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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов thursday, 10 jule 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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thursday, 10 jule 2003

07:23 RFID spy-chippers leak confidential data on the Web © The Register
07:33 Legato: EMC supplies lifeline © The Register
07:41 IE bugs keep coming © The Register
08:52 Sherwood accepts Sungard offer © The Register
08:52 Sherwood accepts Sunwood offer © The Register
09:38 Kingston targets gamers with 500MHz DDR © The Register
10:05 Ali chipset targets 800MHz FSB Pentium 4 © The Register
10:19 RIAA sues Spanish music site © The Register
10:33 Rambus renames Yellowstone as XDR DRAM © The Register
10:40 BT sets trigger level for 500 more exchanges © The Register
10:50 Sony recalls 18,000 Vaios © The Register
10:57 AMD to replace Duron with Athlon FX? © The Register
11:43 Autonomy swoops on Virage © The Register
11:51 Virus hysteria debunk-site in difficulties © The Register
11:55 Sun: Rave on over to the other side © The Register
12:17 Bill Gates tops email hoax list © The Register
14:25 Plextor launches the fastest dual format DVD recorder © CDR-Info
16:25 KANO introduces SLIM-K2Xtreme dual-interface DVD+RW portable drive for the Mac and PC © CDR-Info
16:25 Quanta Storage allies with MKE on slim-type, slot-in DVD-ROM © CDR-Info
16:25 PlayStation turns web browser © CDR-Info
16:29 HP sends SMI-S invite to partners © The Register
16:43 Prescott to clock higher at launch than anticipated © The Register
17:12 London police quiz suspected US DoE cracker © The Register
17:19 PS2 gaming service browser hacked © The Register
18:25 Global CD piracy continues to burn music industry © CDR-Info
18:25 RIAA sues Puretunes.com music web site © CDR-Info
18:25 JVC unveils multi-format, prog scan DVD recorder © CDR-Info
21:09 Intel's Tanglewood pumped full of DEC Alpha goodness © The Register

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