This code exports excel data to Calc (similar to exporting Notes Data to MS Excel). Paste the code below in a view button and make necessary changes to the fields and columns numbers as required. Hope you'll enjoy using it Sub Click(Source As Button) ''==''==''==''=='' Code For Creating Office Application Automation Object ''==''==''==''=='' Dim SM As Variant Dim Desktop As Variant Dim args() As Variant Dim calApplication As Variant Dim worksheet As Variant Dim cell As Variant '' Creating Handle To OpenOffice Object Set SM = CreateObject("") '' Create The Front-End Reference Set Desktop = SM.createInstance("") '' Opening The Excel Application On Desktop Giving Focus Set calApplication = Desktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/scalc", "_blank" , 0 , args) '' Setting Sheet Name Set worksheet = calApplication.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1") ''Set cell = worksheet.getCellByPosition(0,0) ''cell.setString("Testing Transport To OpenOffice") ''==''==''==''=='' Code For Creating Office Application Automation A Object ''==''==''==''=='' Dim uiws As New NotesUIWorkspace Dim uiview As NotesUIView Dim view As NotesView Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim counter As Integer Dim xlr,xlc,loops As Integer Dim cell1,cell2,cell3 As Variant Set uiview = uiws.CurrentView Set view = uiview.View loops = view.AllEntries.Count Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument Dim i As Integer i=0 For i=0 To loops-1 '' '' Exporting Notes-Data Code To OpenOffice Calc Applicaiton Set cell1 = worksheet.getCellByPosition(0,i) Set cell2 = worksheet.getCellByPosition(1,i) Set cell3 = worksheet.getCellByPosition(2,i) cell1.setString(Cstr(doc.EDForwardID(0))) cell2.setString(Cstr(doc.EDEmpMailID(0))) cell3.setString(Cstr(doc.EDEmpPh(0))) If(i<loops-1) Then Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc) End If Next worksheet.Columns.Autofit End Sub
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Upgrading to LotusNotes/Domino 8.5 URL: Title:
LotusNotes/Domino 8.x Out of Office Service:
Reference # : 09-00096 Title : Senior Project Manager Migration from Exchange to Lotus Notes Location : Pittsburgh, PA
Experience Level : 3 Years Start Date : Thu, Feb 19, 2009 Position Type : Contra...
The purpose of this knowledge collection is to provide links to a select group of documents and resources that educate readers on the items and issues to take into consideration when upgrading to Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5.
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This video goes to show how upset I am about the software released by IBM called Lotus Foundations. It may mean that I will not be able to make as much money on simple every day tasks like I have been able to in the past. I have been a Lotus Notes Consultant based in Auckland, New Zealand for quite a number of years. Now I have something great to work with.
Beheer alle audio- en video endpoints in een videonetwerk, registreer de gebruikers, gebruik verkorte kiescodes voor een conferentie, boek met scheduling functies via MS Outlook of Lotus Notes een video conference, conference calling met desktop clients via webcam, beheer alle conferentie apparatuur met één systeem.