Отправить->Адресат".Доброе/Злое время суток.... 43. Гонимедова Маргарита Ярославовна1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes44. Геракова Ангелина НиколаевнаIBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, WebMoney45. Светушкин Захар АнатольевичAutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer46. Утенова Олеся Ростиславовна1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, The Bat, Консультант+47. "Server not responding" Troubleshooting GuideAbstract: This article will help you troubleshoot "server not responding" error messages and help you gather the right information to send in to IBM Technical Support if this does not solve your issue. This document contains the following sections:48. ArkanoiD: ..Усложняем ситуацию: это что-то это нихуя не ms exchange, а еще одна прокладка для репликации — ну скажем, с google или lotus notes.49. Паличева Антонина Анатольевна1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, MS Active Directory50. Безгачев Григорий ПавловичAutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, WebMoney, Консультант+51. Немкова Ирина ЕвгеньевнаAdobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Outlook52. Цибулька Анжелика АндреевнаIBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Word, The Bat, Консультант+53. Using IBM Lotus Expeditor Toolkit 6.2.1 with IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.1Get started using IBM® Lotus® Expeditor Toolkit for development of applications for IBM Lotus Notes® 8.5.1. Learn which installation options to select, how to configure the toolkit, how to include the Notes.jar, and how to launch a sample application on your target environment. ...54. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 210" от 01 ...Operations/Processing Support - SAP, Lotus Notes * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes/Domino Developer * Lotus Notes Developer * Sr.55. Administering IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 servers for beginnersThis white paper provides a comprehensive overview of how to administer IBM Lotus Domino, explaining the fundamental components and terminology so that new administrators can feel familiar with the product. Specifically, we explain key features and functionalities such as the Notes.ini file, the Data Directory, IDs, server commands and documents, and server activities. Also included are discussions of server maintenance and NSDs. Блиц-опрос
Закладки о Lotus Notes1. Lotus Domino Administrator 7 Hilfe - Server-Verfügbarkeitsindex2. IBM - "Error Updating View '(#ViewNumber)' in xxx.nsf: Entry not found in index." After upgrade to 7.043. Lotus Notes and Domino notes.ini settings: A to E4. IBM - How to set the NRPC thread pool sizes for each Notes port in Notes Domino 75. Syncing-Lotus-Notes-with-Google-CalendarSync Lotus notes calendar with google calendar6. Rolling out a Corporate Welcome PageFor example, you may want one page for your sales team and a different page for your development team. Through the u7. Resolving Domino Server Problems8. OpenNTF Blog :: 3D History Thumbnail Viewer for Lotus Notes9. Full-text Syntax10. Five steps to implementing GTD within Lotus Notes - The David Allen Company11. FaceTime Survey Reveals 38% of IT Managers Ignoring Web 2.0 Risks12. Is the Facebook imperative really so great for Corporate America ...13. Implementing and deploying Google gadgets for the Lotus Connections Home page14. Show 'n Tell Thursday: Migrating Outlook Express e-mail to Lotus Notes (2 Mar 2006) - lekkimworld.com15. AweSync | Lotus <-> Google Calendar Synchronization Tool16. OpenNTF.org - GooCalSyncИсточники знаний. Сайты с книгами
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