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01:55 Extreme CPUs: 430 cores on a die [The Register]
02:21 Macrovision forms music technology division [CDR-Info]
08:40 HP pencils Mid-2003 for Madison Superdome [The Register]
08:41 Brocade blocks McData in court battle [The Register]
08:43 Peoplesoft upgrades CRM with 8.8 [The Register]
08:46 NetScreen turns to SafeWeb for SSL VPNs [The Register]
08:49 Office 11 tools up for .NET [The Register]
09:40 Hutchison 3G unveils prices, services [The Register]
09:50 UK's 192 service opened up [The Register]
10:42 Hijacked? Fight over Poker.com URL [The Register]
11:40 Aussie Net libel writ extends to world+dog [The Register]
12:09 AMD takes on Xeon space with Athlon 2400+MP [The Register]
12:40 Mydomain.com, NamesDirect.com felled by DOS Attack [The Register]
12:43 DeCSS show trial opens in Oslo [The Register]
14:51 Hand back ITV Digital set tops. Or else! [The Register]
15:06 Fujitsu preps Symbian 3G smartphone [The Register]
15:23 Fujitsu Siemens Computers and Freecom intensify cooperation [CDR-Info]
15:23 VIA announces new Hyperion 4in1 drivers [CDR-Info]
15:34 Nigerian 419 fraudster baiting - Olympic sport? [The Register]
15:52 Anti Pirates - now they come for your kids [The Register]
15:52 Anti-Pirates - now they're coming for your kids [The Register]
16:06 Nokia in Q4 sales warning [The Register]
16:22 'I'm no hacker', Sklyarov tells US court [The Register]
16:22 Norway teen-ager denies DVD cyber-piracy charges [CDR-Info]
17:11 Honduras bans Quake etc. [The Register]
17:21 Hi-tech crime threatens UK plc - survey [The Register]
17:46 CPW to run Pogo services [The Register]
18:30 DALnet debilitated by DoS attacks [The Register]
22:34 MS un-denial leaves Linux option open [The Register]
23:21 321 Studios and TRITTON Technologies team up to offer a complete DVD copying suite [CDR-Info]
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