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Provides methods, theming, connection, and validation tests for the Xero Accounting System with the PHP-Xero library.
The PHP-Xero library is published under the MIT license, which means you must download this library separately. Xero.com uses a RESTful approach with oauth using an RSA encryption method. This method is not currently compatible with oauth, and you should not use that module with Xero API.
This uses Xero's private application model. You will need to follow their instructions to setup your private application for your organization.
Methods: Query data, cache data, and build forms around data.
Theming: Theme functions and templates for basic data types.
Tests: Connection test and validation assertions using SimpleTest.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsWebform DialogBy flobruit on the 27th of September, 2010
Integrate Webforms with the Dialog API.
Out of the box, this module provides a block for each Webform node. When enabled for the current page, this block is displayed as a link attached to the side of the browser window (independently of its region). The link opens a dialog containing the Webform.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsSnapitBy teezee on the 27th of September, 2010
Snapit is a version control system for Drupal settings, blocks, views, roles and permissions, for use in deployments or setting up a new Drupal installation based on a previous configuration. Snapit creates a snapshot of those implementers and with that allows exporting, importing, reverting and comparing changes.
"Tired of deploying by setting your configuration changes twice? Just Snapit!"
Snapit allows you to:
Create a snapshot of selected parts of the configuration,
View the differences between different snapshots (like diffing revisions),
Export snapshots for use in deployments (including sigining the export),
Import snapshots (with automatically setting a system restore point).
There are some modules around that help in fixing the ever-difficult problem of succesfully deploy between development, staging and production environments, the difference between those modules and Snapit are mostly focused on:
A lightweight solution; we think you shouldn't punish visitors with a slow website, just because you had to install 10+ modules to do the job.
Provide insight in deployments; we believe deploying shouldn't feel like a blind-folded deploy-and-pray experience, comfort by knowing what is going to happen is important.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsClamAV
By James Andres on the 27th of September, 2010
Drupal integration with the ClamAV virus scanner.
The module does not provide an anti-virus scanner; it integrates with the clamscan program which is part of the ClamAV project.
Out of the box, this module provides a block for each Webform node. When enabled for the current page, this block is displayed as a link attached to the side of the browser window (independently of its region). The link opens a dialog containing the Webform.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsSnapitBy teezee on the 27th of September, 2010
Snapit is a version control system for Drupal settings, blocks, views, roles and permissions, for use in deployments or setting up a new Drupal installation based on a previous configuration. Snapit creates a snapshot of those implementers and with that allows exporting, importing, reverting and comparing changes.
"Tired of deploying by setting your configuration changes twice? Just Snapit!"
Snapit allows you to:
Create a snapshot of selected parts of the configuration,
View the differences between different snapshots (like diffing revisions),
Export snapshots for use in deployments (including sigining the export),
Import snapshots (with automatically setting a system restore point).
There are some modules around that help in fixing the ever-difficult problem of succesfully deploy between development, staging and production environments, the difference between those modules and Snapit are mostly focused on:
A lightweight solution; we think you shouldn't punish visitors with a slow website, just because you had to install 10+ modules to do the job.
Provide insight in deployments; we believe deploying shouldn't feel like a blind-folded deploy-and-pray experience, comfort by knowing what is going to happen is important.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsClamAV
By James Andres on the 27th of September, 2010
Drupal integration with the ClamAV virus scanner.
The module does not provide an anti-virus scanner; it integrates with the clamscan program which is part of the ClamAV project.
This module creates pop up browser windows... Please, don't shoot me, lol! It was requested by client, so, here is it.
Module description:
When visitors click on the direct link for the image, at the same time as they are taken to the image they will be viewing, a window pops open using JavaScript. Module allows to configure the content and size of that window from the Drupal admin panel.
How it works:
It adds jQuery string with JS window.open.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsHighcharts APIBy pedrorocha on the 27th of September, 2010
Placeholder for an API to convert Drupal data into Highcharts (http://www.highcharts.com/)
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsCCBillBy haagendazs on the 27th of September, 2010
The CCBill module provides an API that allows you to integrate your Drupal site with CCBill. CCBill is a service that handles credit card transactions instead of the website itself having to deal with any financial information.
The CCBill module provides a hook called hook_ccbill. This hook gets called when a new subscription is added or an existing subscription expires, using CCBill's DataLink API.
I am planning to release an add-on module that makes use of the provided hooks and integrates the CCBill module with the Rules module (so site admins can easily create a custom action once a user's subscription gets activated, such as changing that user's role) as well as the Views module (to expose a user's subscription details in a view easily).
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsRedis
By irakli on the 26th of September, 2010
Integration of Drupal with the Redis key-value store, similar to how Memcache API module integrates Drupal with Memcached.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsGoogle RankingsBy EdgarPE on the 26th of September, 2010
Google rankings module gives you detailed statistics about the websites positions on Google results pages. This is achieved by analyzing HTTP referers headers set by Google web search.
There are two types of referes. The old referer format (google.com/search) carries information about the queriy string and the page number, the link was in. But the new referer format (google.com/url) besides the query string also contains information about the position of the link, on Google SERP. At the moment, about 25%-30% of the traffic sent by Google has the new referer format, and 70%-75% has the old format.
This module relies on core Statistics module to be enabled and configured to collect access log information. If you are using a module (like Boost for example) or any other type of software configuration which breaks the anonymous usage statistics, than this module will not work.
Snapit is a version control system for Drupal settings, blocks, views, roles and permissions, for use in deployments or setting up a new Drupal installation based on a previous configuration. Snapit creates a snapshot of those implementers and with that allows exporting, importing, reverting and comparing changes.
"Tired of deploying by setting your configuration changes twice, just Snapit!"
Snapit allows you to:
Create a snapshot of selected parts of the configuration,
View the differences between different snapshots (like diffing revisions),
Export snapshots for use in deployments (including sigining the export),
Import snapshots (with automatically setting a system restore point).
There are some modules around that help in fixing the ever-difficult problem of succesfully deploy between development, staging and production environments, the difference between those modules and Snapit are mostly focused on:
A lightweight solution; we think you shouldn't punish visitors with a slow website, just because you had to install 10+ modules to do the job.
Provide insight in deployments; we believe deploying shouldn't feel like a blind-folded deploy-and-pray experience, comfort by knowing what is going to happen is important.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsClamAV
By James Andres on the 27th of September, 2010
Drupal integration with the ClamAV virus scanner.
The module does not provide an anti-virus scanner; it integrates with the clamscan program which is part of the ClamAV project.
Магазины приложений - последний писк IT-моды, и, похоже, Microsoft планирует включить такой магазин в свою следующую версию Office. Портал "Windows 8 Beta" обнаружил, что на карьерном сайте Microsoft появилась вакансия для маркетинговой работы в команде Office 15. В её описании упоминается нечто под названием "Office App Store".
В преддверии ноябрьского релиза Kinect компания Microsoft выпустила несколько рекламных роликов своего инновационного контроллера, которые ознаменовали начало обширной маркетинговой кампании.
Microsoft подтвердила информацию о том, что во вторник, 28 сентября, выпустит внеочередное обновление безопасности, устраняющее уязвимость в фреймворке ASP.Net, который используется при создании веб-сайтов.
Нацбанк Украины установил на 27 сентября официальные курсы валют на уровне:790,9400 грн. за $100;1060,8087 грн. за 100 евро;2,5557 грн. за 10 руб. РФ.Напомним, на 24 сентября Нацбанком Украины были установлены следующие официальные курсы валют:791,6200...
Нацбанк Украины установил на 27 сентября следующие официальные (учетные) курсы банковских металлов за 10 тройских унций:золото - 102664,01 грн.серебро - 1688,66 грн.платина - 130030,54 грн.палладий - 44134,45 грн.Напомним, на...
Одним из важнейших действий по получению государственной субсидии на открытие собственного дела, является составление грамотного бизнес-плана. В данном случае для того, чтобы именно ваша бизнес-идея получила одобрение вышестоящих инстанций надо знать немного человеческую психологию и обладать красноречием.
Еще одной новинкой Hyundai на автосалоне в Париже станет модель i10. Обновленная версия популярного городского хетчбэка получила однолитровый двигатель с выбросом CO2 99 г/км.