Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 67
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Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны1. Letting Bots Do the Dirty Work While Enhancing Sametime's Business ValueFind out how building IBM Lotus Sametime bots can improve and automate your access to information and assistance -- enhancing productivity and efficiency, and satisfying end users. Learn about three types of bots, see their business value through real-world examples, and get sample code for building a bot.2. IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 performance for IBM Lotus Notes usersIncreasing value to the customer is an ongoing theme for the IBM® Lotus® Domino® server. The growing volume of information in today’s enterprise strains existing hardware infrastructures. Lotus Domino 8.5 contains features that help relieve the stress on the expensive processor and storage subsystems. This article shows the reductions in processor and disk utilization with Lotus Domino 8.5 and Lotus Notes® clients.3. Extending the IBM Lotus Notes V8 mail with EclipseExtend the IBM Lotus Notes V8 client by writing Java code with Eclipse. Use Lotus Notes at home for personal email, and extend mail to include a new Mail Rule Runner that allows users to run their rules manually on the client.4. Mass-input form uses LotusScript to ease large-scale employee movesUse this LotusScript button and Lotus Notes form with a spreadsheet-style interface to enter a high volume of records. This tip is helpful during a large-scale office move and can save your help help desk team time and trouble. Форумы о Lotus Notes/Domino:
Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы1. OfficeRecovery 2008 UltimateDatabase Lotus Notes Database А также:2. Microsoft наносит ответный ударПричем, GSK переходит на онлайн сервисы Microsoft с платформы IBM Lotus Notes + Google Postini.3. How to turn off the Repair Calendar featureHow does one enable/disable the Repair Calendar feature? In Notes 8.5, the Repair Calendar feature is enabled by default. To disable the repair feature, add the following line to the notes.ini file4. Roaming widgets in Notes 8.5Notes users who are enabled as a Notes roaming user will see their My Widgets sidebar panel contents roam, however there is a caveat -- while the widgets are roamed, features and plug-ins deployed to5. Re: Как реализовать установку значения поля для всех пользователей?Открываем Дизайнер , открываем базу names.nsf -> Create -> Agent->... 6. Как реализовать установку значения поля для всех пользователей?Имеем Domino 8.0.2 d в качестве почтовой системы. Задача для всех пользователей установить значение в поля адреса, скажем в поле city значение "Москва". Как это можно реализовать не прибегая к тупому прохождению всех пользователей в Domino Administrator...7. А от размера компании / ... как пример могу привести Lotus Notes, я ничего менее ...... оно не зависит никак, как пример могу привести Lotus Notes, я ничего менее ...8. Не возможно создать reservation в Resource Reservation databaseДОбрый день,Используем Domino сервер версии 7.0.2, установлен на MS Windows server 2003 R2 Вопрос в следующем. Я создал Resource Reservation базу, в ней создал сайт и три ресурса типа Rooms. Все они видны в адресной книге, и доступны для выбора при создании Встречи. Однако есть два НО. НО первое - При поиске в календаре свободных ресурсов для выбора времени встречи, не находится ни одна из трех комнат, вне зависимости от времени и дня заданного в условия поиска. Это не работает как из рабочего календаря пользвателя, так и не работает если делать поиск свободных ресурсов напрямую из Resource Reservaction базы. Прилагаю скриншоты номер 1 и 2. НО второе - Хотя я и могу создать встречу, выбрав ресурс в адресной книге (как я сказал выше, все три Rooms видны в адресной книге, и доступны для выбора), но потом можно снова и снова использовать данный resource при создании новых встреч в тоже самое время! То есть система не видит что резервирование уже было сделано. Собственно, в чем же там дело? Буду благодарен за совет -)) 9. 2 одинаковых idЕсть ли в Domino механизм блокировки одновременной работы двух и более одинаковых ID файлов с разных рабочих мест ?10. Installshield Tuner For Lotus NotesТоварищи кто нибудь юзал эту прогу?Пытаюсь изменить стандартный путь установки клиента, но ничего не получается, валятся непонятные ошибки! http://forum.codeby.net/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=2213 11. LotusLiveLotus Notes, самый используемый продукт от IBM, теперь доступен как хостируемый продукт. Клиенты Lotus Notes могут сконцентрироваться на решении более важных стратегических задач, незамедлительно.12. Старший специалист по технической поддержке (переезд в г. Ступино)Международная компания приглашает на работу Старшего специалиста по технической поддержке (технологии Lotus Notes/Domino, Sametime, Quickplace, External mail) - опыт работы в среде администрирования систем групповой работы (Lotus Domino, Microsoft Exchange, Netware GroupWise и др.) от 2-х лет13. этого я не учла:) у lotus notes много приложений, о том, что так можно было ...этого я не учла:) у lotus notes много приложений, о том, что так можно было ...14. Lotus Notes - почтовая программа!Lotus Notes - почтовая программа! Какое м.б. письмо, если она не грузится?!15. Общее изменение шаблонов почты у всех ящиков LOTUS NOTESВот такими вот нехитрыми командами мы можем обновить шаблоны у всех почтовых ящиков формата Lotus Notes16. Domino Designer 8.5 documentation feedback requestedLooking for feedback on Domino Designer 8.5 documentation set. Do we keep "traditional" Web application development info, or do we remove it to focus on XPages? ...17. IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 performance for IBM Lotus Notes usersIncreasing value to the customer is an ongoing theme for the IBM® Lotus® Domino® server. The growing volume of information in today’s enterprise strains existing hardware infrastructures. Lotus Domino 8.5 contains features that help relieve the stress on the expensive processor and storage subsystems. This article shows the reductions in processor and disk utilization with Lotus Domino 8.5 and Lotus Notes® clients.18. Extending the IBM Lotus Notes V8 mail with EclipseExtend the IBM Lotus Notes V8 client by writing Java code with Eclipse. Use Lotus Notes at home for personal email, and extend mail to include a new Mail Rule Runner that allows users to run their rules manually on the client.19. Mobile Master Pro v-7.3.1 build 3001 (RUS)* Lotus Notes (R5-R8)20. Большие почтовые базаЕсть базы почтовые более 7 ГБ и с кол-вом документов более 30.000естественно все там тормозит. Архивировать возможности их нет, кто как с этим борется? 21. BlackBerry Bold 9000 Phone, Black (AT&T)Works with BlackBerry Enterprise Server, which enables advanced security and IT administration within IBM Lotus Domino, Microsoft Exchange and Novel GroupWise environments, as well as BlackBerry Professional Software for small businesses22. BlackBerry Curve 8320 Phone, Titanium (T-Mobile)It's supported on BlackBerry Internet Service, giving you access to up to 10 work or personal email accounts (including most popular ISP email accounts), as well as BlackBerry Enterprise Server, enabling advanced security and IT administration within IBM Lotus Domino, Microsoft Exchange and Novell GroupWise environments.23. Lotus Notes DiagnosticРекомендую для анализа NSD файлов. |#^#]>Lotus Notes Diagnostic|#^#]>Может кто-нибудь знает еще другой софт для подобной задачи? 24. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 62 ...Вышел новый выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент.25. Р"С"РїСгСГРє СѬР°СГСГС"Р"РєРё "Lotus Notes/Domino -- РїСѬРѭРґСгРєС" Рё РёРѬСГС ...Р"С"СРѭР" РѬРѭРІС"Р№ РІС"РїСгСГРє СѬР°СГСГС"Р"РєРё "Lotus Notes/Domino -- РїСѬРѭРґСгРєС" Рё РёРѬСГС"СѬСгРѭРѭРѬС".26. Lotus My Widget'sЗдраствуйте.У меня проблема, необходимо создать widget в клиенте Lotus Notes, делающий следующее: 1. При наведении курсора мыши на текст (например notes имя ) должна появляться подсказка в виде всплывающего окна 2. Информация в этой подсказке должна браться из документа в другой БД (например из справочника организации) Возможно ли сделать это при помощи Lotus my Widget или необходимо использовать Lotus C API? Возможно есть какие либо еще предположения как это сделать? 27. И программа - IBM Lotus Notes :И программа - IBM Lotus Notes :28. Animal cruelty alleged at Las Vegas apartmentLotus Notes Letterhead29. Используемые на предприятии системы учёта и документооборота (1С и Lotus Notes ...Используемые на предприятии системы учёта и документооборота (1С и Lotus Notes ...30. Держу вайн на рабочем компе только из за 2Gis и Lotus Notes/CompanyMedia, дома ...Держу вайн на рабочем компе только из за 2Gis и Lotus Notes/CompanyMedia, дома ...31. Re: [недоумевает]ну, во 1х, как ты, наверное, знаешь, Lotus Notes у меня стоит : Блиц-опрос
Вакансии для специалистов1. Senior Project Manager Migration from Exchange to Lotus NotesReference # : 09-00096 Title : Senior Project Manager Migration from Exchange to Lotus Notes Location : Pittsburgh, PA Experience Level : 3 Years Start Date : Thu, Feb 19, 2009 Position Type : Contra...2. Desktop Support with Lotus Notes 6.0+--Description-- I am looking for an experienced Desktop Support candidate with experience supporting Lotus Notes 6.0+, Remedy, Exchange and SMS. --Requirements-- Must Have Experience in: Lotus Notes V...3. LOTUS NOTES ADMINISTRATORAll applicants must have a minimum of 3 years IT Industry experience in order to apply. No 3rd party resumes accepted.Tampa, FlRequired:Must have 3-5 years experience with Lotus Notes Server Administr...4. Senior Lotus Notes / Domino Web DeveloperSenior Lotus Notes / Domino Web Developer. The Marketing Arm was ranked the #1 marketing agency by Promo Magazine. Founded in 1993, The Marketing Arm is a network of experiential marketing services ag...5. Senior Lotus Notes / Domino Web Developer - DallasSenior Lotus Notes/Domino Web Developer The Marketing Arm was ranked the #1 marketing agency by Promo Magazine. Founded in 1993, The Marketing Arm is a network of experiential marketing services agenc...6. Lotus Notes Domino DeveloperClassification: Consulting Compensation: Pay up to $35.00 per hour We are currently looking for a dynamic Lotus Developer for a multi-project engagement. Ideally, the candidate will have 5+ years expe...7. Desktop Support with Lotus Notes ExperienceEnterprise Desktop Support with Lotus Notes Prior desktop support & troubleshooting experience, High degree of knowledge of Lotus Notes 6.0 or above, High degree of knowledge of Microsoft Windows XP, ...8. Lotus Notes DeveloperResponsibilities: Our client is seeking a Lotus Notes Developer. The responsibilities and duties of this position include but are not limited to: Create applications from detailed specifications using...9. Network Engineer Asc - Lotus NotesThe individual is a Tier 3 Helpdesk resource utilizing Lotus Notes and Intranet Quorum to track all customer support related issues including installation of new equipment. Strong oral and written com...10. Network Engineer Asc - Lotus NotesThe individual is a Tier 3 Helpdesk resource utilizing Lotus Notes and Intranet Quorum to track all customer support related issues including installation of new equipment. Strong oral and written com...11. Desktop with Lotus Notes--Description-- Helpdesk/Desktop with Lotus Notes 6.5 version Icon Information Consultants is looking to hire a Helpdesk/Desktop in Houston, Texas with Lotus Notes 6.5 version. If qualify and interest...Закладки о Lotus Notes1. IBM Lotus Domino and Notes Information Center2. Lead Manager CAComposite Application from the designers of Lotus Notes. Note that there also exist a XPages version of this app3. 5ives4. GTD, Lotus Notes & the eProductivity Challenge: The Weekly Review"I'm a big fan of coaching. Whether talking about a presentation coach to help hone your skills on the stage, a performance coach to help you better your 5k time or a life coach to get you to focus on your overall goals and objectives, coaching is a fantastic way to help you achieve your potential and then reach for..."5. Sync Lotus Notes with iPhone - iPhone Lotus Notes Sync - Lotus Notes Calendar - Lotus Notes Mail - Lotus Notes Contacts - Lotus Notes Todo - Lotus Notes iPhone | Jimmy Mooney Interactive6. Lotus Notes and Domino wiki7. Managing your From address(es) in Notes8. No-cost Policy and Procedure Compliance Solution from SWING Software9. No-cost Policy and Procedure Compliance Solution from SWING SoftwareNew SWING DocPublisher Express Edition is a no-cost solution to company Policy & Procedure Management10. No-cost Policy and Procedure Compliance Solution from SWING SoftwareNew SWING DocPublisher Express Edition is a no-cost solution to company Policy & Procedure Management11. Dec's Dom Blog12. Initializing Notes Session with VBScript : notes, vbscript, lotus, session13. VB and VBA - Lotus Notes Send Email from VB or VBASession.Initialize("password")14. Send Mail Through Lotus NotesBodyText15. HAVEWORLD: VBScript and Lotus NotesMsgBox "Could Not Create FileSystemObject",16,"File System Object Error."16. Using Lotus Notes: Automatic mail sending, mail template, master mail17. VBS MailDoc BCC mail - Google Search18. CodeProject: Automate Client Lotus mail using Java Script . Free source code and programming help19. Re: VB mail using Lotus Notes20. Lotus Notes/Domino Tutorial: Sending an Automated Lotus Notes Mail with attachment using VBS and Windows Task Scheduler21. Run agent on selected categorySample code to run an agent on all documents of a selected category22. Dynamic table on a Notes formAndre Guirard writes about dynamic tables23. Designing for Performance Sample App by Andre GuirardA demo application showing alternatives to date-based and "private on first use" views, which I showed screen shots from in my session. It also contains a script library and agents for exporting documents to different brands of spreadsheet.24. IBM Redbooks | Performance Considerations for Domino ApplicationsThis document describes performance considerations when developing applications for Domino R5.0 or R4.6. We discuss the following issues in detail: - How to consider performance and capacity when designing and developing a Domino application - How to analyze a Domino application that does not meet its performance and capacity goals While both platform setup (Domino server and operating system) and application architecture need to be considered when looking at performance and capacity, this book focus on the application perspective. This redbook was written for Domino designers and programmers, customers, IBM Business Partners, and members of the IBM and Lotus community who need a good technical understanding of how to develop applications that scale and perform using Lotus Domino R5.0 and R4.6.25. Performance basics for IBM Lotus Notes developersThis white paper addresses the most important and most serious factors affecting IBM® Lotus® Notes® and Domino® application performance. It is intended for developers of Notes client applications, to help them maximize performance by identifying problem areas and by offering solutions.26. Notes from Support: Reader Names fields can impact performance27. Troubleshooting application performance: Part 1: Troubleshooting techniques and code tips28. Troubleshooting application performance: Part 2: New tools in Lotus Notes/Domino 729. Application Performance Tuning, Part 130. Application Performance Tuning, Part 231. Lotus Notes/Domino 7 application performance: Part 1: Database properties and document collections32. Lotus Notes/Domino 7 application performance: Part 2: Optimizing database views33. Martin Scott Consulting | Performance Engineering Notes/Domino ApplicationsNotes is very complex with a huge array of capabilities, some of which are very sensitive to non-optimal usage. There is a lot of documentation on server performance, but application performance is not well documented or understood. This document explains actual performance tuning techniques used successfully on large-scale Notes application designs.34. Learning XPages Seriea series of blog entries on learning XPages35. Demonstration Application for XPagesA web based IBM Lotus Domino R8.5 application used to demonstrate many aspects of the new XPages technology. Launched via a web browser, the user can navigate through the provided links menu and see how many of the XPages features might work on a real application.Источники знаний. Сайты с книгами
Lotus Notes. Видео и изображения1. Learning Plug-In for IBM Lotus Notes![]() The Learning Plug-In for IBM Lotus Notes is a sidebar plug-in that is used to view and filter learning materials inside your IBM® Lotus Notes® 8 client. The plug-in includes demonstrations, videos, tutorials, product tour, web seminars, and reference cards for learning Lotus Notes. Download the plug-in here: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/dx/learning-plug-in-for-ibm-lotus-notes Author: sharynr18 2. Elguji Softwares IdeaJam Wins Lotus Award at Lotusphere 2009![]() A short video clip showing Elguji's IdeaJam winning: Elguji Software,... Author: belgort 3. Creating a generic mail account (not associated to a user) in Lotus Notes![]() Check out my blog: http://st1.rivettassociates.com/Web/Vaughans.nsf/ This video shows you how to create a mailin (mail-in) database in Lotus Notes. This is handy when you want to provide for the ability for mail to be sent to a mailbox which will be cleared by a team (or department). For example, you might want to have a generic sales email address which all of the sales department can see. Author: vrivett 4. DAMO Contacts Comparison![]() Comparing Contacts between Lotus Notes 8.5 and Microsoft Outlook... Author: ProminicNET 5. DAMO Email and Calendar Comparison![]() Email and Calendar comparisons between Lotus Notes 8.5 and Microsoft... Author: ProminicNET 6. Notes 8 5 for Mac Installation![]() Lotus Notes 8.5 for Mac Installation Tutorial Author: ProminicNET
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