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00:24 Optical Disc Corporation announces industry technology breakthrough -- CDR-ROM! [CDR-Info]
00:24 Roxio to relaunch Napster this year [CDR-Info]
02:06 SonyEricsson P800 survives the hype, and some [The Register]
04:20 Microsoft joins DVD+RW Alliance! [CDR-Info]
04:20 NTI unveils Mac, PC CD/DVD burning solutions [CDR-Info]
04:20 SunnComm presents Music Studios with StudioMax [CDR-Info]
04:20 Samsung announces the world's first 52X RW combo drive! [CDR-Info]
04:20 Ulead Video/DVD software supports VR Format with On-disc Editing using Panasonic's DVD MULTI Drive [CDR-Info]
08:34 SCO offers Linux and UNIX courseware for sale to all [The Register]
09:20 M-Commerce for All [The Register]
10:15 Easynet is UK LLU leader [The Register]
10:17 US drags down HP sales [The Register]
10:58 California High Court refuses to interject in Sex.com case [The Register]
11:38 Terra Lycos in €2bn loss [The Register]
11:40 Nokia 3650 goes worldwide [The Register]
11:53 Linux, DB2, and HP-UX treats at 30 per cent off [The Register]
13:03 Three-wheeler in drive for ADSL [The Register]
15:06 Low-tech solution beats London's hi-tech congestion charge [The Register]
16:23 Lite-On IT and Sony form strategic alliance, sources say [CDR-Info]
16:43 AOL intros US-only music service [The Register]
21:16 Existentialist errors, Lent, and other gripes [The Register]
21:27 "OK - I smell a bit" - but leave us BoFHs alone! [The Register]
21:44 Cryptome Hacked [The Register]
22:43 You got Flowers! Email scam targets AOL users [The Register]
23:09 DoJ seizes Xbox mod-chip site [The Register]
23:09 DoJ seizes ISOnews site over Xbox mod chip sales [The Register]
23:27 US given direct access to data on EU airlines' computers [The Register]
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