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01:22 Mexico's top judges moving offices because music pirates too loud? [CDR-Info]
01:22 Cirrus Logic becomes newest licensee of verance copy protection technology for DVD-Audio [CDR-Info]
01:22 Ahead releases NeroVision Express demo [CDR-Info]
01:41 Helms explains webcasting deal [The Register]
02:21 Blindwrite author announces a new version 4.2.4 [CDR-Info]
02:21 CD counterfeiters now targets of violent robbers [CDR-Info]
08:27 European m-commerce trials to begin [The Register]
08:33 Websense takes aim at Spyware [The Register]
08:34 ISC seeks cash amid BIND security concerns [The Register]
08:39 Battle lines drawn over XML Office formats [The Register]
08:42 DB2 8.0 ventures into chilly IT climate [The Register]
08:43 One licence for MS Jupiter apps [The Register]
10:00 Man burns penis with laptop [The Register]
10:07 Support web satire at Cash'n'Carrion [The Register]
10:42 BTo launches broadband sports service [The Register]
11:24 Lastminute.com lands profit [The Register]
11:59 Key NHS project in sick bay [The Register]
12:35 BT names more exchanges for ADSL upgrade [The Register]
13:24 Hardware News: TEAC CD-552E, TEAC DV-516E, AOpen EHW-4048U reviews [CDR-Info]
13:31 Punters 'don't need' wireless data services [The Register]
13:59 On the Microsoft FTP server leak [The Register]
14:37 BTo scores own goal [The Register]
14:51 Thomson to stop making TiVo boxes [The Register]
15:35 Samsung offers £100K reward for Heathrow DRAM theft info [The Register]
16:59 Gamers shut out in Asheron's Call 2 billing mess [The Register]
17:35 Ruin your PC with an Aqua Dock [The Register]
17:41 Sun talks future systems, N1, and WinFS [The Register]
18:56 iPoints insider slams 'bloody obsessive' customers [The Register]
19:25 Toshiba to shift DVD recorder production to China [CDR-Info]
20:25 Plextor Japan announces PX-W4012TS (40/12/40) SCSI CD-RW [CDR-Info]
23:57 Trade Wars: Micron vs. Asia [The Register]
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