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01:20 BMG shakin' with DVD-Audio format [CDR-Info]
01:20 Pirates capture MGM's 'Monk' [CDR-Info]
01:20 MWSF: M-Audio plans surround sound Revolution [CDR-Info]
04:20 Alera Technologies adds 4x DVD Recorder to its Award winning line of DVD recording products [CDR-Info]
04:27 SGI finds 2,048 uses for an Itanic [The Register]
10:15 Dixons chokes on Christmas turkey [The Register]
10:25 StorageTek numbers boost prospects for storage recovery [The Register]
10:27 Cray preps X1 succesor [The Register]
10:30 Cisco recruits IBM for storage attack [The Register]
10:48 Ireland set for flat-rate Net by June [The Register]
11:03 Start-up marries blogs and camera phones [The Register]
11:54 Vodafone throttled for throat sweet stunt [The Register]
12:39 I am Centrino™, son of Banias [The Register]
12:52 Mandrake 9.0: It takes two, baby [The Register]
12:57 Misleading anti-Sun ad lands HP reseller in hot water [The Register]
13:33 College girl's breasts in your hands [The Register]
14:02 'Practical TCP/IP' at 30 per cent off [The Register]
14:35 Workers revolt at Time [The Register]
14:43 NTT Docomo slashes 3G capex [The Register]
15:05 Americans give thumbs up to biometrics [The Register]
16:21 Lite-On IT reportedly lands Acer order for one million slim-type drives [CDR-Info]
16:21 Pioneer projects its DVD recorder shipments to grow four-fold next fiscal year [CDR-Info]
16:21 Jamo announces DVR-50 DVD/DivX receiver [CDR-Info]
16:21 Eva-Tone and HexaLock join forces to fight CD-ROM piracy [CDR-Info]
16:58 UK school plans retinal scans in the dinner queue [The Register]
17:21 IBM will use Plasmon’s Ultra Density Optical (UDO) technology on iSeries eServer [CDR-Info]
17:21 Freecom announces "CLICK AND RIDE" [CDR-Info]
17:21 Plextor Europe announces PX-W4012TSe [CDR-Info]
17:21 Pinnacle Systems addresses new markets with multiple new product announcements at CES [CDR-Info]
18:22 AMD, IBM pool chipmaking development [The Register]
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