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02:20 Pioneer announces "ultimate VCR replacement" - offers recording to HD or DVD-R/RW [CDR-Info]
02:20 Sony enhances its line-up of dual RW drives for the PC [CDR-Info]
02:20 Pioneer announces new CD Player with HD, Memory Stick & MP3 playback [CDR-Info]
09:28 Unions call for workplace snooping clarification [The Register]
09:30 France Telecom bail-out faces EC probe [The Register]
09:42 Members rally round Liberty Alliance [The Register]
09:45 Motorola expects good year for handsets [The Register]
09:48 Sun repositions first plank in N1 strategy [The Register]
09:50 Microsoft adds security layers to ISA Server [The Register]
09:55 IBM launches supercomputing on demand [The Register]
10:43 Nvidia targets Mac games users [The Register]
10:50 Eclipse cuts broadband costs [The Register]
11:40 MS, Intel talk up portable video players [The Register]
12:08 UK racks up record games sales [The Register]
12:50 The return of the celebrity virus [The Register]
13:52 MS bids for lucrative wristwatch, fridge magnet markets [The Register]
14:36 MoD 'spams' firms ahead of Iraq call-up [The Register]
15:10 Wanadoo mum on redundancy fears [The Register]
15:20 Cirrus shows DVD recorder reference design [CDR-Info]
15:20 Philips to cut 'several thousand' more jobs, says report [CDR-Info]
15:20 Ahead posts the change log of Nero [CDR-Info]
15:39 Vodafone, DT tussle for O2 Netherlands - report [The Register]
16:18 MS dumps .NET tag in latest Windows Server name change [The Register]
16:20 Philips introduces two new recorders and a DVD recorder home theater system [CDR-Info]
16:21 RITEK, displaying high speed DVD discs at CES Show in US [CDR-Info]
16:21 IDS launch Komodo - all in one CD-RW & DVD ROM drive [CDR-Info]
16:21 Petters Group launches Polaroid DVD/CD-W Player/Recorder; First-of-its-kind unit features Ethernet compatibility [CDR-Info]
16:21 Book Biz mugged by burgeoning DVD sales [CDR-Info]
16:21 Toshiba DVD Players go portable [CDR-Info]
17:12 Divine Inc. extracts dotcom tithe from UK firm [The Register]
22:20 Sharp announces new DVD Recorder at CES2003 [CDR-Info]
22:20 Equator supports Windows Media Encoder 9 series with new processor at CES 2003 [CDR-Info]
22:20 SONICblue introduces world's first DVD/VCR combo that allows users to control live TV [CDR-Info]
22:20 Verbatim 4x "Producer" DVD+R/RW burner shipping [CDR-Info]
22:20 A firefight over burning DVDs [CDR-Info]
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