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07:20 Disctronics Blackburn completes IRMA anti-piracy compliance certification [CDR-Info]
07:20 CD-RW.org (p)-review Nero's MP4 AAC encoder [CDR-Info]
07:20 Movie studios target pirated DVDs [CDR-Info]
07:21 DVD sales are exploding... [CDR-Info]
09:33 Microsoft in spotlight over Borland swoop [The Register]
09:35 VeriSign exits UK domain retail biz [The Register]
09:38 Microsoft warns of critical flaw in Virtual Machine [The Register]
09:40 CodeWeavers targets Citrix with CrossOver Server Edition [The Register]
09:45 Borland: Q2 03 for TogetherSoft, StarBase integration [The Register]
10:33 Psion says trading meets forecasts [The Register]
10:47 BTw in new year ADSL promo [The Register]
12:09 Bulldog offers 2Mbps broadband for punters [The Register]
12:20 Peapod bought out of administration [The Register]
12:58 E-fraud costs retailers millions [The Register]
13:19 Hutchison 3G signs phones 4u [The Register]
13:40 Pay off the US National Debt - Nigerians help out! [The Register]
13:53 Final UK order deadline at Cash'n'Carrion [The Register]
14:05 Yes, I am that West Saharan grandmother [The Register]
14:21 MS staffer accused of $9m software for Ferraris scam [The Register]
15:19 Cobalt security patch creates new holes [The Register]
16:56 The Bastard Lift Operator [The Register]
16:59 120 jobs could go at Kingston as Tiscali pulls call centre contract [The Register]
16:59 120 jobs could go at Kingston as Tiscali pulls contract [The Register]
18:21 CyQve annouces CQ4048U [CDR-Info]
18:21 Italian music pirates given 4 and 1/2 years in jail! [CDR-Info]
19:21 Data privacy concerns over PCs for the disabled [The Register]
19:21 Formac introduces new DVD authoring software [CDR-Info]
22:58 T-Mobile withdraws Nokia 7210 [The Register]
23:14 Senate Closes Accidental Anonymizer [The Register]
23:33 EDS seals $4.5bn gig with Bank of America [The Register]
23:36 Telco kit sales get slumpier in 2003 - Alcatel [The Register]
23:57 Big chem deploys DMCA to takedown parody site [The Register]
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