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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов friday, 18 jule 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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friday, 18 jule 2003

00:32 K-Y Jelly is key to science © The Register
04:55 Legato investors sue to block EMC bid, but why? © The Register
05:27 Transmeta wins deals, loses money in Q2 © The Register
08:51 Aussie unis ordered to hand over hard drives to labels © The Register
09:04 CA takes Linux to Heart © The Register
09:06 Who cares what operating system a phone uses? © The Register
09:08 Deadline looms for E-Commerce Awards © The Register
09:14 Small.biz has crap security © The Register
09:34 DARPA to invest in digital butlers © The Register
10:18 Microsoft profits and sales go skyward © The Register
11:19 Bulldog offers 2Mbps at 512K prices © The Register
12:01 Cisco IOS DoS exploit released in the wild © The Register
13:31 Triumphant return of the Hacker shirt © The Register
13:32 Introducing Re g and Hacker branded USB kit © The Register
15:39 Bush's e-mail faces DOS attack © The Register
16:25 Misguided "Anti-Piracy" bill introduced in congress © CDR-Info
16:25 Xbox sales up, Microsoft sees market share gain © CDR-Info
19:08 No more Computer for Dell © The Register
22:25 Pioneer DVR-A06 review © CDR-Info

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