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Видеофайл: Монтаж подвесного потолка, на балконе
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Модуль: Clear saved password field
2010-09-11 07:59 parad0x

This module clears the saved password from the user account pages.

You no longer need to clear it manually whenever editing a user account. It also helps prevents accidentally changing the password of a different user to that of your own.

Note that this module won't erase the password from your browser's configuration, it just clears the field to improve usability.



Тема оформления: Drush
2010-09-11 07:59 parad0x

$ drush dl zen cassette
$ drush cassette "My theme name"

Or, if you desperately don't want Protocons:

$ drush cassette "My theme name" --protocons=n

Make sure Drush scans the sites/all/themes directory for commands.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsParticle
By Daglees on the 9th of September, 2010

A port of Chris Spooner's Wordpress based design concept.

Complete with clean and valid code, a few touches of CSS3 and some quick fixes to help out old IE6.

Basic Features:

XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1 validated
2 column layout
Fixed width layout
Primary and secondary links

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsAlpine
By sk33lz on the 8th of September, 2010

Alpine is a GPL v3 Wordpress theme that I converted to Drupal 6. I have already added some extra regions and plan to add more in later versions. There are also 100% CSS Only Menu drop downs. It is great for a nature blog, hiking blog, other generally any other outdoors related website.


Top and Bottom Content Regions
2 Column Layout
Pure CSS Primary Links Menu Dropdowns

Sponsored by Arbor Web Development

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsWedding Bells
By sk33lz on the 7th of September, 2010

Wedding Bells is a GPL theme that I ported from Wordpress. I did my best to keep it exactly like the original theme. This is one of my first ported Drupal themes, so please share any criticisms or suggestions for improvement in the issue queue.

I plan to add several more regions to the theme to make it a more versatile theme for block and content configurations. The included header image can easily be changed out to an image of your choice, which can instantly change the overall theme of the site without much other work.

Special Features

Fully XHTML and CSS Valid
Pure CSS Dropdown Menus

Future Plans

Add extra regions to make the theme more versatile.

Sponsored by Arbor Web Development

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsNodeStream base themeBy dixon_ on the 4th of September, 2010

This is the default theme for the NodeStream profile. It uses the Precision base theme which is a theme designed for use with Panels Everywhere.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsaCoffee
By Stocker on the 31st of August, 2010

aCoffee theme is the one-or-two-columns Free Drupal theme with a fixed width. There are some icons for Twitter, RSS and a forum and a favicon. Rich green and warm brown colors create an impression of comfort. This theme is perfectly suitable for a blog, websites of cafe and web-cafe-guides with news, reviews and comments.


Columns: 1 or 2.
12 regions.
Cross-Browser tested:
Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 7 and 8, Opera 9.5+, Google Chrome and Safari 3 and 4.
Width: Fixed, 970 px.
Color: green, brown.
Valid XHTML and CSS.

This theme is developed by Template-Stock.com.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsEauBy xmacinfo on the 30th of August, 2010

“Eau” is a new fluid-width theme in development.

For the moment this is a placeholder to reserve the name.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsStreamBy dixon_ on the 29th of August, 2010

Stream is the default theme for the NodeStream profile.

Stream uses the Precision base theme which is a theme designed for use with Panels Everywhere.


Тема оформления: Cassette
2010-09-11 07:59 parad0x

An alternative Zen starter kit. It comes with the Protocons icon library by default.

More detailed information will follow soon. Meanwhile, if you're curious, check out the repository.

Get started

Drush is the easiest way to set up a "Cassette" Zen starter kit:

$ drush dl zen cassette
$ drush cassette "My theme name"

Or, if you desperately don't want Protocons:

$ drush cassette "My theme name" --protocons=n

Make sure Drush scans the sites/all/themes directory for commands.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsParticle
By Daglees on the 9th of September, 2010

A port of Chris Spooner's Wordpress based design concept.

Complete with clean and valid code, a few touches of CSS3 and some quick fixes to help out old IE6.

Basic Features:

XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1 validated
2 column layout
Fixed width layout
Primary and secondary links

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsAlpine
By sk33lz on the 8th of September, 2010

Alpine is a GPL v3 Wordpress theme that I converted to Drupal 6. I have already added some extra regions and plan to add more in later versions. There are also 100% CSS Only Menu drop downs. It is great for a nature blog, hiking blog, other generally any other outdoors related website.


Top and Bottom Content Regions
2 Column Layout
Pure CSS Primary Links Menu Dropdowns

Sponsored by Arbor Web Development

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsWedding Bells
By sk33lz on the 7th of September, 2010

Wedding Bells is a GPL theme that I ported from Wordpress. I did my best to keep it exactly like the original theme. This is one of my first ported Drupal themes, so please share any criticisms or suggestions for improvement in the issue queue.

I plan to add several more regions to the theme to make it a more versatile theme for block and content configurations. The included header image can easily be changed out to an image of your choice, which can instantly change the overall theme of the site without much other work.

Special Features

Fully XHTML and CSS Valid
Pure CSS Dropdown Menus

Future Plans

Add extra regions to make the theme more versatile.

Sponsored by Arbor Web Development

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsNodeStream base themeBy dixon_ on the 4th of September, 2010

This is the default theme for the NodeStream profile. It uses the Precision base theme which is a theme designed for use with Panels Everywhere.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsaCoffee
By Stocker on the 31st of August, 2010

aCoffee theme is the one-or-two-columns Free Drupal theme with a fixed width. There are some icons for Twitter, RSS and a forum and a favicon. Rich green and warm brown colors create an impression of comfort. This theme is perfectly suitable for a blog, websites of cafe and web-cafe-guides with news, reviews and comments.


Columns: 1 or 2.
12 regions.
Cross-Browser tested:
Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 7 and 8, Opera 9.5+, Google Chrome and Safari 3 and 4.
Width: Fixed, 970 px.
Color: green, brown.
Valid XHTML and CSS.

This theme is developed by Template-Stock.com.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsEauBy xmacinfo on the 30th of August, 2010

“Eau” is a new fluid-width theme in development.

For the moment this is a placeholder to reserve the name.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsStreamBy dixon_ on the 29th of August, 2010

Stream is the default theme for the NodeStream profile.

Stream uses the Precision base theme which is a theme designed for use with Panels Everywhere.



Модуль: Cache Converter
2010-09-11 07:59 parad0x

This module provides an additional style to use with the calendar module. The features provided are:

- week view with calandar items stretched between the from and to datetimes. Similar to this issue: show events with FROM/TO spanning multiple hours on calendar day view. One use is for the weekly schedule of a radio or television station.

- daily view with calandar items stretched between the from and to datetimes. Either a horizontal or vertical orientation.

- option to create new calandar items by clicking on empty spaces within the calendar. Works in conjuction with the Prepopulate Module. In conjunction with the MERCI Reservation module this view allows for functionality similar to phpScheduleIt

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsKwicksBy Cristhian on the 10th of September, 2010

Allows Drupal to create kwicks-like menus.

Official kwicks website:


Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsGo PEARBy Cristhian on the 10th of September, 2010

Provides integration with the PEAR framework.

Includes a helper that downloas the library through http://pear.php.net/go-pear.

Most PEAR's contributed libraries try to include files directly from the root, example:

Go pear provides a way to swich on/off the default include_path to work with them.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsSimple Payments PayPointBy miiimooo on the 10th of September, 2010

This adds PayPoint.net (former SecPay) support to the simple_payments system.

This module was written to support webform_pay and take payments through the webform module.

At the moment this module is in testing (=under development). There isn't much documentation. Have a look at the source if in need.

To get you started here an example of Payment settings in a webform_pay component.

title|Payment summary
button|Make payment

Sponsored by World Development Movement

Requires simple_payments and cURL.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsWebform Pay ComponentBy miiimooo on the 10th of September, 2010

This module adds a new component to webform for taking payments using the simple_payments module (paypal, moneybookers, paypoint).

At the moment this module is in testing (=under development). There isn't much documentation. Have a look at the source if in need. It's only being tested with the simple_payments_paypoint module so far.

Requires the webform module (3.x) and simple_payments.

Sponsored by World Development Movement.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUser Edit PermissionsBy maartendeblock on the 10th of September, 2010

The 'User edit permissions' module creates permissions for every role 'edit user with role x' and a permission 'edit user 1'.

This way you can give users permission to edit other user.

This is useful if you have different hierarchy in you organization and you want to allow role 'helpdesk' to change all users except user 1 and everyone in 'upper management'.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPayEx
By mikl on the 10th of September, 2010

PayEx online payments API integration module.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsHose XMLBy rayvaughn on the 10th of September, 2010

There?s nothing here yet, come back soon...

Hose XML exports nodes as XML via a UI generated fields to XML mapping profile.


Field content validation rules defined in profile
CCK support
XML export as an action
XML dumped to file raw or zipped

Coming soon:

XML import - create or update node via profile

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsSmart CropBy grendzy on the 9th of September, 2010

Smart Crop is an imagecache action that crops based on entropy, which produces more pleasing results when cropping to a fixed aspect (for example it can help prevent cutting off people's heads when cropping a portrait to a square).



Модуль: Go PEAR
2010-09-11 07:59 parad0x

Provides integration with the PEAR framework.

Includes a helper that downloas the library through http://pear.php.net/go-pear.

Most PEAR's contributed libraries try to include files directly from the root, example:

Go pear provides a way to swich on/off the default include_path to work with them.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsSimple Payments PayPointBy miiimooo on the 10th of September, 2010

This adds PayPoint.net (former SecPay) support to the simple_payments system.

This module was written to support webform_pay and take payments through the webform module.

At the moment this module is in testing (=under development). There isn't much documentation. Have a look at the source if in need.

To get you started here an example of Payment settings in a webform_pay component.

title|Payment summary
button|Make payment

Sponsored by World Development Movement

Requires simple_payments and cURL.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsWebform Pay ComponentBy miiimooo on the 10th of September, 2010

This module adds a new component to webform for taking payments using the simple_payments module (paypal, moneybookers, paypoint).

At the moment this module is in testing (=under development). There isn't much documentation. Have a look at the source if in need. It's only being tested with the simple_payments_paypoint module so far.

Requires the webform module (3.x) and simple_payments.

Sponsored by World Development Movement.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUser Edit PermissionsBy maartendeblock on the 10th of September, 2010

The 'User edit permissions' module creates permissions for every role 'edit user with role x' and a permission 'edit user 1'.

This way you can give users permission to edit other user.

This is useful if you have different hierarchy in you organization and you want to allow role 'helpdesk' to change all users except user 1 and everyone in 'upper management'.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPayEx
By mikl on the 10th of September, 2010

PayEx online payments API integration module.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsHose XMLBy rayvaughn on the 10th of September, 2010

There?s nothing here yet, come back soon...

Hose XML exports nodes as XML via a UI generated fields to XML mapping profile.


Field content validation rules defined in profile
CCK support
XML export as an action
XML dumped to file raw or zipped

Coming soon:

XML import - create or update node via profile

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsSmart CropBy grendzy on the 9th of September, 2010

Smart Crop is an imagecache action that crops based on entropy, which produces more pleasing results when cropping to a fixed aspect (for example it can help prevent cutting off people's heads when cropping a portrait to a square).



Модуль: Kwicks
2010-09-11 07:59 parad0x

Allows Drupal to create kwicks-like menus.

Official kwicks website:


Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsGo PEARBy Cristhian on the 10th of September, 2010

Provides integration with the PEAR framework.

Includes a helper that downloas the library through http://pear.php.net/go-pear.

Most PEAR's contributed libraries try to include files directly from the root, example:

Go pear provides a way to swich on/off the default include_path to work with them.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsSimple Payments PayPointBy miiimooo on the 10th of September, 2010

This adds PayPoint.net (former SecPay) support to the simple_payments system.

This module was written to support webform_pay and take payments through the webform module.

At the moment this module is in testing (=under development). There isn't much documentation. Have a look at the source if in need.

To get you started here an example of Payment settings in a webform_pay component.

title|Payment summary
button|Make payment

Sponsored by World Development Movement

Requires simple_payments and cURL.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsWebform Pay ComponentBy miiimooo on the 10th of September, 2010

This module adds a new component to webform for taking payments using the simple_payments module (paypal, moneybookers, paypoint).

At the moment this module is in testing (=under development). There isn't much documentation. Have a look at the source if in need. It's only being tested with the simple_payments_paypoint module so far.

Requires the webform module (3.x) and simple_payments.

Sponsored by World Development Movement.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUser Edit PermissionsBy maartendeblock on the 10th of September, 2010

The 'User edit permissions' module creates permissions for every role 'edit user with role x' and a permission 'edit user 1'.

This way you can give users permission to edit other user.

This is useful if you have different hierarchy in you organization and you want to allow role 'helpdesk' to change all users except user 1 and everyone in 'upper management'.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPayEx
By mikl on the 10th of September, 2010

PayEx online payments API integration module.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsHose XMLBy rayvaughn on the 10th of September, 2010

There?s nothing here yet, come back soon...

Hose XML exports nodes as XML via a UI generated fields to XML mapping profile.


Field content validation rules defined in profile
CCK support
XML export as an action
XML dumped to file raw or zipped

Coming soon:

XML import - create or update node via profile

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsSmart CropBy grendzy on the 9th of September, 2010

Smart Crop is an imagecache action that crops based on entropy, which produces more pleasing results when cropping to a fixed aspect (for example it can help prevent cutting off people's heads when cropping a portrait to a square).



Модуль: User Edit Permissions
2010-09-11 07:59 parad0x

The 'User edit permissions' module creates permissions for every role 'edit user with role x' and a permission 'edit user 1'.

This way you can give users permission to edit other user.

This is useful if you have different hierarchy in you organization and you want to allow role 'helpdesk' to change all users except user 1 and everyone in 'upper management'.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPayEx
By mikl on the 10th of September, 2010

PayEx online payments API integration module.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsHose XMLBy rayvaughn on the 10th of September, 2010

There?s nothing here yet, come back soon...

Hose XML exports nodes as XML via a UI generated fields to XML mapping profile.


Field content validation rules defined in profile
CCK support
XML export as an action
XML dumped to file raw or zipped

Coming soon:

XML import - create or update node via profile

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsSmart CropBy grendzy on the 9th of September, 2010

Smart Crop is an imagecache action that crops based on entropy, which produces more pleasing results when cropping to a fixed aspect (for example it can help prevent cutting of people's heads when cropping a portrait to a square).

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPassword reset restrictBy recidive on the 9th of September, 2010

Enables a period of time to be set to throttle how often a password reminder email can be sent to each user.

This can be used to prevent a user being sent multiple password reminders by a malicious visitor that knows their username.


Initial development - BrightTALK


Developed by Henrique Recidive for Code Positive.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsContext Block ClassesBy jerdavis on the 9th of September, 2010

Context Block Class gives users of the Context module the ability to define custom classes for blocks per context, both for each block and globally for a region. The module implements a context reaction, providing the interface required for adding classes to blocks which have been defined for that context. This unlocks a tremendous amount of theming flexibility for users of Context module. When combined with a grid based theme or any other theme which implements re-usable styles, the options are endless!




Enable the module.
Ensure that your theme has a copy of block.tpl.php.
Insert a PHP snippet to your theme's block.tpl.php file(s) that prints the $context_block_classes variable (see below).
To add a class to a block or to all blocks within a region, add the "Block classes" reaction to your context.

Adding the php snippet

Add this snippet to your theme's block.tpl.php inside the block's class definition:

Here's the first line of the Garland theme's block.tpl.php prior to adding the code:



Спорт и здоровье

В данный момент в ленте "Все массаже" новостей нет.

В данный момент в ленте "Все о йоге" новостей нет.

Супергерои могут довести до депрессии
2010-09-11 06:03 parad0x

С самого детства мы живем в окружении фантастических образов и сказочных героев. Они не оставляют нас и в зрелом возрасте.

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 02:07:21 +0300


Опасна ли соя для здоровья?
2010-09-11 06:03 parad0x

Исследователи из штата Северная Каролина на основании эксперимента, проведенного на обезьянах, пришли к выводу, что самцы после употребления сои ведут себя более агрессивно и отказываются контактировать с самками.

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 02:20:30 +0300


Послеродовая депрессия отца значительно влияет на психику ребёнка
2010-09-11 06:03 parad0x

Британские и американские ученые изучали влияние депрессивных состояний, развивавшихся у отцов, на поведение детей раннего возраста.

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 02:47:36 +0300


Можно ли вылечить хроническую усталость?
2010-09-11 06:03 parad0x

Ученые из Англии и Голландии объединились, чтобы выяснить, поддается ли лечению синдром хронической усталости. Пациенты, участвовавшие в исследовании, лечились методом когнитивно-поведенческой психотерапии.

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 03:01:49 +0300


Гипертонический криз
2010-09-11 06:03 parad0x

Гипертонический криз может продолжаться от нескольких часов до нескольких дней. Как помочь больному человеку в этой ситуации?

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 03:20:48 +0300


Знаете ли Вы?
2010-09-11 06:03 parad0x

Самая безопасная для здоровья, не вызывающая аллергии щетина изготавливается из нейлоновых волокон. Щетина бывает разной жесткости. Учитывайте это, выбирая щетку.

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 00:46:06 +0300


Сексуальное долголетие зависит от … простуды
2010-09-11 06:03 parad0x

Сексуальное долголетие зависит от количества заболеваний простудой, которые вам пришлось перенести на протяжении жизни. К такому выводу пришли шотландские ученые.

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 01:01:46 +0300


Мигрень помогает сохранить память в старости
2010-09-11 22:03 parad0x

Ученые из Университета Джонса Хопкинса провели исследование с участием 1448 женщин, 204 из которых регулярно страдали от приступов мигрени.

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 19:06:04 +0300


Что такое овуляция?
2010-09-11 22:03 parad0x

Что делает женщину матерью? Кто сказал, мужчина? Мужчина отвечает на вопрос «кто»? А если говорить о процессе, то это - овуляция. Нет овуляции – нет и беременности.

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 19:22:44 +0300


Какие продукты лечат молочницу?
2010-09-11 22:03 parad0x

Одной из наиболее частых причин приступа молочницы является проведение курса антибиотиков, которые в значительной степени губят наши полезные, защитные бактерии.

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 19:51:17 +0300


Очищение легких
2010-09-11 22:03 parad0x

Чеснок и лук выводят из легких эфирные масла, а фитонциды, содержащиеся в этих овощах, оказывают противомикробное и очищающее воздействие.

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 20:08:05 +0300


Как определить болезни человека по его рукам
2010-09-11 22:03 parad0x

Руки - кладезь всевозможной информации: по ним, как по книге, можно узнать не только о прошлом и будущем человека, его наклонностях и характере, но и о состоянии его здоровья - стоит только внимательно к ним приглядеться.

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 20:22:42 +0300


Очищение крови и лимфы
2010-09-11 22:03 parad0x

Хорошо очищает кровь салат из сырой тертой свеклы, слегка посоленной и заправленной растительным маслом. Отлично справляется с этим и свежевыжатый грейпфрутовый сок (100-150 г после завтрака).

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 20:44:10 +0300


Страх можно одолеть путем тренировок
2010-09-11 22:03 parad0x

Одни люди панически боятся высоты или собак, у других трясутся коленки от одной мысли, что им придется переступить порог кабинета стоматолога...

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 17:48:10 +0300


Почему возникает рак шейки матки
2010-09-12 05:03 parad0x

Частая и беспорядочная смена половых партнеров, мягко говоря, не приветствовалась еще с незапамятных времен.

Дата: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 01:23:27 +0300


Телегония в борьбе за девственность
2010-09-12 05:03 parad0x

Автор: В последнее время стало модно писать о телегонии. И не просто так, а в рамках пропаганды женской чистоты, девственности и верности. Ладно бы философствовали о морали да нравственности, так с какого-то перепугу присунули сюда еще и генетику.

Дата: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 01:42:21 +0300


Цифры и факты
2010-09-12 05:03 parad0x

Насчитывается более двух десятков серьезных заболеваний, в основе которых лежит атеросклеротическое поражение сосудов.

Дата: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 02:04:33 +0300


Яйца для красоты
2010-09-12 05:03 parad0x

Индийцы выпускают линию куриных яиц, потребление которых улучшает нашу привлекательность, также будут представлены яйца для страдающих диабетом и болезнями сердечно-сосудистой системы

Дата: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 02:20:06 +0300


Тыквенный пектин освободит организм от тяжелых металлов
2010-09-12 05:03 parad0x

Тыквенный пектин, модифицированный при помощи фермента, представит интерес для производителей джемов и других кондитерских изделий

Дата: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 02:40:33 +0300


Контрацепция - методы предупреждения беременности
2010-09-12 05:03 parad0x

Применение контрацепции является извращением естества. Мужчина и женщина созданы Богом так, что естественным последствием их соединения в браке является рождение ребенка.

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 23:54:16 +0300


Совет относительно использования презервативов - для мальчиков-подростков
2010-09-12 05:03 parad0x

Дайте вашему недорослю пару презервативов и один тюбик контрацептивного геля и скажите ему, что он должен научиться пользоваться этим, когда будет один, для того, чтобы почувствовать, как это ощущается.

Дата: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 00:02:46 +0300


В данный момент в ленте "Все о бодибилдинге" новостей нет.

Изучаем подсады, часть 1
2010-09-12 00:06 parad0x

20800 Кбайт
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Изучаем подсады, часть 1

В видео показаны различные подсады, которые используются в славяно-горицкой борьбе для ухода от атаки.

Изучаем подсады, часть 1
2010-09-12 00:06 parad0x
Изучаем подсады, часть 1


В данный момент в ленте "Воспитание ребенка" новостей нет.

Моющие средства: как отличить подделку (видео)
2010-09-11 23:13 parad0x

Моющие средства: как отличить подделку (видео)
4600 Кбайт
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В видео рассказывается, как отличить подделку от настоящего моющего средства по запаху, цвету и виду. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Среда обитания'.


В данный момент в ленте "Как узнать характер человека по чертам его лица" новостей нет.

В данный момент в ленте "Все об имени, фамилии, отчестве" новостей нет.

В данный момент в ленте "Магия и гадания (рассылка)" новостей нет.


Задорнов, Случай с Якубовичем... (аудио)
2010-09-11 23:16 parad0x

1200 Кбайт
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Данный аудиофайл является выступлением Задорнова, номер 'Случай с Якубовичем'.

Задорнов, Случай с Якубовичем... (аудио)
2010-09-11 22:14 parad0x

1200 Кбайт
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Данный аудиофайл является выступлением Задорнова, номер 'Случай с Якубовичем'.


Стандартные программы Windows 7 (видео)
2010-09-11 11:52 parad0x

Стандартные программы Windows 7 (видео)
Скачать с: 
31500 Кбайт

В данном видеоролике демонстрируются принципы работы с некоторыми программами, встроенными в Windows 7: блокнот, WordPad, Таблица символов, Калькулятор, MS Paint, записки, ножницы, панель математического ввода.

Интеграция Microsoft BI и SAP
2010-09-11 23:52 parad0x


Базы данных и бизнес-аналитика » Интеграция Microsoft BI и SAPЭкспресс-обзор вариантов отображения данных из SAP в инструментах анализа Microsoft BI. Демонстрация создания отчета в ReportBuilder на основании данных из SAP NetWeaver BI (SAP BW)....

Дата: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 15:25:26 GMT


Основы работы с Microsoft Word 2007 (видео)
2010-09-11 23:52 parad0x

Основы работы с Microsoft Word 2007 (видео)
Скачать с: 
33100 Кбайт

Данный видеоролик познакомит вас с принципами работы в Microsoft Word 2007.

В данный момент в ленте "Как вести свой бизнес: советы инвесторам, руководителям" новостей нет.

ПДД, часть 2 (видео)
2010-09-11 22:13 parad0x

ПДД, часть 2 (видео)
Скачать с: 
5500 Кбайт

В данном видео проводится анализ аварии из-за выезда автомобиля на обочину. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Главная дорога'.

За файл скажите спасибо: 
издательству "Питер"

В данный момент в ленте "Учимся строить и ремонтировать самостоятельно" новостей нет.

В данный момент в ленте "Кулинарные рецепты (рассылка)" новостей нет.

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