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08:38 Ashcroft proposes vast new surveillance powers [The Register]
08:43 New wireless 11g 'standard' ends in tears [The Register]
08:48 Nintendo readies GameCube budget range for Europe [The Register]
10:02 AMD claims desktop CPU crown [The Register]
10:05 PCCW won't bid for C&W [The Register]
10:21 Morse buys AS400 house [The Register]
11:10 Sacked sysadmin arrested on hacking charges [The Register]
11:18 Demon racks up 20k BB users [The Register]
11:19 Industry split over Web services platform [The Register]
12:24 French police seize guns disguised as mobile phones [The Register]
12:41 Europe threatens to invade ICANN [The Register]
12:42 NTL seeks to clarify 1GB/day broadband cap [The Register]
14:09 Oftel slaps BT over 'unfair discounts' [The Register]
14:22 UK police release TK worm suspects [The Register]
15:44 BEA Tuxedo gets Web Services outing [The Register]
16:00 Apple refreshes Xserve [The Register]
16:20 Nominet names electoral candidates [The Register]
16:56 Text spammer fined £15,000 [The Register]
17:44 Europe plans its own NSA to 'boost cyber-security' [The Register]
18:00 Tweaks to service make Hotmail messages look like spam [The Register]
18:22 Cognima demos self healing, self updating mobile phone [The Register]
19:19 Spring-cleaning Sun debuts blades, N1 [The Register]
21:20 Music industry unveils net sales tracking tag [CDR-Info]
21:20 Lite-On Technology January sales up 13% on-year [CDR-Info]
21:20 Oak and Sunplus announce optical storage joint venture [CDR-Info]
21:20 Sonic: DVD at Work 2003 [CDR-Info]
21:20 Royalty rates for recordable DVD and CD discs at Germany!!! [CDR-Info]
22:35 Dell Dude collared in marijuana bust [The Register]
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