IBM Domino Designer 8.5.1 has significant new XPages capabilities that enable you to design an application just once and then run it without changes in a variety of platforms, including the Notes client. Get an overview of the new features, insight into what they mean to you, and step-by-step guidance on building applications using the new XPages features.
This class provides methods for XML structured data processing in Lotus Script. XML structure could be read from files or String variables and/or could be written to files or printed out as Text. There are methods which can be used to modify existing XML structure or XML structure could be built from scratch. Currently I'm working on XML transformation with XSLT feature and want to extend the power of DomQuery selector
%REM Copyright 2009 TietoEnator Alise (developed by Arturs Mekss) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. %END REM Type NodeQuery nodeName As String subNodeName As String subNodeValue As String nth As Integer End Type %REM Version: 0.8.0 Author: AMe Purpose: This class provides methods for XML structured data processing in LotusScript. XML structure could be read from files or String variables and/or could be written to files or printed out as Text. There are methodes which can be used in order to modify existing XML structure or XML structure could be built from scarch Methods: - isReady() As Boolean - parseString(sourceStr As String) As Boolean - parseFile(sourceFilePath As String) As Boolean - toStream() As NotesStream - toText() As Boolean - toFile(targetFilePath As String) - appendElementNode(pNode As NotesDOMElementNode, nodeName As String, nodeValue As String, altNodeValue As String) As NotesDOMElementNode - selectNode(elementNode As NotesDOMElementNode, query As String) As NotesDOMElementNode - getNodeValue(elementNode As NotesDOMElementNode, altVal As String) As String Examples: '1. Build XML from scrach and store to file Dim xml As XMLProcessor Dim personNode As NotesDOMElementNode Set xml = New XMLProcessor("persons") Set personNode = xml.appendElementNode(Nothing, "person", "", "") 'if parent node is Nothing then root node will be used as parent node Call xml.appendElementNode(personNode, "name", "Bart", "") Call xml.appendElementNode(personNode, "sureName", "Simpson", "") Set personNode = xml.appendElementNode(Nothing, "person", "", "") Call xml.appendElementNode(personNode, "name", "Jonny", "") Call xml.appendElementNode(personNode, "sureName", "Bravo", "") Call xml.toFile("D:\WORK_TMP\xml\persons.xml") '2. Read XML from file and print it as a plain text Dim xml As XMLProcessor Set xml = New XMLProcessor("") Call xml.parseFile("D:\WORK_TMP\xml\persons.xml") Call xml.toText() '3. Read XML from file and get values via selector Dim xml As XMLProcessor Dim node As NotesDOMElementNode Set xml = New XMLProcessor("") Call xml.parseFile("D:\WORK_TMP\xml\persons.xml") Set node = xml.selectNode(Nothing, "person:2>name") MessageBox xml.getNodeValue(node, "-") Set node = xml.selectNode(Nothing, "person(name=Bart)>sureName") MessageBox xml.getNodeValue(node, "-") %END REM Class XMLProcessor 'General variables Private session As NotesSession Private objIsReady As Boolean 'Object is properly initialized 'XSLT variables Private isXSLTDefined As Boolean Private XSLT As NotesStream 'InputStream variables Private InputStream As NotesStream 'OutputStream variables Private outputStream As NotesStream 'DOM variables Private domparser As NotesDOMParser Private domdoc As NotesDOMDocumentNode Private rootNode As NotesDOMElementNode 'PUBLIC Scope: Public Sub new(rootNodeName As String) On Error Goto errh Dim piNode As NotesDOMProcessingInstructionNode Set Me.session = New NotesSession If rootNodeName <> "" Then Set domParser=session.CreateDOMParser Set domdoc = domparser.Document Set piNode = domdoc.CreateProcessingInstructionNode(|xml|, |version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"|) Call domdoc.appendChild(piNode) Set rootNode = domdoc.CreateElementNode(rootNodeName) Call domdoc.appendChild(rootNode) Me.objIsReady = True End If Exit Sub errh: Call Me.onError() Exit Sub End Sub Public Sub Delete On Error Goto errh ' -- Closing opened resources ' closing xslt stream If Me.isXSLTDefined Then Call Me.XSLT.Close() 'closing output stream If Not Me.outputStream Is Nothing Then Call Me.outputStream.Close 'closing input stream If Not Me.inputStream Is Nothing Then Call Me.inputStream.Close Exit Sub errh: Call Me.onError() Exit Sub End Sub Public Function isReady() As Boolean isReady = Me.objIsReady End Function Public Function parseString(sourceStr As String) As Boolean On Error Goto errh If Me.createDOMParserFromSource(sourceStr) Then parseString = True Me.objIsReady = True End If Exit Function errh: Call Me.onError() Exit Function End Function Public Function parseFile(sourceFilePath As String) As Boolean On Error Goto errh Set Me.InputStream = session.CreateStream() If Me.InputStream.Open(sourceFilePath, "UTF-8") Then If Me.InputStream.Bytes = 0 Then Error 3000, "File does not exist or is empty: " + sourceFilePath If Me.createDOMParserFromSource(Me.InputStream) Then parseFile = True Me.objIsReady = True End If E
The Notes 8.5.1 Preview Guide is a colorful PDF, showing you what's new in Notes 8.5.1 and what's changed since the last release. This preview guide also includes links to additional learning material
Уважаемые коллеги. Есть Домино версии 7, есть kspam 1.7b.. Стоит задача прикрутить это добро к друг другу.. Опыту мало.. Произвожу необходимые действия по инструкции прилагаемой в тузлой.. 1. Билиотеку nspam.dll закидываю в корневой каталог Домино 2. Каталог с kapam помещаю в Data1 3. Открываю KSpamCon.ntf создаю Конфигурацию значения по дефолту 4. Создаю руле на запрещение с приоритетом 15 так же по инструкции.. 5. Прописываю строку Extmgr_addins=spam в notes.ini Собственно все..? Как отследить функционирует ли kspam? Как управлять kspam, наблюдать за активностью работы kspam ? У кого есть опыт в настройке kspam поделитесь..
There have been several customization improvements in 8.5.1. The major difference is that all customization forms and subforms have been moved to a separate file called the Extension Forms File. If
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